Umass wrote:1-if he will work in dubai does he still has to pay Taxes to the usa goverment every year !!
Up to $70k is take free if you live outside of the US for more then 6 months of the year. So the smart thing to do is get a package that the company pays direct for "benefits" such as company car (specify which one you want but have it remain the "company" car", company housing again agree on a price range around AED150,000 as housing is REALLY expensive here, company family insurance complete with single room coverage (this guarantees that if a family member stays in the hospital that they have their own room... trust me you would want that!), schooling needs to be taken take of by the company but I don't have a clue to the cost... I single, have any daughters over 24?

Moving forward now, you see as long as it is a company provided benefit it can not be considered taxable, however if the company provides you a package deal and pays you the items mentioned about in a check (whether monthly, yearly, etc.) it would be considered taxable as you received money for those benefits, but if it is the company providing the US can not tax the company for providing it to you nor can they tax you as it was given to you and has no direct cost associated to it. BUT please do advise and INTERNATIONAL tax lawyer for further ways of benefitting while living outside the states, such as buying CUBAN cigars is NOT illegal as long as you don't buy them with US Dollars... if you as a residence of the states living/working and earning you living in a foreign currency then you can purchase as many as you like and take them back to the US with you as gift BUT not to sale or trade.... that is when it becomes illegal!
Umass wrote:2-what is the salary range for a project engineering construction manager? (we thought it should be at least over 100 k a year)
I don't have a clue but I will ask around to see if I can find out... there are probable some sites that are employment sites that might be a guide.
Now one note, if you husband thought he works with idiots before, he will now be working in a near third world environment. Not because Dubai is a third world environment, it is not, it is very westernized. It is just that the construction industry employs third labor from the labor itself to mid-managment, so it will require some patience on his half so if you do move here you will really need to do your part and try and not to add to it.
Umass wrote:3-what benefits should we ask for ?
As noted above;
Car, House, Insurance, School, 30 day paid vacation is standard but ask for it in business class, transportation of items from US to Here is standard but let me give you another tip... ask for the reverse and get Dubai to US upon being released, quite, end of contract because you will want to purchase your furniture, carpets, etc here and move it all back to the states as you can get quality home items for a great price.
Oh and make sure that in the contract that if for any reason your husband and company part ways for any reason that the company benefit will continue for 3 months to allow for relocation, change, etc. This will allow you time to prepare for the change upon this departure.
Umass wrote:4-do you think it worth to move out there ? can we save some money?
Well that it going to be up to you too and how well you can control your spending... ie. Do you budget your finances now? Dubai is like any metro city... you can make great money but there is A LOT of ways to spend your money. Many people come here to save money but only leave with very little because they went out or tried to keep up the "Jones" but never to realize that many people here in a situation that money is near limitless. You can easy go out and spend $200 a night on dinner and drinks at the same time you can spend $15 for dinner for two. You can goto the furniture shops that ask X3 times more for a product because of a name but is not really higher quality. So it is all relative to your spending habits and how well you can control it.