Interview In Dubai, Is This Normal? * Need Help ASAP*

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Interview in Dubai, is this normal? * need help ASAP* Nov 07, 2008
There is a company that wants to do an interview with me in Dubai, but I dont live there right now.
So I am just wondering if this is normal? Dont they usually do the interview over the phone when the job seeker live outside the UAE? And what about the work visa, if I moved and I get the job musn't I leave the country and then re-enter again?

Is these how the companys in Dubai do regarding the recruitment procedure?


Dubai Forums Member
Posts: 40

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Nov 12, 2008
Hi Simonee,
I am pretty sure that if you indicated that you are outside of the UAE that they do not expect you to come there just for an interview. You may want to contact your HR department and clarify what they are asking. They may be offering you a chance to come to the UAE (Fully funded). If that is the case, why not, but do make sure you get clarification. Most companies are not foolish enough to expect foreigners to come here because of the stringent laws regarding visitors, etc. You are most likely looking at a phone interview.

Hope this helps,
Dubai Forum Visitor
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