dbxsoul wrote:It’s not always easy to look at some of these issues as simply black and white, particularly in the UAE. It’s easy to say, “Screw the employer he’s a toss I’m not going to take it; I’m looking for another job”. Most of those affected by decisions like this are the people who are at the bottom of the pyramid, those who don’t have any other options open to them and those that will be banned if they were to leave. Add to that strike action is illegal and “civil unrest” will get you arrested and deported however just you thought your action was.
The sad fact is that there are companies who would take advantage of the “crisis” to benefit their own bottom line, the other observation would be that it they did this now, they were probably not much of a good employer to start off with! Leopards don’t change their spots!
On the flip side, contracted employees need to bear in mind that when they sign of the dotted line for 3 year contract the terms are fixed for the 3 years (unless specifically specified), this means that bonuses and annual increments are not part of a normal package as they have come to be accepted in other areas of the world.
The other thing is “every employee knows that the company is doing very good and will go financially strong in worst economic situations”.
Unless you are the owner of the company or CFO there is no way that you can know this, the perception from staff is that the company is always strong, the bosses get paid too much and do to little work – this is, as I said a perception and not necessarily fact and in the UAE everything is about appearance and perception!
thanks dbxsoul.Well said. But it looks like you are on the management side in some company

anyways, our bosses sure do little work and earn more..no doubt about it-it is nor a perception but truth..We are sure. But at the same time, it doesn't mean that all bosses are like this.There are a few good ones.
Also, we see the achievement...and also we know what we achieved.So we need not be the CFo of the company to know this, coz we know the millions we achieved for the company..
Anyways..God bless & no one should lose their job in DUbai & also no one should get paid low....