What Were You Doing & Where Were You On September 11th?

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Sep 10, 2006
Some people like to look for the most complicated answer to what happened on 9/11 - like the government orchestrated it, made up people, planted explosives, etc. etc. The simple fact is that Al Qaeda exists and there is proof from their own lips that they planned and excuted 9/11. It doesn't matter if the US army might have shot down one hijacked plane over Pennsylvania, and there is evidence that a plane did hit the Pentagon, despite what conspiracy theorists say - so I tend to want to believe the simple story. Just read the elaborate stories by the conspiracy theorists - they seem to have a complex answer for every part of the 9/11 attack. It too makes me wonder how on earth people can buy into that. 9/11 could only have been done by a small group of terrorists who planned carefully amongst themselves. It is much easier for them to ram planes into buildings than for the US to manipulate every detail like the passengers, hijackers, rigging the towers to collapse, planting fake stories, calls from passengers, photograhic evidence etc. etc. The simple solution is most often the correct one.

It must have been terrible for you Concord - I sympathise with you, your friends and family who had to experience such a shocking act of terror.

Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 10, 2006
I was on night shift when it happenen and when I learned that it did, I thought to myself, nah, it couldn't happen to the great US of A...

BTW, did anyone here hear some of the recorded 911 calls during that? It's really disturbing :? ... this guy was talking to the 911 agent and was angry even and then he paused for a while... and then he screamed. The way he shouted "Oh God! Oh!" really sent goosebumps through me... :cry:
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Sep 10, 2006
dubai girl wrote:St. Lucifier,
Thanks for your input. I did not raise this post to create a problem, it has been very interesting to hear where people were, and what they were doing. It is also very comforting to know that we are not alone here, and that we are surrounded by people that are similar to us. We are all here for different reason's. This is a wonderful place to be, and I do not regret that I am here. It is far from home and our loved ones, and that is why we all seek to find some common interests with people that were raised basically the same, and have similar values and interests.

Dubai girl.., No i didnt mean to create a problem either..

I was expressing what i felt about it. I dont believe in any of the conspiracy theories coz none of them is simply not acceptable for a sane person. but just see the world and US policy measures after that. Sometimes the US Govt n policymakers get the scene completely wrong .
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Sep 10, 2006
A: In my homeland, I was about to sleep when my father (who's in Saudi Arabia) ring me in my mobile. He was screaming for the TV to be turned on and switch to CNN.

And thus....no more sleeping that night...tears of course. And not to forget tried the whole night to call my relatives in US, no luck at all. The next morning they called us to say they were fine.

To date, there are still on going discussion as to what really happened in 9/11. Some say its a terrorist act. Some say its a plot of US government itself. I really dont know what to believe in anymore when it comes to this. Whatever,I just pray for everyone who died to rest in peace.
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Sep 10, 2006
i was on the road returning home and enjoying the traffic jams near maktoum bridge.
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Sep 10, 2006
Hey St. Lucifer,
No problem, and it's okay. :D Thanks for the apology, I appreciate it.

This is somewhat a serious post, and it is okay.

I would like to comment that I do not believe that the US government was behind the plane/wtc incident. Too many things being read into all of this at this time. Too many fingers pointing blame.
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Sep 10, 2006
Concord wrote:I was in my office when someone came in and told me about it. I looked out the window and could see the smoke. Managed to get home around 4 pm just to see the 3rd building collapse - 7 World Trade Center. My wife could not make it home and spent the night at friends - No one who was outside could go to where she was. I lived with the burning smell for months.

Before 9/11 as I dressed for work I could see the top 20 floors of each tower from my room! I knew people inside those buildings.

Anyone who thinks for a second that 9/11 was a hoax or conspiracy needs to have his/her head examined. Particularly anyone with enough brains to figure out how to log onto this forum.

Will never forget.

Prayers for all.

i understand ur feelings but u always have to see the other side of the story..may their souls rest in peace
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Sep 10, 2006
The US hadn't invaded Afghanistan or Iraq yet. All they were doing was supporting Israel, the good and the bad. Having military bases in Saudi Arabia was a big burr up Osama's butt. Does that mean that he should attack New York and Washington? Why didn't he make a mass assault on the military base in Saudi instead of attacking innocent civilians on US soil?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 10, 2006
I must have been shopping .....or sleeping.
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Sep 11, 2006
"I will never forget that day - ever."

I will never forget September 11 2002
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Sep 11, 2006
Actually, it was 2001. :roll:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 11, 2006
Oh no, all of the posts are gone!!! What has happened?
dubai girl
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Sep 11, 2006
i was round my friends place in A'dam. we were both pregnant and i had just taken a cake round to her house. i had left my bike unlocked, outside, as i wasn't going to stay long, then her husband called and told her to turn on the telly. we were both glued to the set for the rest of the afternoon, in a state of shock/horror/disbelief. when i eventually left her house, my bike was gone.
now if someone asks my friends little girl if she knows what happened on september the 11th, she tells them that her aunties bike got nicked.
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Sep 12, 2006
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Sep 12, 2006
I was at school, in French lesson. And in the evening, though those events I went to the football stadium to see the match of my team against PSV Eindhoven in Champions League. We won 4-1. That was a long time ago... :cry:
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Sep 13, 2006
kanelli wrote:MaaaD, are you implying that the actions of Al Qaeda in these terrorist attacks actually spoke for the majority of the Arab/Muslim world? That the Arab/Muslim world were vicariously sending a wake-up call to the US about their actions in the Middle East? If yes, then don't blame Americans for "stereotyping" that Arabs and Muslims are dangerous - because maybe they are... especially if they took pleasure in watching the 9/11 attacks. I was under the impression that Arabs/Muslims felt that Al Qaeda was an extremist group that they did not want to be associated with.

I thought i had replied to this but i guess not :)

Kanelli, i am not sure where in my post did you get the idea that i said Al Qaeda spoke for the Arab/Muslim word. Infact i didnt mention Al Qaeda once in my post. I will assure you most of the Arab/Muslim world views Bin Laden and co as lunatics who are causing us more grief, death and destruction than anyone else in this world. Again i am not sure how your reply has anything to do with my original post.
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Sep 14, 2006
MaaaD wrote:
kanelli wrote:MaaaD, are you implying that the actions of Al Qaeda in these terrorist attacks actually spoke for the majority of the Arab/Muslim world? That the Arab/Muslim world were vicariously sending a wake-up call to the US about their actions in the Middle East? If yes, then don't blame Americans for "stereotyping" that Arabs and Muslims are dangerous - because maybe they are... especially if they took pleasure in watching the 9/11 attacks. I was under the impression that Arabs/Muslims felt that Al Qaeda was an extremist group that they did not want to be associated with.

I thought i had replied to this but i guess not :)

Kanelli, i am not sure where in my post did you get the idea that i said Al Qaeda spoke for the Arab/Muslim word. Infact i didnt mention Al Qaeda once in my post. I will assure you most of the Arab/Muslim world views Bin Laden and co as lunatics who are causing us more grief, death and destruction than anyone else in this world. Again i am not sure how your reply has anything to do with my original post.

Al Jazeera Arabic Poll: 49.9% Support Osama Bin Laden

An Arabic linguist emailed to let me know about this disturbing page at the Arabic web site of JihadTV (Al Jazeera), with the results of a questionnaire taken by 41,260 Arab viewers: Google translated version.

http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/ ... Poll-_49.9%_Support_Osama_Bin_Laden&only
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Sep 14, 2006
Read your original post MaaaD and then read my post again. I didn't pull my comments out of thin air.
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Sep 14, 2006
I was in University Playing Billiards with my friends !!
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