Whay Some Pple Think That Locals Are Lazy Ppl???

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Sep 20, 2006
did you read the rest of the sentence....i said the ones who dont know how to drive....not all of them.

some of my best friends are indian, i dont hate them...just the ones who dont know how to drive.

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Sep 20, 2006
Adam wrote:but that is a fair call, she used only fact

while you are supporting me i have to say its not a fact, its merely my opinion.
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Sep 20, 2006
He doesnt see it that way, in my post i was refering to the asians migrating to new zealand, in yours the indians who cant drive, it almost looks to me like he is the racist one, not against us, or indians or asians, but in some wierd way just in general, i mean, you have heard the saying takes one to know one right? i cant explain it, but it just seems like that
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Sep 20, 2006
when i say fact, i mean the examples you gave were fact not opinion
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Sep 20, 2006
Adam wrote:He doesnt see it that way, in my post i was refering to the asians migrating to new zealand, in yours the indians who cant drive, it almost looks to me like he is the racist one, not against us, or indians or asians, but in some wierd way just in general, i mean, you have heard the saying takes one to know one right? i cant explain it, but it just seems like that

he isnt racist. and to call someone that when they havent displayed any clear signs of racisim is a horrible thing to do. to be honest, your statement about asians when i read it did sound like you had a thing against all asians in general...therefor leading me to believe that you were, in fact, a racist...

its the just the way he understood what was written. that is why i clarified myself. because i have nothing against any particular group...just certain people from certain groups.
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Sep 20, 2006
Adam wrote:when i say fact, i mean the examples you gave were fact not opinion

i fail to see how they are a fact. you cant just stereotype a certain ethnicity saying they are horrible drivers. i know a bunch of arabs who are worse drivers than the ones i mentioned earlier, doesnt mean that its a fact though ...because to them they can drive perfectly normal.....

so my friend, its an opinion, not a fact
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Sep 20, 2006
i will admit, i did sound racist,
thats y i am saying now, i USED to hate the asians that migrated to NEW ZEALAND, i have nothing against asians in general,
ohh and one of the things i hated about the asians who migrated to new zealand, is that alot of them cant drive either, and thats fact, they are all young rich kids (fact) whos first car is from the likes of fast and the furious that moves fast (fact) and are not experienced enough for open road driving in new zealand (fact) they are mostly japaness (fact) and their previous experience is in driving in areas where there is far to much traffic to drive more than 60km/p/hr (fact)
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Sep 20, 2006
Adam wrote:ouch, aahh, i hate those days, im just looking forward to the weekend, no, just for the next 2 1/2 hours to pass, then i can go relax, haha
wat did the guy in ur office do?

he was always coming to the office late and he doesnt do this job right for the past 2 weeks.......that ticks the crap at of me..........he has a final warning now
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Sep 20, 2006
ohh right, i got ya now, im starting to think i am racist, that cant be good
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Sep 20, 2006
Adam wrote:ohh right, i got ya now, im starting to think i am racist, that cant be good

dude, deep inside everyone, everybody's is racist at one point. I know many people are going to disagree but its true, it could be a small portion in the person's personality but there is a race or culture that someone does not agree on
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Sep 20, 2006
cheers mate,
also i think its probably a good idea i stay out of this descussion post, im i have already started alot of stuff i hadnt planned on.
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Sep 20, 2006
Adam and Bushra: the point i am trying to make is .. there might be bad drivers. But to link the fact that they are indian and have a tone of prejudice against the people is racist.

Bad drivers can be from all races and walks of life. And yes they all annoy us.

Adam: you might have had good intentions just didnt convery them right. After all this is just text on a screen. But i say think before you post :) and please keep posting.
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Sep 20, 2006
Adam wrote:cheers mate,
also i think its probably a good idea i stay out of this descussion post, im i have already started alot of stuff i hadnt planned on.

its all good dude, it was cool
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Sep 20, 2006
lazy locals, bad indian drivers the list goes on and on...........
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Sep 21, 2006
MaaaD wrote:
bushra21 wrote:i hate those god damn indians ........

does that make me a racist?

yes it is, and to lump sump 1 billion people like that is ignorant too.

MaaaD, agreed.

Bushra, my apologies, but that is blatant racism, and in Europe the same comment could land you in serious trouble.

Its like me saying "I hate those illiterate Arabs" - even if i referred to the uneducated ones only, the simple fact i used "Arab" makes it a generalisation and applies to all regardless of intention.

just my 2c's
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Sep 21, 2006
Bleakus wrote:dude, deep inside everyone, everybody's is racist at one point. I know many people are going to disagree but its true, it could be a small portion in the person's personality but there is a race or culture that someone does not agree on

disagree, nurture applies.
thats too defeatist and doesnt address the reason for it- almost justifies it.

I can honestly say, i have seen more racism in the Emirates than i have in my home country or UK where i studied.
Most of it dished out towards the sub continent populations, yet in UK and Sweden they are so well respected for their achievements.
Of course it is not to say everyone is perfect, but i think the Emirates has some catching up to do in these areas.
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Sep 21, 2006
rvp_legend wrote:
Bleakus wrote:dude, deep inside everyone, everybody's is racist at one point. I know many people are going to disagree but its true, it could be a small portion in the person's personality but there is a race or culture that someone does not agree on

disagree, nurture applies.
thats too defeatist and doesnt address the reason for it- almost justifies it.

I can honestly say, i have seen more racism in the Emirates than i have in my home country or UK where i studied.
Most of it dished out towards the sub continent populations, yet in UK and Sweden they are so well respected for their achievements.
Of course it is not to say everyone is perfect, but i think the Emirates has some catching up to do in these areas.

dude, racism is everywhere, i was attacked by racist comments all the time when i was in UK, i doesnt matter where you are. You will see it in places more then others ;)
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Sep 21, 2006
I agree, I think everyone has a touch of racism in them - some more than others obviously.
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Sep 21, 2006
Bleakus wrote:dude, racism is everywhere, i was attacked by racist comments all the time when i was in UK, i doesnt matter where you are. You will see it in places more then others ;)

Yes, it is everywhere...am not saying its not.

But the word you are looking for is Prejudice.

People have Prejudice towards the unknown entities in life. Which ultimately leads them to at times discriminate.

Racism is Prejudice, Discrimination and most importantly POWER.
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Sep 22, 2006
rvp_legend wrote:
Bleakus wrote:dude, racism is everywhere, i was attacked by racist comments all the time when i was in UK, i doesnt matter where you are. You will see it in places more then others ;)

Yes, it is everywhere...am not saying its not.

But the word you are looking for is Prejudice.

People have Prejudice towards the unknown entities in life. Which ultimately leads them to at times discriminate.

Racism is Prejudice, Discrimination and most importantly POWER.

If racism is prejudice, as you said, it is safe to conclude that bleakus was not looking for the word prejudice, when he in fact meant what he said when using the word racist/ism?

also, dubai is not the most racist place. go to america, i almost lost my life many a times at the hands of a moron, as did my family members and almost everyone we knew that didnt fit the 'us, american, mold'. so do not even go and tell me little old dubai is the MOST racist place...your wrong
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Sep 22, 2006
Actually Bushra, you are wrong. I've been to the States many times and am from Canada - there is far more tolerance of difference races and religions in those two countries than there is here in Dubai. Just because you may have faced serious racism a few times doesn't mean it is more racist than here. Every day I walk outside I face racism here. People assuming I'm a snob or fairy because I'm white. At any time I could be attacked because I am assumed to Christian, and when people hear me speak they can mistake me for an American. I've been treated badly because of it. Look around at the HR practices here, and the class system, and the way people talk about other groups of people here in Dubai - this place is chock full of racism.
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Sep 22, 2006
also, dubai is not the most racist place. go to america, i almost lost my life many a times at the hands of a moron, as did my family members and almost everyone we knew that didnt fit the 'us, american, mold'. so do not even go and tell me little old dubai is the MOST racist place...your wrong

Thanx bushra i thought i was living somewhere else....we might have some racism but not to extent those ppl r saying

Actually Bushra, you are wrong. I've been to the States many times and am from Canada - there is far more tolerance of difference races and religions in those two countries than there is here in Dubai. Just because you may have faced serious racism a few times doesn't mean it is more racist than here. Every day I walk outside I face racism here. People assuming I'm a snob or fairy because I'm white. At any time I could be attacked because I am assumed to Christian, and when people hear me speak they can mistake me for an American. I've been treated badly because of it. Look around at the HR practices here, and the class system, and the way people talk about other groups of people here in Dubai - this place is chock full of racism.

i'v never heard of a white female in Dubai insulted becuz she is white..there is a perception of white foreigners females to be snobs i agree but do u blame us..im a local i had to work in sales for a while and the times I've been insulted by white foreign females is countless i had to leave the job..and as for American off course u wont feel racisms in US ur are white female as u said mistaken to be an American. a friend of mine just arrived two days ago from there she was thrown with a can of Pepsi just for wearing the head scarf she couldn't leave the hotel room after that incident and came back home.
last week i'v seen a white European lady insult the Asian guy on the cashier at Eppco calling him stupid and many others name just for asking her for some change...find ur own change i wont give mine its ur problem u don't have it..i called my friend at Eppco gave her the name of he employee she works in HR asked to give him a rise or thank you letter for being very polite and helpful..:) and she promised me she will.
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Sep 22, 2006
kanelli wrote:Actually Bushra, you are wrong. I've been to the States many times and am from Canada - there is far more tolerance of difference races and religions in those two countries than there is here in Dubai. Just because you may have faced serious racism a few times doesn't mean it is more racist than here. Every day I walk outside I face racism here. People assuming I'm a snob or fairy because I'm white. At any time I could be attacked because I am assumed to Christian, and when people hear me speak they can mistake me for an American. I've been treated badly because of it. Look around at the HR practices here, and the class system, and the way people talk about other groups of people here in Dubai - this place is chock full of racism.

i kinda agree with bushra because ive been in the us for a little while and i saw some racism there, thats why i say it everywhere. I was even worse in the UK because im Bronze ;) .....but its all good
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Sep 22, 2006
i guess it depends on the individual and their experience. also kanelli i lived in america for quite some time, and i experienced racism every single day that i was there. i had to drop out of school because everyone, yes, everyone had a problem with me and made that fact known. ive had police call me a liar because i was just some muslim terrorist trying to cause trouble, ive been kicked out of places, ive had people try to run me off a bridge because i guess they didnt like me. and even when i stopped wearing the head scarf i still faced the same problems. youve seen me, im not that dark for them to have a problem with me, my accent isnt that horrible, i personally think my english is pretty well...much better than most americans. in any case, do you see my point...it depends on the individual when they say which place is more racist/tolerant.
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Sep 22, 2006
bushra21 wrote:i guess it depends on the individual and their experience. also kanelli i lived in america for quite some time, and i experienced racism every single day that i was there. i had to drop out of school because everyone, yes, everyone had a problem with me and made that fact known. ive had police call me a liar because i was just some muslim terrorist trying to cause trouble, ive been kicked out of places, ive had people try to run me off a bridge because i guess they didnt like me. and even when i stopped wearing the head scarf i still faced the same problems. youve seen me, im not that dark for them to have a problem with me, my accent isnt that horrible, i personally think my english is pretty well...much better than most americans. in any case, do you see my point...it depends on the individual when they say which place is more racist/tolerant.

What part of america did you live in? nothing like that where i'm from...seems like maybe you lived in either the south or the midwest.
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Sep 22, 2006
i lived all over, from the east coast to the west coast...the north and the south....experienced the same things basically, but on a different level. i have to say though, the one place that i enjoyed the most was california -- a much easier time for me over there
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Sep 22, 2006
Here're my 2 cents regarding racism in the US for Arabs and in the UAE for Caucasians:

1- I spent 2 years in the US. Sure I was in California the whole time and didn't get the chance to visit any other state during my stay. But anyway I did NOT experience ANY racism whatsoever. Neither at the airport during the INS procedures nor at university or anywhere else. The only minor problems I had were ALL with African-Americans but it's a completely different thing so I won't get into details here. But even in that case it wasn't because I was Arab, it was just because I wasn't..um, well African-American :lol: Anyway I also have friends in Boston, New York, San Francisco and I've yet to hear any of em complain of racism...

2- K. you're absolutely right, there IS discrimination against expats. I mean even myself, when talking to a local or whatever Arab in Dubai, the very second i switch from English to Arabic to talk to them, their whole attitude change completely. I guess it's in "our" nature to be that way. I already told u guys about racism in Lebanon a while ago. Any Lebanese who marries an Asian, black (can't really specify an origin, just skin color in that case...) , Eastern European woman will not be able to live in Lebanon for the sake of his wife. Poor woman would hang herself after a week! Dunno what turned us into supremacists but it sure is sad...
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Sep 22, 2006
I have never been to Dubai but most Arabic countries are full of discrimination against foreigners and what make it worse that there are no strict law to protect the rights. I have never been to US but I also hear that there a lot of racism there. Iam glad to say that I have never faced racism in the UK and that why I love London because it is multicultural city, I know people face discrimination even in the UK but there are law and regulation to protect us. I have lived in Saudi and it is very racist country, for example every year in school instead of checking their data base, the teacher will ask us ( foreigners) to stand up so they can count us, as a child it was very embarrassing thing to do, because kids will ask, you are not Saudi? This was just one example of many, like jobs, healthcare priority to Saudis and the law ask for this discrimination. Bear in mind that I was born and raised there but I was not Saudi (which makes a lot of difference). I think racism and discrimination every where in the world, human are human, they will have their own prejudice towards someone’s culture, colour or religion but if the government doing what they can to implants equality then no one can control human behaviour. The question is not which country is more raciest but which country has a better equality act ? That also effect the general public in a way, what is not good to discriminates against in a work place will be shameful thing to brag about. For example in Saudi the government was forcing companies to increase the % of Saudi and when you see any documentary about company they quote how much % of Saudi is working for them, you will never see that happening in Britain would you? The same goes for the US.
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Sep 23, 2006
sara_uk wrote:I have never been to Dubai but most Arabic countries are full of discrimination against foreigners and what make it worse that there are no strict law to protect the rights. I have never been to US but I also hear that there a lot of racism there. Iam glad to say that I have never faced racism in the UK and that why I love London because it is multicultural city, I know people face discrimination even in the UK but there are law and regulation to protect us.

Hats off to you. It is exactly the point i am making. At least in the US and UK where there is Racism, as every where else, people can follow up procedures.

To have a procedure is to admit that the problem may exist!

Do we have that here in the Emirates? no! Yet the locals always try to make it as if Two wrongs make a right!
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Sep 23, 2006
bushra21 wrote:If racism is prejudice, as you said, it is safe to conclude that bleakus was not looking for the word prejudice, when he in fact meant what he said when using the word racist/ism?
also, dubai is not the most racist place. go to america, i almost lost my life many a times at the hands of a moron, as did my family members and almost everyone we knew that didnt fit the 'us, american, mold'. so do not even go and tell me little old dubai is the MOST racist place...your wrong

when did i say Dubai is the MOST racist place? Far from it. It is far better to other ME countries - but only comparatively.
The appropriate word is Prejudice, as Racism is subject to power and discrimination. Not everyone has that power- usually an authority can be racist, its subjects prejudiced. its a definition issue.

America has a Racism problem - but guess what? THOUSANDS of lawyers can get you somewhere. How many Lawyers here challenge the Kingdom?

So are you also suggesting its OK to discriminate against an Indian because he/she doesnt fit an Arab Profile? Just like you didnt fit an American...

You are, as classic as can be, implying that Two Wrongs Make a RIGHT!

Since you have been the subject of so much discrimination and bad experience, then you should lay the benchmark and admit that the problems in the Emirates should not exist - rather than hide behind the problem.
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