Drinks always seem to be on me.

But hey, nothing like a good body shot.

It's true that drinking is part of normal life in Dubai... Boy you should see this place during Ramadan! I never heard so many whiney people in my life.
Umass wrote:I think we will be fine regarding social life there . but still our main concern is the salary and finiding good company name . We got 2 offers but still we have no clue about if they are good or not !! Some friends suggested on us to get a contract through an american company in USA and then that company will send us to Dubai (They will pay more like this way). I do believe that 30-35 D a month is not enough salary to make us leave Usa and go to work in Dubai .

One of the major factors that you have to take into consideration is the lax of tax out here in the region. So if you are coming from California to Dubai, you will all of a sudden realize how much money is deducted from you income due to tax. So if you are in the $90 range now and move out to Dubai, it would be equivalent to $130 but in the states. Again if you play the tax man right and rent out your house by the time you leave Dubai, you will have major capital gain on your house, more on that later, and money tucked away in an offshore account free from Mr. Tax, which allows you to cover your living cost... tax free via a credit card that is instructed for 100% payment per month or a Credit/Dept card directly linked to that account. Now you can't make major purchases with this money without paying the taxes on it, Mr. Tax is notified of all major purchases through his network of friends, Mr. Local, Mr. County, Mr. State, etc. Even the banks now have to declare any movement of cash over $5,000!!! $5k is like a day in Monaco, WTF!
For your retirement home you shift your capital gain from the sale of you (current) old house to it and open a small home based business to right off X amount of space as business expenses, you add a garage or extend the house again as part of the business, the cars get you X amount of milage with was for business... All of this tax stuff can be claimed back and should or if you enjoy living outside the US, then look at retiring overseas and don't pay taxes at all... unless you are making tens of millions it is not worth Mr. Tax to come after you as it is not cost efficient, and considering that there are large Corp getting away with tens and hundreds of million of Mr. Tax money, resources are better spent there.
Now that is not to go without say, keep ALL of your receipts! Hell even pick up others receipts for that matter, just in case. If Mr. Tax did come knocking on the door when you open one big box of unfiled receipts and dump it on his desk pointing out that they are in about 5 different languages, 95% he will settle out for about 3-5% of what you really might owe. Hell, I even keep my flight boarding pass and assigned seat ticket, just to add to the clamor of receipts.
I agree with Major Pain, come to Dubai and test the waters... Moving outside the states was the best thing I have ever done!

It really opens your eyes to the rest of the world!
There is enough construction here for the next 15 years, but after that... it will be interesting to see. I have been working with Dubailand on a project for two years here but now we are reconsidering. Just like the Hydropolis hotel... we are considering backing out. The intentions originally announced to build Dubailand similar to Disbey World was great but their actions and current direction is wrong... VERY wrong, which is to be an Orlando, Paris, Hong Kong, and New York City all combined. So come and make your money now while you can!!! Maybe, we are wrong but get here while the getting is good. Remember, you can always go back to the states and give your renter notice.