Do a search for pet exporters in Dubai/UK that make all the arrangements to transport animals.
Exporting pets is different for the type of pet (cat, dog, bird, reptile) and depending on the countries you are coming from and going to.
A good place to start is by contacting the equivalent of the ministry of water/environment for the country you are moving to (embassies should have these details) They should be able to provide you with a set of procedures and list of tests and paperwork required.
UK (look under “Pet Travel Scheme”)
The rules are subject to change at any time so please do not assume you know the current regs, please check.
At time of writing this the regulations for avoiding the need for quarantine in the UK are :
1 ID chip placement if animal does not already have one. Then once the chip has been scanned and recorded by vet the rabies vaccination is given and must be recorded in animals vaccination card, stamped, dated and signed.
2 Minimum of 30 days later blood sample taken for testing (this is to give body chance to react to vaccine and produce the antibodies).
ID chip scanned again and number recorded. (Vaccination card will need to be seen by the vet)
This blood test is to prove the vaccination worked and the animal has a high enough level of antibodies to prevent infection with rabies.
The bloods can be taken after longer than 30 days up to 1 year after vaccination, but the antibody level will fall possibly leading to a FAIL for the blood test. So we normally recommend the test is done 30-120 days after the vaccination.
3 Results will be sent through from UK lab showing a PASS or FAIL. If the test was a pass then it is 6 months for the date the blood was taken from the animal before it will be allowed to enter the UK without the need for quarantine. You will need to collect an original signed copy of the results from the vets which carried out your test.
So long as annual rabies vaccinations are carried out on the due date or earlier then this rabies blood test result stays valid.
If you are even 1 day late with the annual booster then the full test will need to be carried out again.
There are additional preflight requirements for a health check, internal and external parasite treatments but this is normally organized by the pet shipping agent within the 2-3 days prior to export.
All I can say to you is that if you loved your pet, then the cost of keeping it with you should not be an issue. You made that pet a member of your family. If you feel that the cost is a hardship, do not abandon the dog. See if you can rehome it or contact K9 friends, for one, and there are other people who take in animals that are no longer wanted or serve a purpose. That dog is your faithful friend who loves you. How faithful and how much do you love it???