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Philosophy Jun 01, 2005
I recently read a book talking about how Europe was probably the most backward civilazation in the world during the Middle Ages. The main point of the book was how Europeans came to Africa, stole technology and ideas, and began to exploit the native people into the slave trade. From Africa they proceed to the so-called "New World" and began one of the biggest holocust of all-time by killing and raping millions of Native Americans. It makes out Christopher Columbus as a fanatic, greedy, warmonger(which is true) and starter of one of the biggest crimes in history. It opened my eyes because in school( in the US) they teach a very bias view of "American History" and leave out alot of facts about the other people that paid for it. I dont believe evrything I read, but it did make me see things in a completly different way. Basically the Arabs, Jews, Africans, Asians and the world as a whole was a better off place until Europeans got a hold of it. Or so it seems to me..........

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Jun 01, 2005
The Arab, Chinese, and Indian cultures were the most enlightened and advanced ones you could find. Then the violent, backward, barbaric Europeans showed up, raped, stole, and violated those lands in their quest to develop some kind of civilization.

The west owes its existance today to those nations/peoples.
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Jun 01, 2005
Liban wrote:The Arab, Chinese, and Indian cultures were the most enlightened and advanced ones you could find. Then the violent, backward, barbaric Europeans showed up, raped, stole, and violated those lands in their quest to develop some kind of civilization.

The west owes its existance today to those nations/peoples.

With Renaissance rose the middle class intelligentia group. THe West intelligentia group enlightened Europe and exposed Europe with whole world to modern science which gave way to industrialization and then improvement in politics and administration (increased accountability and transperancy) as aresult colonialism took place (white man's burden), modern art , philosophy, democracy enlightened the West far more than East. But as u shall see, 2 of world's most populous countries, China and India are rising and thus sun shall rise again in the East. But in terms of modern sceince the east ows alot to west in contemporary terms.
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Jun 01, 2005
Throughout histroy, everywhere the Europeans have gone, they have destroyed. EIther by forcing religion, speading disease, or making war in order to increase profits for they nations as well as the Church, which has more skeletons in it's closet than anyone. On the other side of the point, they did bring about other ideas to the far reaches of the world. Even if it was by force.
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Jun 01, 2005
Oh yeah, and the Jews suck too!!!!! :lol:

Liban will like that
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Jun 01, 2005
I have nothing against Christians at all. Actually when the Prophet Mohammad was injured in battle once, a Christian man helped and tended to his wounds. God Bless him...

Jews on the other hand.... They called the Virgin Mary a whore, denounced Jesus and insulted him, massacred arabs, were given assylum by Muslims in Andalousia and the Levant only to turn against them when they felt they were strong, they keep making Germans feel guilty for something their great grandparents did ages ago (get over it for christsake!!)... etc...

The Jews are a cursed people according to Islam and many Christians not tainted by the idea of Judeo-Christinity (imposed by Zionists on innocent Christians) beleive that too.

They will remain cursed for all eternity.
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Jun 02, 2005
I can understand Christians hating Jews because they sold out Jesus, by why do Muslims hate them so much? THey are survivors though, and I have to respect that. I say you can hate a man, but not an entire race or religion, that just makes no sense. But I did have the luxury of growing up in a place where we had people fro all walks of life binded together by the fact we were all dirt poor. All blood is the same color!
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Jun 02, 2005
Europe is big... and there are many countries that are part of Europe that have never colonized anyone... so please be more specific..
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Jun 02, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:I can understand Christians hating Jews because they sold out Jesus, by why do Muslims hate them so much?

Muslims do not like the Jews for many reasons, here are a few:

1) Commited sacrilidge by calling the Virgin Mary a whore
2) Betrayed the Muslims in arabia during various battles in which they were supposed to be our allies against the pagans
3) Betrayed the Muslims who protected them against the inquisition in Andalusia (Spain) and against the crusaders in the Levant by turnining against them when they felt they could
4) Stealing arab land and occupying and and committing sacrilidge by occupying the Islamic sites of the Palestinian capital Jerusalem

These are a few reasons but there are many more, so much more betrayals and backstabbing from the Jew that words cannot describe.

Any then they wonder why nobody like them, even God has forsaken them as per scripture.
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Jun 02, 2005
We all know which countries in Europe where the ones that colonized and fractured black Africa and raped and pillaged it to reduce it to what we have today.

We all know which European countries colonized and tortured Arab North Africa for years and years.

We all know which European countries took over Arab lands after WWI after promising Sheik Faysal the independance of greater Arabia only to let him down and create the mandate system (which was nothing more than a PC word for colony).

Other European nations didn't necessarly conquer but I doubt that more than 2% of European nations have any love for arabs or muslims for that matter. If they did then, Turkey who btw is not arab but is muslim, would be a EU state right now. Personally I see no difference between Turkey and EU nations Greece, I;ve been there and they are all third world poor nations compared to other EU members.
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Jun 03, 2005

Anyway, I see what you are saying about Jews, Liban. But have they done anything for YOU to hate them, or are you just repeating and propagating the hate?
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Jun 03, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:YEAH!!!!!!

Anyway, I see what you are saying about Jews, Liban. But have they done anything for YOU to hate them, or are you just repeating and propagating the hate?

Good question. In my opinion , I have read many accounts of off-shoot religions like Ismalis, Druze , Judaism and all of the religions are monotheism. Now if u r political leader country and have bitter rivalry with political leader which has same political concept but differ in some ways, u will most likely secretly accept or ally with another country to overthrow ur rival (even if the foreign country differ in political system, thinking, culture) cos u think that ur rival even of the same basic party concept is misusing it or is ineffective! Similarly if u see the Baath party (started by Michel Aflaq) of Iraq (Saddam) and of Syria (Asad) , they were bitter rivals even though they had same basic party concept but later on differed in many aspects. In the case of religion, ppl of jews, minority Ismalis, Bahaai were persecuted or given lower status by dominant religion (Christain land or Muslim land) and the ppl in those communities felt that if they wanted to adapt and perpetuate their community they should excel in business, administration , education etc so they can have a say in that specific sector -this explains why many ppl from these communities are creative, hard working (and they claim God had chosen them to excel) and at times joins the pagans or foreign fighters to overthrow the existing monotheist religion as their main aim is to GET RECOGNITION AND ESTABLISH AUTHENCITY of their religion. Now the need for seperate land by rose by European Jews cos they were continually persecuted, stereotyped for ages and considered "alien" and given a "race" status . That explains a lot why European Jews (Ashkenazi) consider Judaism as race not religion! For example ten yrs ago there was terrorist attack in France where many Jews and French Christains died and Israel wanted justice but the rascist thinking of Europeans was exposed once the French foreign minister said " France denounces this terrorism in which 3 French lost their lives!" And the casualty excludes French Jews! In a family if u r a child treated badly compared to other siblings wouldnt u wish u deserve a place of ur "own"? similarly after Holocaust, the Jews wanted something of their own which many ppl saw a light after many yrs of suffering.
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Jun 03, 2005
What have they done to me?

Destroyed my family home in Lebanon, killed close friends during the way, massacred 20,000 Lebanese during the seige of Beirut in 1982, tried unsuccesfully to conquer my country (ya failed ya suckas)...

Ever hear of the Masada plan????

Lemmi fill you in. Its a plan whereby if Israel is ever bombed by a nuclear arab state it will destroy Mecca and Medina and place explosives in the Dome of the Rock. The Europeans will surely be pissed in order to appease their huge Muslim populations. They will impose a blockade on Israel. The Americans will not participate directly or risk confrontation with Europe and Russia but will indirectly fund and support Israel. Israel will try to break the blockade. European troops get killed during the attempt. Europe demands reperations and builds up its blockade troops. Israel will threaten Europe with its 200 nukes. It is a verbal threat for now because its missils are pointed towards European capitals anyways (Israel hates Europe).

Now, things are getting hot and heavy. The arabs atre intensly lobbying their European and Russian allies for action and support. The war of atrition between the Arabs and Israel over what happened is reaching a breaking point and has exploded to all out warfare. Europeans start to support the arab states and Russia sends troops for "peacekeeping". The Americans start to threaten Europe and Russia and warn them to stop or else. The Europeans turn their nose on the Americans. A terrorist attack hits the States. The States then reponds by bombing their most hated arab or Muslim country (either Iran or Syria in today's context). The Europeans demand as stop as Israel makes steps in pushing back arab forces. Another attack this time by Europe using its Mossad disguised as arab fanatics using depleted uranium on US soil kills thousands. US resorts to nukes. Russia and Europe defend the arabs and issue an ultimatum. US ignores it. The Arab states regroup and rebomb Israel with nukes.

Israel is about to be destroyed and launches the final phase of Operation Masada and lanches towards the capitals of the EU nations and Moscow nukes. Some are stopped and some aren't. Millions die. Europe responds. America defends and attacks. Europe, Russia, and America are engaged in nuclear warfare. Central Asia blows up into mini conflict since the big players have withdrawn. Japan and China and North Korea take advantage of the problems in the west by engaging themselves and their neighbours in war. Australia takes revenge on Indonesia. Africa explodes into clan warfare again. The Middle East is an inferno. The world is dying. OPERATION MASADA.

David Ben Gurion said and I quote "Israel will remain the Nation for the Jews till the end of time. The world will end before Israel ceases to exist this time around."

Operation Masada is supposdly dead in the water right now ever since the intelligence leak. Or is it??
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Jun 04, 2005
See every country have there ass ppl for example inn Iran Iraq war how many died? In Gulf War, and black september 30,000 Palestinians were killed by Jordianian and Pakistani army.
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Jun 04, 2005
WHEW!!! THat was a handful there Liban! I must meditate on this.......

PS. Liban, make sure you hug someone today, ok?
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Jun 05, 2005
Canada has made you two so damned......evil!!!! Blame Canada!!!!!! :twisted:
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Jun 05, 2005
Canada has taught us how to taunt u Americans, isn't it Liban? :lol:
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Jun 05, 2005
Amen Sniper.... Anyways we all know who kicked whos a$$ in 1812 :)
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Jun 05, 2005
D'oh!!!!! You got me there!!!!!! :roll:
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Jun 05, 2005
ANywayz....What is the religious significance of Jeruselum to the Muslims???
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Jun 06, 2005
Mohammed night assencion took him there and the rock God used to fly him on is in the Dome of the Rock, our third holiest house of worship.
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Jun 06, 2005
Muslims already have Mecca and Medina, can't they learn to share!!!
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Jun 06, 2005
It seems to me that Jews and Christians have more of a tie to Jeruselum.
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Jun 06, 2005
Jerusalem was under Muslim rule for hundreds of years before the Israeli Jews stole it from the Christians and Muslims.

It is a widely aknowleged fact that during that period of Islamic rule, Jews and Christians were treated with respect and had the right to run their holy sites as they seed fit... This respect of other faiths's freedom of religion is also decreed in the Blessed Quran.
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Jun 06, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:It seems to me that Jews and Christians have more of a tie to Jeruselum.

Yeah right that's the reason they have open prostitution in the Promised land :lol:
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Jun 06, 2005
Hey, it's the worlds oldest profession! Been pimpin since been pimpin!!! 8)
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