Child Birth, Certificates And Marriage Licenses

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Child Birth, certificates and marriage licenses Sep 09, 2006
I know this issue came up a while ago, but while sorting out some documents I found a copy of the procedure and thought it might help:

I'm going to paraphase the document as its a bit long:

After birth and on discharge from the hospital the hospital issues the parents with a copy (white) of the Birth Notification - original is sent directly to the Ministry of Health (MOH) by the hospital.

The father must personally then present himself and the following documentation at the Dept. of Preventative Medicine (old Kuwaiti Hospital). The papers for nationals and non-nationals are slightly different, but I will only deal with non-nationals..

White copy of the Birth Notification
Original passports of the mother and father
Passport copies of the mother and father
Marriage certificate if the fathers name is not mentioned in the mother's passport

This must occur with 14 days of the birth!

A second visit is required to collect the Original Arabic Birth Certificate, it then has to be translated into English and both copies attested by the Department of Preventative Medicine.

Both English and Arabic Certificates then have to be attested at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (here you can actually send a PRO to do the process)

The birth must then be registered at your embassy or consulate and application made for a passport for the child.

Within 4 months from date of birth the new passport needs to be taken to the Department of Naturalisation and Immigration so that a residency visa can be included in the document.

The Department of Naturalisation and Immigration requires the following documentation:

Sponsor's passport - original and copy (in 99% of cases the father)
Child's passport - original and copy
Child's Birth Certificate - original and copy
Employment certificate or salary confirmation letter (from employer)
Photographs of the child
300 AED for processing the application


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Sep 10, 2006
DS, I figured this would be useful at some random point in the future for other forumers so I've stickied this.
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Sep 10, 2006
cool thanks 8)
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Sep 10, 2006
Very useful, thanks :wink:
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Re: Child Birth, certificates and marriage licenses Sep 10, 2006
dbxsoul wrote:
The Department of Naturalisation and Immigration requires the following documentation:

Sponsor's passport - original and copy (in 99% of cases the father)
Child's passport - original and copy
Child's Birth Certificate - original and copy
Employment certificate or salary confirmation letter (from employer)
Photographs of the child
300 AED for processing the application


Thank you very much indeed!!!
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Sep 10, 2006
Top tip:

I gave the birth notification issued by the hospital, along with the passports and marriage certificate, to my PRO and he did the running around for me. The birth certificates were issued the next day.

(So, depending on the PRO, the need for the father to present apears to be flexible - but everything I'd read said I did have to do it, but I thought I'd ask the PRO as I was finding it difficult to take time off work).

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Sep 10, 2006
What is a PRO?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 10, 2006
kanelli wrote:What is a PRO?

Public Relations Officer is the correct meaning, generally used to describe the guy who does all the running around at the various Government Departments
sage & onion
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Sep 11, 2006
sage & onion wrote:
kanelli wrote:What is a PRO?

Public Relations Officer is the correct meaning, generally used to describe the guy who does all the running around at the various Government Departments

PRO's are currently an endangered species. recent legislation now enforces that all PRO positions in local companies need to be filled by UAE nationals. consequently our company has a "local" pro, and one that does the work :lol:
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living together? Sep 11, 2006
i've been searching on a few websites but none that seems to address the topic directly.

what exactly is the stance on unmarried couples living together in dubai? are we allowed to live together without getting married?
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Re: living together? Sep 11, 2006
feddupfish wrote:i've been searching on a few websites but none that seems to address the topic directly.

what exactly is the stance on unmarried couples living together in dubai? are we allowed to live together without getting married?

this is covered quiet extensivly in various posting on this forum, here are some of the most recent links:

also use the search function on the forum
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Sep 23, 2008
Thanks for this, my wife is pregnant and we will have our second in Dubai. Very useful.
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Nov 24, 2008
Quick Update:

MOFA (Ministry Of Foreign Affairs) has moved.

Its now South of the Creek, near the Burjuman Centre, see the map. ... &z=14&pw=2

You will need this to validate your marriage certificate et al.

Quick reminder to have these done at your home Foreign Office as well as your home Dubai Consulate, before coming here for attestation.

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