I'm from the Republic of Moldova, which, just in case you were wondering, is a country in Easter Europe (not Africa! nor Asia! it's in Europe!). I graduated from a local university last year. I've got a Bachelor's in International Economic Relations. My work experience is limited to almost 2 years of Internet marketing at the local branch of an American e-business company, 3 months as Marketing Assistant at a dairy products company, a solid internship in international commerce, and a 2-year experience as enthusiastic writer (not officially employed) for a local magazine in English (while still in high school). Besides my probably-not-too-well-known native language (Romanian), I speak English and Russian fluently, and know a smattering of Turkish and German. I don't think I should list my many other secondary merits such as the dozens of awards in science subjects I got in high school, as these are irrelevant, or my almost unlimited enthusiasm, which is tough to prove online...
I'm considering applying for a job in Dubai for both better career opportunities than I can get in my country and the travel / cultural experience. I'm thinking of applying for a marketing position or journalism-related internship / job... or translations... or even hotel / restaurant service. Since I started my quest for opportunities in Dubai only two days ago, I would highly appreciate any advice, comments about my situation or directions regarding useful resources! The biggest problem I can envision is the fact that, though I may be able to make out certain words Turkish inherited from Arabic, I don't speak the latter. The second concern I can reasonably get is that, since my country is not a very popular one, I might have trouble obtaining a visa...
I would highly appreciate any comments and / or suggestions, and would like to earnestly thank those who consider replying to my enquiry in advance!