Young Girl

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young girl Sep 12, 2006
Its really serious and want to see what others think of it.

If a girl was raped when she was 6 and then again she got
S e x ually assaulted about 4 times when she was 7/8.

Do you think
* that girl would change in any way?
*that she will see the world from a different angle?

or do you think
* she would not take them seriously, as she was too young

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Sep 12, 2006
i thought skool started for u :roll: Seriously Alina why dont u start a blog u can post ur thoughts andwait .wait ..wait for some reply. go to and voila...
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Sep 12, 2006
where did i go wrong?

seems like you don't want the nice alina
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Sep 12, 2006
alina_4u wrote:where did i go wrong?

seems like you don't want the nice alina

yeah i dont but i want baaaaaaaaaaaaaad alina somewhere.... :twisted:
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Re: young girl Sep 12, 2006
alina_4u wrote:Its really serious and want to see what others think of it.

If a girl was raped when she was 6 and then again she got
S e x ually assaulted about 4 times when she was 7/8.

Do you think
* that girl would change in any way?
*that she will see the world from a different angle?

or do you think
* she would not take them seriously, as she was too young

This is a memory that can never be erased, chances are she would need some form of phyc. treatment on and off throughout her life.
sage & onion
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Sep 12, 2006
that is true.the person (victim) need some threatment. need go to some special place to live for short-time. after that she/he will be looking after with some contact person(nurse or doctor) untill the memory accept the normal life again. otherwise will be problem for ever. we have alots of people here they have the same problem. but when the man(raper)get charged , they will be happy. but if the raper still around than it is reall problem and need talk to police or family or parent. in western they care alot of that. you get charged life prison. in middle e-ast should be death penalty what i know, first step the raper(person) need to be juged or jailed. it is fix %50 of the problem. the rest of problem is with docotr and clinics or some social workers.
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Sep 12, 2006
when it happend to her, she didn't tell anyone because she was scared and she is 19 now and has a really bad temper. could it be because of that?

something bad happens to her, she goes back to her past and blames it on god.
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Sep 12, 2006
from your letter or note. seem to be the raper is around the girl.

she was raped when she was 6. also when she was 7/8 again.

but what about if the person older 12 or 16 yo. i,m sure happend again.

the raper is around the little girl. so you need get rid of this person . could be father or uncle or someone else. you need raport it ot police or someone you trust. if not or the person is scared than it is reall problem. but i,m sure happen again, if you don,t say anything, it is power for raper. because he know that little girls doesn't say anything and he will keep going. so beeing scare is power for the man.

that is serious crime. you need advise the little girls , go to police or someone you trust. don,t worry what happen. you win when you say something.
if nobody around to trust. it is best way go to some islamic comunity(if the person life in dubai) tell them ur problem they care about it.

think about it, it is reall serious problem and crime. the man need to bo charged,otherwise he will do it again to other people. this man is raper and pedo. death penalty for pedo.
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Sep 12, 2006
if she is 19, still not to late , itis effect the marriage or realtionship. here it is program about victim of se6 assualt. all people they talk about. they have own community here. so they feel free talk about. when they are together they feel beter. because most of them has same problem. i would send you a video of that . maybe help the person, in video they explain how you need deal with that problem. you cann't forget it for ever. it is alltime in the person mind. so only the person need tratment. maybe in dubai it is not this kind of community. and nobody talk about it. so it is very hard solve the problem.

but here they get tratment and some training to deal with that.
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Sep 12, 2006
alina_4u wrote:when it happend to her, she didn't tell anyone because she was scared and she is 19 now and has a really bad temper. could it be because of that?

something bad happens to her, she goes back to her past and blames it on god.

Sounds to me as if you are talking about yourself :?:
sage & onion
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Re: young girl Sep 12, 2006
alina_4u wrote:Its really serious and want to see what others think of it.

If a girl was raped when she was 6 and then again she got
S e x ually assaulted about 4 times when she was 7/8.

Do you think
* that girl would change in any way?
*that she will see the world from a different angle?

or do you think
* she would not take them seriously, as she was too young

well it seems that this person will have alot of issue when he or she grow up.
that girl will not trust any1 or she will feel like all the boys around r just trying to harm her
anyway the family can play a big role to help her in some way or another
in the end hope that will never happend to any1
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Sep 12, 2006
3DAnimationmaya wrote:from your letter or note. seem to be the raper is around the girl.

she was raped when she was 6. also when she was 7/8 again.

but what about if the person older 12 or 16 yo. i,m sure happend again.

the raper is around the little girl. so you need get rid of this person . could be father or uncle or someone else. you need raport it ot police or someone you trust. if not or the person is scared than it is reall problem. but i,m sure happen again, if you don,t say anything, it is power for raper. because he know that little girls doesn't say anything and he will keep going. so beeing scare is power for the man.

that is serious crime. you need advise the little girls , go to police or someone you trust. don,t worry what happen. you win when you say something.
if nobody around to trust. it is best way go to some islamic comunity(if the person life in dubai) tell them ur problem they care about it.

think about it, it is reall serious problem and crime. the man need to bo charged,otherwise he will do it again to other people. this man is raper and pedo. death penalty for pedo.

Do you know that the amount of young girls that are raped / molested by Parents / Relatives is unbelievable.
It is a real sickness that has invaded society, but how can it be stopped, when the children themselves group up thinking this is normal?
sage & onion
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Sep 12, 2006
In an ideal world, rapists should have the rod of flesh forcibly inserted into themselves
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Sep 12, 2006
sage & onion wrote:
alina_4u wrote:when it happend to her, she didn't tell anyone because she was scared and she is 19 now and has a really bad temper. could it be because of that?

something bad happens to her, she goes back to her past and blames it on god.

Sounds to me as if you are talking about yourself :?:

ohh Sage I hope not... :(
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Sep 12, 2006
valkyrie wrote:In an ideal world, rapists should have the rod of flesh forcibly inserted into themselves

With a good dose of hot pepper spread on it
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Sep 12, 2006
sage & onion wrote:
valkyrie wrote:In an ideal world, rapists should have the rod of flesh forcibly inserted into themselves

With a good dose of hot pepper spread on it

and a kilo or two of salt and sugar please to call the ants... :lol:
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Sep 12, 2006
Happy tat alina is back..
S&O, i hope its got nothing to do with her..
These kinda psychopaths ... rapists, they should be executed the worst possible way..
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Sep 12, 2006
yes, alina, the girl in question will be affected by her experiences. some people will say, oh well, she was too young -- age doesnt matter. when something is bad you can always feel its bad...even if it is at the tiniest degree. the girl needs to go for therapy, know that she has people that care about her, support her. sometimes individuals who have experienced those things come off as seeming to be strong, that they were not affected -- but its not true. im sorry, but whoever says that this is something that doesnt affect an individual is full of it.

i really hope the girl your talking about isnt you honey. it really is an awful thing that i wish no one has to experience.
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Sep 12, 2006
Yes, the girl will be affected, but she should speak up about it and get any help she needs. Also, she should stop blaming herself or blaming God or her past, because the only person who deserves blame is the rapist. The girl has to be responsible for her own temperament and own actions from now on, and realise she is valuable and deserves a good life. The rapist hurt her in the past, but cannot hurt her anymore. She has to move on and enjoy life.
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Sep 12, 2006
kanelli wrote:Yes, the girl will be affected, but she should speak up about it and get any help she needs. Also, she should stop blaming herself or blaming God or her past, because the only person who deserves blame is the rapist. The girl has to be responsible for her own temperament and own actions from now on, and realise she is valuable and deserves a good life. The rapist hurt her in the past, but cannot hurt her anymore. She has to move on and enjoy life.

unfortunately thats easier said than done. also, if the girl is from a certain culture, lets take the middle eastern culture for example, its almost going to be impossible for her to speak up.

there was a story of a girl who was raped by two men here in dubai a while back and she had spoken up about it. the men were jailed, but the community shunned her. she became pregnant, and the poor girl committed suicide. allah esami7ha inshalla.
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Sep 12, 2006
Shame on her family. They should be disgusted with themselves.
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Sep 12, 2006
kanelli wrote:Shame on her family. They should be disgusted with themselves.

Who are you refering to kaneli
sage & onion
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Sep 12, 2006
The family that Bushra mentioned in the post above mine. The one who disowned the raped girl who was pregnant and then subsequently killed herself.
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Sep 12, 2006
kanelli wrote:The family that Bushra mentioned in the post above mine. The one who disowned the raped girl who was pregnant and then subsequently killed herself.

OK I got it now, it's just that I was following the original story posted by alina, didn't realise that Bushra had hi-jacked the thread so to speak.
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Sep 12, 2006
she wasnt shunned by her family....just the community.

and im sorry s&o i didnt realize that i had hi-jacked the thread. i mean, i thought i was still on the same topic.
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Sep 12, 2006
Well, shame on the community. They must be a bunch of ignorant people. This is the problem I have with people saying that women's rights are well respected in some cultures when they are clearly not. Only ignorant people blame raped girls for being raped and pregnant.

No woman who has been raped deserves to be treated like she is worth less because more than one man has been with her. It was something out of her control, and men need to get over the idea that they should be with virgin women. Raped women deserve love and support. In the West a woman has the option of terminating a pregnancy after a rape, and raped women are often given the morning after pill to prevent a pregnancy in the first place. That obviously can 't happen for women and girls who don't report the rape to doctors or authorities. A very sad situation.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 12, 2006
kanelli wrote:Well, shame on the community. They must be a bunch of ignorant people. This is the problem I have with people saying that women's rights are well respected in some cultures when they are clearly not. Only ignorant people blame raped girls for being raped and pregnant.

No woman who has been raped deserves to be treated like she is worth less because more than one man has been with her. It was something out of her control, and men need to get over the idea that they should be with virgin women. Raped women deserve love and support. In the West a woman has the option of terminating a pregnancy after a rape, and raped women are often given the morning after pill to prevent a pregnancy in the first place. That obviously can 't happen for women and girls who don't report the rape to doctors or authorities. A very sad situation.

I totally agree with you Kanelli.
sage & onion
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Sep 13, 2006
no it didn't happen to me.... i was talking about someone that i know.

her parents recently found out, and they were shocked, and told the girl it happens everywhere and not to worry about it and to move one
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Sep 13, 2006
So the family did nothing about the person who abused her?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 13, 2006
kanelli wrote:So the family did nothing about the person who abused her?

Because it was one of the family of course!
sage & onion
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