Looking For Partner To Establish Business

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looking for partner to establish business Sep 18, 2004
I live in the U.A.E (Dubai) and am in search of a partner who we could collaborate with to start a business here. I have some exciting ideas and am looking to hear from you too.

Serious investors can contact me (Zohaib) at zohaibali7@yahoo.com


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hi there Apr 29, 2006
i am intrested in to hear your business ideas . if they are good i can invest in it .

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Investment Jun 29, 2006
I am currently looking for a good business invest, would appreciate if you can come up with the details.

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Jun 29, 2006
Ummm..... This dates back to 2004... :roll:
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Looking for a local Dubai business partner Sep 08, 2006
I am looking for a business partner in Dubai, with the intention of opening an outlet there, catering to the needs of the UAE.
We import items from all over Asia and we make regular visits to these places to seek out quality pieces, buys most of them raw and natural, for our derigners to work around the flow or composite various produce, into unique designs.
Key items include solid one-piece wood dining table from as small as 160 x 80 x 5cm, to as large as 500 x 125 x 12cm (no joints), Carved stone slabs, Blocks of Larva and Limestone. Handcrafted Steel and Brass lamps, plus decorative items. All natural.
Designed in synergy for modern resort living. In variants, for different applications.
The time is now, for ideas to run wild!
Please do not hesitate to contact me at the email address stated below and I will be more than willing to send you some attachments, rather, my profile, to give you a better and clearer understanding of the nature of our business.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Ramesh Bachani
ZIA Concept Private Limited
Tel (Office) 65 6346 6006
(Mobile) 65 9049 6207
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Sep 18, 2006
hi zohaib,

very happy to see your ad for business partner
but you have to please explain what kind of business is. you said hi people come to me and we start business. what kind of business.
also foe everyone to know before you start business you have to follow this
section/ what is a succesfull business?
1-business plan(what kind of business? internationl?internal?,,,,,,,,more
2-risk level(you have to know the % of risk-level of risk
3-succes % of the business(min you need %70) you need calculate.
eg: how many customer per day-month-year year salary-product+staff=?
4-compotition(if to many compotition don't do it) eg: how many company or restaurant or cafe are your compotition in ur area.
5-organisation (business+staff)
6-Ad (tv ad+local AD) let everyone know that you open the business
7-don,t forget that cheap price means lower level business.

also you have to know market budget. in dubai %90 of the small business closing down. like cafe+restaurant+shops. why? they don,t follow this business plan. eg. someone from india comes to ddubai open shop(chicken curry) they don,t know about the market or business plane. also they don,t know about how many other chicken curry around him, after months they don,t make enough money , sooo there is risk. they don,t fix the risk , because they don,t know how? and when? so end up with losing money and alot of stress. every day business get opened and next month closing down,

also good business is never for sale. bad business alltime for sale,

i,m coming to dubai. to open business, i,m studying nearly about 1 year and research about business plan in dubai. so I know my risk and my success. my success is more than risk. the success is %90, why?
there is no other business around me . my business is 3dAnimation and film VFX. this business is succesfull every where, why? because %2 of poeple does. it is very hard to learn , and very expensive to run. it is only in hollywood. i,m not talking about some small animation. it is a big job. like tv commercial ad + many other things, so I caculate everything. i,m sure ihave %90 success,
anyway , please be carefull. getting the money is very hard. losing money is very easy......any question. please contact me, or any partnership in animation? welkom
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