Finding Used Cooking Oil

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Finding Used Cooking oil Apr 12, 2009

I need used cooking oil from the restaurants (free of cost :P ). :D You guess it right I need it for my diesel car, but I don't know where to start. Can anybody guide me where to go, which restaurant to approach. any ideas???


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Apr 14, 2009
Don't know but would cocking oil be of any use?
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Apr 15, 2009
Well don't forget to refine it as much as possible, the more times the better and also replace your fuel filter more often..

As for working, it will work absolutely fine, Diesel engines were orginally made to be run on peanut oil.

You could apporach some of the big fast food chains like Mac D or KFC. Tell them that they could publicise the giving away of the oil. They love nothing more than free publicity.

It is a great idea, and would be great if you could find a regular source of used cooking oil plus your exhaust would smell of fried chicken :) Just be sure not to dump it straight into fuel tank
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Apr 15, 2009
Ya I know it’s bad to use WVO straight from the kitchen :P

I tried one of the fast food chain near my home but they were not that much helpful :shock:

One more thing What about the law over here? in US it’s an issue because if you don’t buy your fuel from pump you are not paying road tax so using Biodiesel is kind of a stealing in US and government over there is angry about all this biodiesel trend.

and yah the smell of fried food :P and also the feeling of making your own fuel is great :P

anyway thanks :D
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