Remembering 9/11

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Remembering 9/11 Sep 08, 2006
Remembering September 11 1973

Were the lives of those killed at the World Trade Centre more valuable than the innocents murdered in Chile's US-backed coup, asks Tito Tricot

Monday September 16, 2002
Guardian Unlimited

Our dreams were shattered one cloudy morning when the military overthrew the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende. Twenty-nine years later, at midday, Chile's's firemen sounded their sirens paying tribute to thousands of men and women who lost their lives without really understanding what was happening.
It was a moment of remembrance, not for the victims of the military coup, but for those killed at the World Trade Centre in New York. Sad as that might have been, it is even sadder that Chilean firemen have never sounded their sirens to remember our own dead. And there are thousands of them, including many children, who were murdered by the military. ... 53,00.html

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Sep 09, 2006
answer yes their lives were far more precious than those dead in chile or iraq or afghanistan
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Sep 09, 2006
sniper420 wrote:answer yes their lives were far more precious than those dead in chile or iraq or afghanistan

how so? an innocent person's life is just as precious as the next.

had they deserved what had happened or brought onto themselves what happened, i would agree with you. but when it is an innocent person whose life is shouldnt matter how or by whom or who that person was.
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Sep 09, 2006
^ i think he was being sarcastic
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Sep 09, 2006
i should have picked up on that since im usually giving those responses...da mn it. :oops: sorry sniper
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Sep 09, 2006
Any life is important. No matter what country or religion. Violence, terrorism, or any other act of killing is BAD.

As an American, how can I put my people above anyone else? Everyone is important. Their lives, family, jobs, etc are all important. We are all human, therefore we have needs, and wants, and dreams.
dubai girl
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Sep 09, 2006
Well said ladies.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 11, 2006
how about a rememberance for those killed in palestine, those who were in killed in IRAQ during the Gulf War 1 and the current Gulf War 2. And how about remember those killed in Afghanistan and Kashmir. What about those killed in Chechnya. Will someone remember those people killed in the countries mentioned above?
I wonder why there wasnt a special program on CNN to remember those killed in the countries mentioned above.
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Sep 11, 2006
Well you said it yourself : CNN

What did u expect?
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Sep 12, 2006
CNN is an American channel and those who were killed were mostly American. The audience of CNN is primarily American. Do you have an issue with American media remembering an important historical event in American history? Holy crap people! :lol:

There should be memorials to people killed all over the world, and there are memorials to those people... Perhaps you miss those because you are too busy paying attention to American-related topics?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 14, 2006
I couldn't believe all the constant propoganda that I listened to during 9/11. Why is it when a couple white workers are killed suddenly there is this ubiquitious coverage of the "tragedy". In africa, at least three thousand children die every day from preventable diseases. It makes you think how much more important a white worker is than brown or black workers.
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Sep 14, 2006
kanelli wrote:CNN is an American channel and those who were killed were mostly American. The audience of CNN is primarily American. Do you have an issue with American media remembering an important historical event in American history? Holy crap people! :lol:

There should be memorials to people killed all over the world, and there are memorials to those people... Perhaps you miss those because you are too busy paying attention to American-related topics?

well there are gazillions of Holocaust memorials yet where are gypsies, and othe rminorities killed in ww2? Can u gimme an example kanelli?

If I were to bcome rich 2morrow i will build a memorial with largest surface area so all the names of ppl who were massacred can b written- humanity failed in some way at some point of time......
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Sep 14, 2006
valkyrie, are you saying that the 9/11 attacks where thousands of people were killed was "a few white workers"? If you knew anything about the 9/11 attacks you'd have known that those workers from all over the world. There were people of Asian, African, Mexican, Middle Eastern decent who were killed that day.

We all know that everyone ignores Africa and it is a real shame.

I don't think your or sniper's arguments stand up for why the US is wrong to have a memorial for a tragedy that happened on their own soil.

Are you guys so critical of the US that you can't even see any logic?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 14, 2006
kanelli wrote:valkyrie, are you saying that the 9/11 attacks where thousands of people were killed was "a few white workers"? If you knew anything about the 9/11 attacks you'd have known that those workers from all over the world. There were people of Asian, African, Mexican, Middle Eastern decent who were killed that day.

We all know that everyone ignores Africa and it is a real shame.

I don't think your or sniper's arguments stand up for why the US is wrong to have a memorial for a tragedy that happened on their own soil.

Are you guys so critical of the US that you can't even see any logic?

well i ddnt mention anythin abt US........and yes let them make memorials to remember the dead what's wrong with that?
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Sep 15, 2006

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Sep 16, 2006
So this is a thread about remembering 9/11 and now we have Valkyrie posting a pic of a victim of Hurricane Katrina with some quote. Wow, the logic astounds me. :roll:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 16, 2006
kanelli wrote:So this is a thread about remembering 9/11 and now we have Valkyrie posting a pic of a victim of Hurricane Katrina with some quote. Wow, the logic astounds me. :roll:

true kan.......we fellow candians agree to one thing.......our american neigbour lacks logic! :lol:
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Sep 16, 2006
Is he/she American? Certainly anti-American it seems.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 16, 2006
kanelli wrote:Is he/she American? Certainly anti-American it seems.

yep from illinois....from mini rcmp here
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Sep 16, 2006
Sounds to me like he should be in Iraq joining the insurgency - put his actions where his mouth is. :D
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 16, 2006
How come no one is remembering the the 50000+ Iraqis who died...the destruction of whole nation...or the 10000+ Afghans who died?

Are there lifes less valuable than 3000 who died in WTC?
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Sep 16, 2006
valkyrie wrote:I couldn't believe all the constant propoganda that I listened to during 9/11. Why is it when a couple white workers are killed suddenly there is this ubiquitious coverage of the "tragedy". In africa, at least three thousand children die every day from preventable diseases. It makes you think how much more important a white worker is than brown or black workers.

why are you doing about it?
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Sep 16, 2006
sniper420 wrote:
kanelli wrote:CNN is an American channel and those who were killed were mostly American. The audience of CNN is primarily American. Do you have an issue with American media remembering an important historical event in American history? Holy crap people! :lol:

There should be memorials to people killed all over the world, and there are memorials to those people... Perhaps you miss those because you are too busy paying attention to American-related topics?

well there are gazillions of Holocaust memorials yet where are gypsies, and othe rminorities killed in ww2? Can u gimme an example kanelli?

If I were to bcome rich 2morrow i will build a memorial with largest surface area so all the names of ppl who were massacred can b written- humanity failed in some way at some point of time......

I guess you don't need to be rich to just sit on your ass, write crap and criticize others who are at least doing something.
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Sep 16, 2006
sniper420 wrote:
kanelli wrote:So this is a thread about remembering 9/11 and now we have Valkyrie posting a pic of a victim of Hurricane Katrina with some quote. Wow, the logic astounds me. :roll:

true kan.......we fellow candians agree to one thing.......our american neigbour lacks logic! :lol:

I don't know about Canadians but you certainly do. Being Canadian is just a coincidence as far as I see.
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Sep 16, 2006
Lionheart wrote:How come no one is remembering the the 50000+ Iraqis who died...the destruction of whole nation...or the 10000+ Afghans who died?

Are there lifes less valuable than 3000 who died in WTC?

And you are doing what about it? Please remind me...
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Sep 17, 2006
Concord wrote:
valkyrie wrote:I couldn't believe all the constant propoganda that I listened to during 9/11. Why is it when a couple white workers are killed suddenly there is this ubiquitious coverage of the "tragedy". In africa, at least three thousand children die every day from preventable diseases. It makes you think how much more important a white worker is than brown or black workers.

why are you doing about it?

For the 9/11 "victims" absolutely nothing. The chickens came home to roost that day in New York and I could care less. Quite frankly I think that america deserved the attack.I also think that america under bush will start wars with China and Iran. Also britain should stop being americas ally and do things it's own way not americas
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Sep 17, 2006
Concord wrote:
Lionheart wrote:How come no one is remembering the the 50000+ Iraqis who died...the destruction of whole nation...or the 10000+ Afghans who died?

Are there lifes less valuable than 3000 who died in WTC?

And you are doing what about it? Please remind me...

I'm keeping them in my heart and prayer as much as possible...
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Sep 17, 2006
Lionheart wrote:How come no one is remembering the the 50000+ Iraqis who died...the destruction of whole nation...or the 10000+ Afghans who died?

Are there lifes less valuable than 3000 who died in WTC?

u can start notehr thread to remember them :roll:
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Sep 17, 2006
kanelli wrote:Sounds to me like he should be in Iraq joining the insurgency - put his actions where his mouth is. :D

Why don't you join the occupation in afghanistan, they are missing a few good men :D
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Sep 17, 2006
Firstly, I'm not male, obviously you missed that in the other threads I have posted. Secondly, I do take action beyond sitting at the computer on a forum giving opinions and finding nice pictures to post. Thirdly, I have already said that if the Afghanistani people want the Taleban back, then Canadian forces should definitely pull out - so why would I go there to fight the Taleban? You are the one beaking off about heavily supporting the insurgency in Iraq. You take a lot of pleasure of out of the death of coalition troops and innocent civilians in the New York, while I don't savour the deaths of Taleban fighters or any civilians hurt. If you thirst for other people's blood, don't expect me to have respect for you.
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