I am currently working in the uk in a dead end job but is quite secure for the future but I am planning to move to Dubai after completing a course to help me get a job in the finance sector. I have a wife and two small kids, who I plan to bring over at a later date and my background is in business to business sales.
I would appreciate any feedback from anyone who has done something like this and if there are any helpful Financial advisors among you who could drop me some real tips; many thanks.
Being blunt Baz, stay in the dead end, but secure, job! Its better than risking it all here in financial sector that is well and truly screwed but hasn't got the brains to realise it is dead yet. Its hire and fire here, one sneeze out of place and you are back on the street, and there are no safety nets here.
Over the next few years, having a job is going to be the single most important thing. You have one, keep it!