arniegang, try it for a night. Its a similar experience to staying at the Burj Al Arab.
Blows your socks off in amazement and awe. But once is enough to savour it and not something you think to yourself "ohhhh i could stay here again and again.
What about it though?
For example, I am not impressed with the Burj Al Arab - tacky decor, the food sucks (I've eaten at all their restaurants). Rooms are big but... And the view and beaches you can get from any other place in Dubai for a fraction of the price.
Now what makes Bal Al Shams better.?.. Is the food great, views, what? Thinking of going there but frankly, I've been to plenty of pretentions hotels and at the end of the day they are just that "hotels" (sort of like cruise ships - which I refuse to go on...)
I like to walk and see new things rather than "lounge". But maybe I'm missing out...