Engineer-designer, Engineer-geologist, CAD-designer, Etc

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engineer-designer, engineer-geologist, CAD-designer, etc Oct 25, 2008
Good afternoon.
Unfortunately form CV on a site not allows completely to give my given (possibilities).
If you are interested in cooperation I will send the CV on your e-mail.
Yours faithfully Lapin Vladimir.

In 2003 has arrived on geological faculty of the Kiev National University Shevchenko on chair «hydrogeology and engineering geology» which has ended 2008 having protected degree work on a theme: «Engineering - geological researches and calculations slope stability and bases». By results of training the diploma has a mean score 9,7 (on 10 ball system).
In 2008 has arrived in postgraduate study on geological faculty of the Kiev National University Shevchenko on chair «hydrogeology and engineering geology» where I continue training now.
Operational experience in the field of engineering geology.
With 2001 on 2003 – a post of the chief engineer of the Kiev hydrogeology - meliorative expedition.
Into a field of activity entered:
1. Monitoring of level of subsoil waters.
2. Ekological monitoring.
3. Designing of meliorative systems.
4. Engineering - geological researches and recommendations at designing of water protective (dams) and water receptions (water basin) of constructions, geoecological monitoring of their influence on environment.
With 2003 on 2006 worked in department of researches state scientifically – research institute "Укрэнергосетьпроект" on a post of the engineer-geologist of I category.
Into a field of activity entered:
1. Choice and the coordination of sites under building with local authorities.
2. Preparation and coordination of the pre design documentation with the organizations performing joint design works.
3. Performance of a full complex of field works.
4. Performance of a full complex of laboratory works.
5. Full computer processing of results of executed works, drawing up of reports and graphic materials.
6. Architectural supervision and control at building stages.
7. Ecological monitoring.
With 2006 I am со-conductor (co-founder) and the leading expert of research-and-production association «Geostrom». Which field of activity is similar listed above.
Knowledge of computer software Office, AutoCAD, CADGeo, Solid Works, etc.
Possession of foreign languages:
• Russian
• Ukrainian
• English (colloquial)
• Arabian (an initial stage of training)
Presence of the rights in driver-professional categories B, C.

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Posts: 1
Location: Ukraine

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