Aug 30, 2006
well, I have lived in London for a long time now, I had things to keep me here but not anymore. I have no kids no hubby and my family not here too. I am bored living in London; I will hopefully finish my thesis in 2 months. PhD has been very stressful for me so I want a new change, explore the world. Iam not fussy where I go if the pay is good. My short list were Canada, Singapore, Swaziland and Dubai. I start looking into Dubai more for 3 reasons 1. Tax free, 2. Hot weather and 3. I speak Arabic so that might help. The US is one place I do not like to go to because of the gun crime and people always put me off the idea. I am not pharmacist though, iam medicinal chemist, my options are open to anywhere in the world. If you have advice please share them, I would love to hear them since we are in similar field. You think Dubai is not good for scientist?
- sara_uk
- Dubai Forums Veteran

- Posts: 1340
- Location: london