Hi there Steve,
It's not a bad starting salary for a lawyer in the UAE; granted I'm certain the salary scale is normally a lot higher - but would be dependant on your (Middle Eastern/ Dubai) experience.
Whats sort of law? civil, commercial, contracts?
As an indicator, you may have to extrapolate here; a good company handling a labour law issue charges in the region of 1,200 Dhs per hour. This is a private rate and not a corporate rate.
Check out
www.salaryexpert.com Although a "free" site and it only benchmarks positions in Abu Dhabi, I have found this to be pretty much accurate with respect to positions in Dubai (if they are listed). Look under the "International" section
Get them to be more specific on the "bonus" issue: how much, on what basis (who gets to determine this), and how often.
You'd have to brush up on your Sharia Law as well
We can always use a lawyer on the Forum