New Recruits To Dubai - Work Contracts For The New Age?

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New recruits to Dubai - Work Contracts for the new age? Feb 11, 2009
I've got a friend who is a lawyer in Construction Law who has been interviewed for a job here. She's got sh*t hot credentials so I doubt she'll not get the offer, and it's looking like lots of money, but with everything looking bad I keep telling her to be careful.

Is there anything she can do to make a potential move here risk-free, or at least less risky? Most expats get relocation expenses and all that but what about re-relocation expenses if needed? Or guaranteed three months wages? Or something else to entice people to move here with all this job uncertainty around?

Has anyone here been dealing with recruitment at this funny time? Any advice on what to ask? What to ask for?

As usual, the salary is the blinding factor. Has anyone heard of salary guarantees or anything similar for new contracts?

Basically, is there anything she should ask for that the recruiters and employers won't mention. The probation factor is the killer I know, but if they want skilled expats they will have to adapt yes?

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Feb 12, 2009
Well nothing is risk-free in this environment and anything can happen in this market... but to protect herself she should make sure that her notice period is at least 3 months and that there is NO probation period, especially if she's relocating from overseas. That effectively is a salary guarantee but I think the employer would be more willing to accept that rather than the term "salary guarantee".

Also good to make sure that there is no clawback on the relocation expenses paid.

Good luck.
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Feb 12, 2009
Agreed, moving around as an expat is a big gamble to say the least.

What she needs to do is limit her financial risk/ exposure if she is considering a move. i.e. don't ship the kids, dogs, cats and rabbits out on the fist available flight.

Work out the probation period. [Ansa, there is a minimum mandatory 3 month probation period by law].

Provisions such as extended notice periods, guaranteed salaries etc. can only legally be included and enforced when included on the original of the English/ Arabic labour contract; a document which only becomes legal when it is signed in person by the employee - which for obvious reasons normally occurs when you in the UAE with the aforesaid document in front of you - a catch 22 of note.

Any other "understandings" or "company employment contracts" are not really worth the paper they are printed on and definitely not enforceable under UAE law!

A lot of it also has to do with the "gut feeling" that you may get from dealings with a potential employer.
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