Oct 10, 2008
Hi I am about to start looking for work in Dubai but really wanted to know the answers to a few questions that I have before I head out there.
Any help would be most appreciated.
1) Are there various types of visa's which I would need or is the work visaing the main one?
There is a Residency Visa and a Work Permit, residency allows you to stay in the country, but not work; the work permit allows you to work. The system runs on a sponsorship principle, your employer sponsors both residency and labour for his employees.
2) In terms of the visa i am aware there is sponsorship sometimes available by your employer...how does this work?
Yes, see above, The empoyer is responsible for sponsorship.
3) I have heard lots of information relating to cohabitation in Dubai, I will be coming with my girlfriend we are in a long term relationship but not married will this be a problem?
This has been answered about a hundred times on the forum already. Use the search function at the top of the page for links to the threads.
4) In terms of visa how does this work? Do we both need a separate visa or can she come under mine?
NO. As you are not married you are not entitled to sponsor her. She would have to come under her own sponsorship and get a job here with an employer.
5) When I receive my visa will it be company specific? I.e. if I was to accept a position with one company then change company would I need a new visa?
Yes, its specific. Depending on the type of contract you have you could possibly transfer from one sponsor to another, but only with the sponsor’s permission and only after working a minimum of 1 year for that sponsor. If the conditions are not met you will get a 6 month labour ban, which means that you would not be able to work legally for 6 months in the UAE.
6) Is there an employment law in terms of the duration that I must stay with the company that I will be coming out to work for? Or can I move jobs as I please?
See above, there contract is normally for a 3 year period, there are penalties for breaking the contract early (depending which type you have). The law does tend to be skewed to prevent people job-hopping.
Any help that you can give me on any of the things would be great.
- dbxsoul
- Honored Member

- Posts: 1626
- Location: Dubai