Pyramids And The Silk Road

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Pyramids and the Silk Road Oct 15, 2008
After 16y in England-London, finally moved to midd e and have lived in Qatar and Bahrain before came to big D..
it feels like I can live and die here - may be not Dubai but Omman or even S arabia -.
the locals and non-locals, language, believe or not but, the food - arabs have this rich cuisine that you would kill for -, the desert, sky, the brightness of day and the night, little and dusty grocery shops, the taxi drivers that try to rip you, it is every thing that peculiar to the arab land just amazez me..
one of the thing I find painfull about this place is to watch those building site workers doing what they do; I am sure their ancesstors built the Pyramids/Silk road with sweat, blood and for free..
It is hard sometimes to think existential and stay with the moment..

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Dec 10, 2008
This makes Dubai sound very exciting. I've heard Dubai has a lot of great cuisine at affordable prices too.
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Dec 28, 2008
Its very sad most construction workers die in sleep after working hard in the site.. this happens mostly in the peek summer.. too much exposing to the sun
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Jan 03, 2009
in the construction llc i work for,
in the last three months, one in construction site, and another in the labour camp died..
both man were in their early thirties, and both were called natural death..?

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