I haventy maganged to read the whole thread , lots of pages there.
But i got the general idea and here is my two pennies worth. I am not preaching lol
Pork is porhibited because Islam has dictaced this for the Muslims. In Islam there are few things that have Ilah (reason) behind the rule. As muslims the reasoning and intellectual thought is a part of the belief, by this I mean although many people are born into Muslims families and are thus Muslim, it is neccessary that we think about our belief and come to an intellectual appreciation of our belief.
for example in the Quran is says
"Behold ! In the creation of the heavens and the earth and (in) the difference of night and day are indeed Signs for men of understanding"
(The Quran: 003: 189,190) [this is only a translation]
This shows that man should think about his suroundings and the creation of the world.
So a lot of the rules of Islam are then a test for the Muslim, to see if his Iman (faith) is strong or weak. I assure you if I went to the shop bno w(im in the UK at the moment) and bought myself a nice bacon sandwhich for breakfast nothing is going to happen to me Allah isnt going to kill me or hit me with a lightining bolt, but I must now look at my faith and see it says it is not allowed and not eat it, i can come up with 100 reasons (from my own mind) as to why pork isnt allowed eg.
1. its dirty
Answer: rasie pigs in a clean enviroment
2.As someone said before , two male pigs have S e x with each other
Answer: raise them in seperate pens or farms
Even if we do everything the pig is still haram (prohibited) and the reason for this is with the wisdom of the one who created the world.
As for Muslims eating pork, I am not perfect myself , but come on people is there really a need I mean not eating pork isnt going to kill you. My work mates get bacon all the time and even when im hubngry i dont even get normal sandwhices from the same shop cus i know they would have used the same cooking things for the pork and the eggs. I would rather go hungry its not hard , very cheap price to sell your Iman for some pig dont you think?
Excuse the spelling in this post