Two New Converts Looking For Jobs

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two new converts looking for jobs Apr 17, 2012

my new sister in islam and myself are looking for a job in dubai. we are currently in jobs that do not allow us to wear hijab and an atomsphere where there is alcohol. We are happy in dubai because of the large muslim community but want to find peace in our daily lives which is hard when we are doing something we are conflicted with. Please let me know if you have any resources to help us. We are fluent english speakers my friend is from Austraila and I, myself am from Canada.

Thank you Kindly,


Dubai Forum Guest
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Re: Two New Converts Looking For Jobs Apr 18, 2012
Shyh ,'large muslim community'? er the entire country is muslim. Can't really offer up suggestions without knowing what your qualifications, experience and backgrounds are.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Two New Converts Looking For Jobs Apr 18, 2012
I'm assuming that you two are currently working in a hotel bar or restaurant, because that is the only place I can think of that wouldn't allow hijab and has alcohol around. There are many other service jobs etc. that have no alcohol in the workplace and allow women to wear hijab, so I'm sure you'll find a new job quickly.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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