Threat To Gulf By Al Qaeda

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Threat to Gulf by Al Qaeda Sep 11, 2006
I see that Al Qaeda are threatening the Gulf.

Can't help but wonder what the consequences of an attack here would be - certainly no shortage of targets. Quite worrying!

Ayman al-Zawahiri also condemned the policies of his native Egypt.

In the video, he presents himself as a scholar in front of a bookshelf filled with Islamic legal texts, rather than as a warrior on the battlefield, as he has done in previous videos.

He says: "You should not concern yourself with the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are already doomed.

"Instead you should worry about your presence in two areas. The first is the Gulf, from where you will be expelled... And the second is Israel, because the jihadi reinforcements are getting closer."

The deputy to Osama Bin Laden says al-Qaeda has "repeatedly offered a truce" so now has "all legal and rational justification to continue to fight you".

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Sep 11, 2006
i am so tired of hearing about al-qaeda and osama bin laden and terrorism. *sigh*

when will all this be over
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Sep 11, 2006
bushra21 wrote:i am so tired of hearing about al-qaeda and osama bin laden and terrorism. *sigh*

when will all this be over

I recommend not watching the news for a few years then :)
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Sep 12, 2006
This is interesting. Saudi Arabia (and Pakistan) has a real chance for an Islamic revolution. The occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan have been defeated (thankfully, viva la resistance) but now that Al Qaeda has turned its attention on the Arab governments and Israel, I don't know how this will pan out. Hopefully AQ will only attack zionist military targets, and if they do join ranks with the Palestinian resistance it will supplement the resistance and not divide it as what happened in Iraq.
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Sep 12, 2006
valkyrie wrote:Hopefully AQ will only attack zionist military targets, and if they do join ranks with the Palestinian resistance it will supplement the resistance and not divide it as what happened in Iraq.

:shock: are you for real ?
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Sep 12, 2006
When has Al Qaeda attacked military targets yet? They only do government and civilian targets.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 12, 2006
Dear All,
When Osama speaks, I listen. This man does NOT joke around!
dubai girl
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Sep 12, 2006
Here are a few questions for the Muslim folk on this forum.

1) Do you think that Al Qaeda has the right to attack the UAE because it disagrees with the liberal Islam practiced here.

2) Do you think that Al Qaeda has the right to use terror to try to expel non-Muslims from Muslim lands, including the UAE?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 12, 2006
Hi K, I'm back in the UK permanently now but was having a quick revisit to the site to get the gen and do you know something, I reckon you could be a reporter. You have a real knack for asking the searching questions that cut through the bull and get to the centre of things... and I may just pop back to see the answers to this one because I'd be interested to see how people respond. Some will do doubt have to do some real soul searching about West/Middle East and what's right and wrong.
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Sep 12, 2006
kanelli wrote:Here are a few questions for the Muslim folk on this forum.

1) Do you think that Al Qaeda has the right to attack the UAE because it disagrees with the liberal Islam practiced here.

2) Do you think that Al Qaeda has the right to use terror to try to expel non-Muslims from Muslim lands, including the UAE?

1) No

2) No
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Sep 13, 2006
kanelli wrote:When has Al Qaeda attacked military targets yet? They only do government and civilian targets.

These are the AQ operations that I support. I support any and all attacks against American soldiers stationed abroad.
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Sep 13, 2006
Valkyrie, are you a member of Al Qaeda? If not, it doesn't really matter to me what you think valid targets are since we are talking about Al Qaeda here. :D

As I pointed out before, Al Qaeda seems to attack only government officials and civilians. They don't tackle military targets in the Middle East.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 13, 2006
kanelli wrote:Valkyrie, are you a member of Al Qaeda? If not, it doesn't really matter to me what you think valid targets are since we are talking about Al Qaeda here. :D

As I pointed out before, Al Qaeda seems to attack only government officials and civilians. They don't tackle military targets in the Middle East.

Ummm - kanelli, if you click through on the link above you will see that Al Qaeda did attack the USS Cole (a military target) when it was in the Yemeni port of Aden (i.e. in the Middle East).

Just pointing this out.. I'll let the two of you continue to slug it out :)

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Sep 13, 2006
it is rumoured that Al Qaeda will never attack the UAE since there is an agreement whereby Al Qaeda launders its money through the UAE so hurting the UAE economically would hurt Al Qaeda's funding
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Sep 14, 2006
kanelli wrote:Valkyrie, are you a member of Al Qaeda? If not, it doesn't really matter to me what you think valid targets are since we are talking about Al Qaeda here. :D

As I pointed out before, Al Qaeda seems to attack only government officials and civilians. They don't tackle military targets in the Middle East.

And yet you support Israel...
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Sep 14, 2006

Do you support Israel

Do you support the Palestinian resistance

Do you support the Iraqi resistance

Do you support Hizb'allah
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Sep 14, 2006
valkyrie wrote:Kanelli

Do you support Israel

Do you support the Palestinian resistance

Do you support the Iraqi resistance

Do you support Hizb'allah

I support comes later
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Sep 14, 2006
Valkyrie, it is smart for you to ask me what I support instead of assuming. I support Israel's right to exist. Why? Because IT DOES exist and I don't want to see Israelis/Jews slaughtered. Having said this, I also support the Arabs/Muslims in the neighbouring countries who deserve a fair deal. Currently Palestinians are being treated atrociously by the Israelis and I do not support that at all. Do you have a problem with my opinion on this?

I do not support the Iraqi resistance - they should be focusing on forming police and military and a government so that the coalition can leave. They are currently trying to fight he coalition so that the sectarian violence can break out and each sect of Islam can fight it out for dominance in the new government. Religion is put above what is best for the people and country. I don't approve of that.

No, I do not support Hizbollah as an organisation. I will only support an official army associated with the Lebanese government which was elected by the majority of the Lebanese people.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 14, 2006
valkyrie wrote:
kanelli wrote:Valkyrie, are you a member of Al Qaeda? If not, it doesn't really matter to me what you think valid targets are since we are talking about Al Qaeda here. :D

As I pointed out before, Al Qaeda seems to attack only government officials and civilians. They don't tackle military targets in the Middle East.

And yet you support Israel...

what? :? :?
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Sep 14, 2006
If you are the terrorist will you bomb your brother`s home ?

- Quoted from a very good friend who had her bday last week :!:
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Sep 14, 2006
kanelli wrote:Valkyrie, it is smart for you to ask me what I support instead of assuming. I support Israel's right to exist. Why? Because IT DOES exist and I don't want to see Israelis/Jews slaughtered. Having said this, I also support the Arabs/Muslims in the neighbouring countries who deserve a fair deal. Currently Palestinians are being treated atrociously by the Israelis and I do not support that at all. Do you have a problem with my opinion on this?

well did u know 75% of isrealis have passports of other nationality? Well they are culturally european .....y dont u leave the country ..slaughteringis not the answer........when russian jews left russia.....population there has decreased rapidly.......they need ppl there.

leave like french immigrants left algeria
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Sep 14, 2006
kanelli wrote:Valkyrie, it is smart for you to ask me what I support instead of assuming. I support Israel's right to exist. Why? Because IT DOES exist and I don't want to see Israelis/Jews slaughtered. Having said this, I also support the Arabs/Muslims in the neighbouring countries who deserve a fair deal. Currently Palestinians are being treated atrociously by the Israelis and I do not support that at all. Do you have a problem with my opinion on this?

I do not support the Iraqi resistance - they should be focusing on forming police and military and a government so that the coalition can leave. They are currently trying to fight he coalition so that the sectarian violence can break out and each sect of Islam can fight it out for dominance in the new government. Religion is put above what is best for the people and country. I don't approve of that.

No, I do not support Hizbollah as an organisation. I will only support an official army associated with the Lebanese government which was elected by the majority of the Lebanese people.

You can't be against the occupation of Iraq without supporting the resistance. You also completely steamrolled over my question about supporting the Palestinian resistance. Do you support the armed struggle against the zionist occupation of Palestine?
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Sep 14, 2006
Yes I can be against the resistance movement and still support the coalition leaving Iraq. I don't think the coalition should leave until there is some stability though. You didn't ask me about that - made more assumptions, as usual.

I also didn't steamroll over the Palestinian resistance question, I just didn't see it there amongst the others. To answer your question, I think they do have a right to resist in order to fight for what the internationally community has proposed for borders for Israel and Palestine, and to fight any injustices committed by the Israelis, like stopping people from going to work and school etc. They do not have the right to fight to wipe Israelis off the planet completely. (And same goes for the Israelis with the Palestinians.)

So what are you beefs now Valkyrie?

Are we going to go back to the Al Qaeda topic now or what?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 14, 2006
kanelli wrote:Yes I can be against the resistance movement and still support the coalition leaving Iraq. I don't think the coalition should leave until there is some stability though.

resistance movement only result of coalition attack as always has been the case with wars....however, i do agree with kanelli point that coalition should stay there till stability is regained in that region of world.
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Sep 14, 2006
PhDFares wrote:
kanelli wrote:Yes I can be against the resistance movement and still support the coalition leaving Iraq. I don't think the coalition should leave until there is some stability though.

resistance movement only result of coalition attack as always has been the case with wars....however, i do agree with kanelli point that coalition should stay there till stability is regained in that region of world.

You have got to be kidding me!!!! Do you know what would happen if the coalition left Iraq now.....Utter and Total Civil War.....There was a article in the papers a few days back I forgot the name of the town in Iraq but because of the coalition people could again walk on the roads and they are shuddering to think what would happen when the coalition leaves!!!!
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Sep 15, 2006
devilsdiciple wrote:
PhDFares wrote:
kanelli wrote:Yes I can be against the resistance movement and still support the coalition leaving Iraq. I don't think the coalition should leave until there is some stability though.

resistance movement only result of coalition attack as always has been the case with wars....however, i do agree with kanelli point that coalition should stay there till stability is regained in that region of world.

You have got to be kidding me!!!! Do you know what would happen if the coalition left Iraq now.....Utter and Total Civil War.....There was a article in the papers a few days back I forgot the name of the town in Iraq but because of the coalition people could again walk on the roads and they are shuddering to think what would happen when the coalition leaves!!!!

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Sep 15, 2006
BAGHDAD, Iraq - A suicide car bomber killed two U.S. soldiers and wounded 25 in Baghdad on Thursday, the U.S. command said. The attack brought to five the number of Americans who have died in Iraq since Wednesday. ... 0910164779
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Sep 16, 2006
An attempt by four suicide bombers to attack two oil refineries in Yemen has been foiled ... FEFDA8.htm

In the past Zawahiri videos antedated attacks, this appears to be no exception
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Sep 16, 2006
zam wrote:If you are the terrorist will you bomb your brother`s home ?

- Quoted from a very good friend who had her bday last week :!:

That doesn't even make sense. Are you talking about the marines and the idf?
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Sep 16, 2006
valkyrie wrote:
zam wrote:If you are the terrorist will you bomb your brother`s home ?

- Quoted from a very good friend who had her bday last week :!:

That doesn't even make sense. Are you talking about the marines and the idf?

lol :lol:
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