I would like to share a very bad experience with a Sharjah free zone catering company called "Food Garden". They will offer you a job for average salary and while signing the contract they will tell you that you'll get weekly OFF and overtime if you work for more than 9 hours.
but in reality you have to work 12 to 13 hours a day and you've to report whenever they call you as its a catering company. they don't pay you any additional charges for overtime. you will not get any weekly OFF. they don't pay you if you work friday. its a free zone visa but they will deduct the visa charges if you resign before the completion of 2 years. you'll not get a holiday during Eid also.
furthermore if the company faces any loss in the business they will deduct the amount from your salary.
I request you all who's looking for a job in Sharjah free zone, please beware of these cheap companies and specially FOOD GARDEN.