What Were You Doing & Where Were You On September 11th?

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What were you doing & where were you on September 11th? Sep 08, 2006
Thought this was a good question for all DFer's!

When the planes hit the New York Trade Center, what were you doing, and where were you?

Will share my whereabouts and what I was doing later this evening!

dubai girl
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Re: What were you doing & where were you on September 1 Sep 08, 2006
dubai girl wrote:Thought this was a good question for all DFer's!

When the planes hit the New York Trade Center, what were you doing, and where were you?

Will share my whereabouts and what I was doing later this evening!

i was sleeping, it happened at 5:00pm that day dubai time
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Sep 08, 2006
I was at work in an electronics showroom. Went down to the TV floor and saw it on the news.
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Sep 08, 2006
sat down having cup of coffee @ lunchtime, put the TV on then 5 minutes later i thought i was seeing things when the second plane went into the tower.

I will never forget that day - ever.

God rest those poor souls

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Sep 08, 2006
i was out in a game reserve without radio, television or mobile reception. i didn't know anything about it until three days after it happened - and then had to rig up an antennae onto the car to pick up short wave. only saw the visual footage about a month after that. :shock:
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Sep 08, 2006
I had just finished teaching a class and my co-worker told me he just read on a news website that a plane had hit the Trade Center. Then we found out shortly after that another plane had hit. There were TV screens used for notices in the foyer of the school, and they were switched to the news channel with a crowd of students gathered around watching. You could hear a pin drop and people were visibly shocked.
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Sep 08, 2006
:twisted: I was in the BUS !!!.
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Sep 08, 2006
I was living in Dallas and it was my day off from work. I worked in the Hyatt and we had variable off days. I got a call at 9:15 in the morning and was asked to come in to work. I was getting dressed when I switched on my TV. I saw 2 planes flying into the WTC towers and I wondered why they were showing an action flick in the morning rather than the news. It wasn't until I got to my car and switched on the radio that I realised what had happened. I also understood why I had been asked to come in to work. The Hyatt Regency is the tallest building in Dallas. Very few people chose to come to work.
The day was the most emotionally trying day I have ever had at work. We had a number of guests who could not get home to their families because all flights had been cancelled, people were standing in the lobby crying as they looked up at the big screen TVs, people were talking on the phone with their friends searching for friends who were in NYC at the time.
We held many vigils the following months. It effected everyone I knew in one way or another.
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Sep 08, 2006
I was in the US it was early in the morning and i was at economics class .. the teacher cancelled the lecture and we all went back home. Spent the rest of the day glued to the TV hoping that no Arab or Muslim did that. Boy was i wrong ! :(
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Sep 08, 2006
I was in my office in Canada working away, At that time I worked for a telco company. An interesting tidbit for you, that same telco had put two switches one in the base of each trade centre building, 10 floors below each building (below the underground parking). These switches continued running for 10 days until the diesel generators died. They were situated at the base of each building as part of our companies DRP solution because nobody thought it would be possible for something to happen to both buildings. Little did we know…………..

Oh another interesting tidbit, our company occupied floors in 4 buildings in the city I lived in, 3 of those building were evacuated and staff sent home shortly after.
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Sep 08, 2006
Was at home playing with my toes. My parents called me and I watched it live on TV... I could already picture all the problems which would await all the Arab youths who were dreaming of going to the US to do their grad studies just like me... Wondering what would be the repercussions of this terrible event on all Arabs living there...
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Sep 08, 2006
I was on vacation in the south of France and my Mom woke me up saying that a plane hit the WTC and I didn't believe her and turned around. It took her 5 minutes to get me out of bed because I didn't believe her.
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Sep 08, 2006
hey all, just new on tha forum anywayz...

I was actually actually living in the Bronx (NY) at the time and it was like the fourth day of school. The newz waz announced all over the school, but you kno.... no one really took it that seriously ( i was actually attending my cooking class, lol ). Well it was just like any other day, got back home and saw WTC being struck by 2 planes, cud actually see the smoke when i went up 2 the roof in my building. Later on all the neighburs were gathering outside and talking about it, man it was just one extreme day.
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Sep 08, 2006
I was, like most people here, at work. It was about 1:45pm (?), and my boss called me to ask me a quick question. After I'd answered the question, she was like "what's happening in the world? I've just heard that a plane has hit the world trade centre in New York". I put the phone down and told my colleagues, and then we went into the lunch room and put the tv on - just as they had announced a second plane had hit.
Needless to say that not much work got done that afternoon, and I went home early because I couldn't concentrate.

I hope the world never sees a day like that again.
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Sep 09, 2006
MaaaD wrote:I was in the US it was early in the morning and i was at economics class .. the teacher cancelled the lecture and we all went back home. Spent the rest of the day glued to the TV hoping that no Arab or Muslim did that. Boy was i wrong ! :(

Wow. Similar to my story. I was in Atlanta.
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Sep 09, 2006
I slept in that day. My dad burst into my room laughing that someone actually attacked the WTC, after groaning I told I didn't care and he left.
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Sep 09, 2006
I was driving home from work in Dubai, heard it on the Radio, I reached home just before the second plane hit. My wife and I watched the replay again and again, we both cried like babies. I wish never to see such a thing like that again.
As Arnie says: May God rest those poor souls
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Sep 09, 2006
well i was in uni and i saw headlines in my freind's comp that world trade centers have beem hit ..i thought it was old news of bomb plot then i saw huge screen display showing bham bham and ppl were crying screaming etc.........then inside i knew this was beginning of bloodshed
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Sep 09, 2006
i had just finished my alevels :D came home went to sleep on the couch, left the tv on cos was watching football but some boring match was on so i started drifting to sleep. next thing i heard was the september 11 news just come in and actually saw the 2nd plane going into the tower hmmm witnessed the whole thing. then i remember pinching myself thinking that it was a dream but i guess it wasnt.
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Sep 09, 2006
i was in manhattan getting coffee when it happened. my friend he found me and pulled me into his flat and said he had to get me out of new york. i didnt understand why at first then it hit me....it was done by arabs. when i finally did make it back to pennsylvania my mum was so grateful.

funny thing is i was in manhattan for the blackout as well. after that my mum said she never wants me to go to new york ever again. well, im moving there for a bit in january -- hopefully nothing happens while im there :?
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Sep 09, 2006
i was in school then 8)
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Sep 09, 2006
You know it is so interesting to read where everyone was, and what they were doing during this horrific time. There were so many affected by the ordeal, I mean having to do with someone that knew people directly affected, jobs were also affected, travel, and the list goes on.

I was in sales at the time, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was making my way in my car and heard a special announcement regarding the first plane hitting the first tower. After going up the elevator for my appointment, I checked in with the receptionist, and glanced at the tv in the corner of the waiting room, and saw the secone plane hit the other tower. I can honestly say that I have never been more shocked about anything in my lifetime. It was beyond belief to me, the pictures, articles, and horrifying experiences to follow from the people that were there, had family there, and were living this nightmare made the entire act so real. The television was on 24 hours a day for many days watching the heart wrenching news from that day. I don't think I have ever felt so empty and/or violated. It was beyond comprehension that there are people in this world that hate "American's" so deeply. Even in my mid to late 40's, it was a gut-wrenching experience, and I just how sick the world really was.
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Sep 09, 2006
I was at work and the whole place went into meltdown, as we became a rolling news service and had to monitor all the news wires and gather the facts and figures. Not a very pleasant day.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Sep 09, 2006
dubai girl wrote:It was beyond comprehension that there are people in this world that hate "American's" so deeply. Even in my mid to late 40's, it was a gut-wrenching experience, and I just how sick the world really was.

I dont want to jack this thread but thats a very good post dubai girl. Before september 11th the American public was completely ignorant of how the world felt towards there goverment. Now sadly after september 11 instead of addressing the injustices that the goverment did around the world (apparently to many that would have been as they "lost") it increased them even more (by invading Afghanistan, Iraq and giving Israel a carte blanche) thus fueling the many more attacks that followed september 11. And i fear we havent seen the worst yet :roll:
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Sep 09, 2006
While I appreciate the way general American public indulge in the humanitarian activities, I didnt feel anything special about the incident. Call it my chosen ignorance or the fact that its not my country and may b the anti-american sentiments thats there in the air.
Sometimes i sit and think y is it that there's a divided world, people are so much divided and biased in thier views. For an American that must have been the most terrible accident, but to me that was just another proof of growing differences and anger and hatred among the living lot for their different openions about 'What After Death , how to live'( teachings of any religion).
Ridiculous, Patriotism , Humanity , Candour are all qualities that only US have?
I think enough have been said n written for and against Sep 11 and aftermath. How many much more horrific terrorist atrocities do u want me to show u around the world. I think world can go ahead only if we live with certain facts, otherwise it will only make it more worse a place to b.
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Sep 09, 2006
I was shocked at the violence of the attack, but I felt the same way about it as I did when I heard about the huge earthquake in Iran etc. I always feel equally sad when so much life is lost. I wouldn't say I felt more upset by by 9/11 than any other disaster around the world.

MaaaD, are you implying that the actions of Al Qaeda in these terrorist attacks actually spoke for the majority of the Arab/Muslim world? That the Arab/Muslim world were vicariously sending a wake-up call to the US about their actions in the Middle East? If yes, then don't blame Americans for "stereotyping" that Arabs and Muslims are dangerous - because maybe they are... especially if they took pleasure in watching the 9/11 attacks. I was under the impression that Arabs/Muslims felt that Al Qaeda was an extremist group that they did not want to be associated with.
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Sep 09, 2006
i was at home watchin cartoon network! n then i went to bed early n i didnt find out till the next morning when all my friends were talking about it in school !
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Sep 09, 2006
Have no problem with your comment at all. I do agree fully that the American public doesn't really have a clue what in the hell is going on in the US. I don't think it is because we don't care. Think we all vote to put people in the government that will take care of our country. It's like hiring someone for a job and you trust that they are professional, experienced in their field, and will do their job..............THAT'S ALMOST FUNNY, HUH??? Now that I've said it, it seems really pretty stupid of me, but that is kind of what I thought when I was younger.

St. Lucifier,
Thanks for your input. I did not raise this post to create a problem, it has been very interesting to hear where people were, and what they were doing. It is also very comforting to know that we are not alone here, and that we are surrounded by people that are similar to us. We are all here for different reason's. This is a wonderful place to be, and I do not regret that I am here. It is far from home and our loved ones, and that is why we all seek to find some common interests with people that were raised basically the same, and have similar values and interests.
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Sep 09, 2006
i was driving home from work that day, being in a gmt+7 part of the world. wife called and said there was a plane hitting wtc in new york. i though she was joking and she thought she was looking at the latest movie preview :shock: we watched cnn until early morning, shocked and saddened, especially looking at the 2 building collapsed :cry:
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Sep 10, 2006
I was in my office when someone came in and told me about it. I looked out the window and could see the smoke. Managed to get home around 4 pm just to see the 3rd building collapse - 7 World Trade Center. My wife could not make it home and spent the night at friends - No one who was outside could go to where she was. I lived with the burning smell for months.

Before 9/11 as I dressed for work I could see the top 20 floors of each tower from my room! I knew people inside those buildings.

Anyone who thinks for a second that 9/11 was a hoax or conspiracy needs to have his/her head examined. Particularly anyone with enough brains to figure out how to log onto this forum.

Will never forget.

Prayers for all.
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