Thanks guys

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Jeevan wrote:hi keith,
Go through this thread
might help you, Ask Kanelli, corco as they have recently taken driving lessons and will let you know about their experiences
The renowned ones are
Emirates driving school
Dubai driving center
Belhasa driving
there are tons of private driving institutes if someone can recommend you one it would be great.
kanelli wrote:Man, it is an adventure getting a license here. I'm training with Emirates Driving Institute and currently trying to jump throught their hoops to get my license. They are very professional, but still because of how the system is set up - I feel like I am paying a lot of money to jump through hoops, and will actually learn to be an effective driver after I get my license.
Recently I was at the main office to do my signal test, which took about 1 minute to complete and had only about 10 questions. Apparently some people fail it, but I have no clue how that is possible (unless they understand very little English). I paid for a signal lecture that basically regurgitates the same info on the card you get with the road signs on it, then spent all that time and effort going down to the main branch for a simple 1 minute "test". Hoops indeed.
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