The Theme Park

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The Theme Park Jan 05, 2012
I was hoping to start work at the Theme park as an Electrician within the next few weeks. But unfortunately the UK agency I was going to go through has had some trouble on the job and lost the contract. Does anyone on this site work at the park or happen to know who the main contractor is. The UK agency who lost the contract wont say which agency is now going to be used to recruit UK electricians.
Any help would be very appreciated.

Dubai Forum Guest
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Re: The Theme Park Jan 05, 2012
Hi Orbatron100, which 'Theme Park' are you referring to as there are many here in this part of the world?

It's very unusual to employ the services of a 'hands on' tradesperson from thre UK here in the UAE, these posts are usually filled with operatives from the Indian and Asian sub-continents. Occasionally, UK manufacturers will deploy installation and/or maintenance staff on specialist contracts but in the main, they would be in a supervisory position over locally sourced tradespeople.

The labour market over here doesn't work the same as it does in ther UK, agencies are not contracted to supply labour on a temporary contract. Are you sure the UK Agency aren't just attempting to swell their employee database with false promises?

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Re: The Theme Park Jan 05, 2012
Hi Dillon. I know two sparks who have been working over there on the theme park job (its the main one, thats all I know about it). They have been there for about 6 months just working as regular electricians. Just before Christmas they had some trouble on site and one of the tradesman supplied by this agency was arrested for being drunk on the job. When all the agency guys came back to the UK for Christmas they where told there was still work for them to go back to. Then just after new years day they got a call from the agency saying they had lost the contract and where not going to get it back. It looks like the main contractor there has had enough of the agency and dumped them.

Im not giving up though Dillon. Im determined to get over there.

Thanks for your info,

Dubai Forum Guest
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Re: The Theme Park Jan 08, 2012
what is the Name of the Theme Park where supposedly your friends were working? have too many theme Parks In Dubai.
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Re: The Theme Park Jan 10, 2012
I believe it to me called Dubai Land. Hes keeping tight lipped about it because he's trying to get back over there himself. The story thats come out is they where just partying all the time and taking beer on to the job and acting like idiots. The main contractor just had enough of them and binned the whole agency. So thats all I know so far. a few morons have ruined it for a lot of guys.

I might have to fly over there for a week and have a walk round all the building sites. See whats what for myself.
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Re: The Theme Park Jan 16, 2012
Ferrari world is not a good one, move on for something amazing
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