www.magnifictraining.com - "SAP ABAP WORKFLOW" Online Training contact us:info@magnifictraining.com or +919052666559 By Real Time Experts from Hyderabad, Bangalore,India,USA,Canada,UK, Australia,South Africa.
Benefits of SAP Workflow
Although the advantages gained by using workflow are not of financial nature, the time saved
by optimizing processes could easily be translated into money. - The quality of your
processes will be assured by sending relevant information directly to the user. Managers
don't have the time to search for information. For example if an employee obtains a
qualification as a result of hard work or training, their Managers can be notified
immediately. - Cycle time is reduced by providing all the necessary information needed:
people can check their list of pending tasks and determine which tasks can be completed the
next day without any negative impact. I.e. A Payroll Administrator might be notified
immediately of an employee address change via ESS that might implicate taxes. - Workflow
allows to monitor deadlines.
It could be used to remind employees of upcoming performance reviews or training or to
send payroll year-end tasks items to the relevant Payroll Administrators. Deadline handing
ensures that users perform the tasks within the time planned. Escalation measures ensure
that the failure to meet a deadline can be corrected by other means. - Users can see at a
glance how the process works and who will be selected to perform the different tasks, which
creates a transparent work environment. - SAP contains Workflow templates, which can be
used as a reference providing more than 200 Workflow samples. - Implementing Workflow
will save costs. Ask yourself how much time is spent gathering information, getting hold of
people, logging into different systems and trying to understand who to give a task to? How
often does this current process fail and how labor intensive is it to fix it? Workflow reduces
time and effort spent and the savings in days can be considerable.