First of all guys .... I am pretty new to UAE and I am facing certain issues... So please advice me on what I need to do.
I have been working in a LLC company since Feb 2013 on 1st september When I told my boss I wanted to resign due to some work issues i was asked by the owner to put in a resignation letter with three months notice stating that I would quit work in November and I did so...
The very next day I get a letter from office saying that they have accepted my resignation letter with immediate effect and that they are going to cancel my visa and they took my passport to cancel my visa... Now its been more than two months and they have not cancelled my visa and I am not being paid and I am stuck... I have been calling the owner each time he said he was cancelling that week but he has been delaying it...
This week he asks me to withdraw the WPS for these two months and hand it back to him else he would not cancel my visa. He has my passport and labour card.
Guys please advice on what can be done I have no clue as to what my rights are and what my boss is doing is lawful.
Best Regards