American People Are Accountable For The Massacres In Lebanon

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Sep 04, 2006
rudeboy wrote:so you are saying that when IRAQ or Afghanistan gets bombed none of the Islamic countries will stand up against America. hmmm they didnt :P. But you saying they didnt because THEY THOUGHT about themselves before rather then thinking about their brothers and sisters in IRAQ and Afghanistan. hmmm come on we can stand against them if USA attacks IRAN tommorow Saudi together with all the Islamic countries can attack USA ok not through our arsenal but why not stop the oil supplies to USA :P like how USA and the UN sanctioned IRAQ, IRAN and other Islamic countries.... see the answer is WE dont want to we are scared and we will be bullied into doing something we dont want to. Majority of the people in the islamic world would want to fight against usa but simply our politicans dont want to cos they too busy earning the dollars from america...
Pakistan was bullied into joining the war against terrorist and so were other islamic countries cos remember bush saying something like "You either Join us or you join them".... by joing with USA we gave our souls away to the devil. am just thinking what if pakistan had said no we will not join you, hmmm would America attack a Nuclear Power like Pakistan :p lol wots the point of the nuclear bomb when you ll be giving into the demands of a bully... end of the day we all gave into america and helped america attack afghanistan helped america attack iraq we sat there and watched 2 wars happen people got killed and we did NOThing oh sorry we did do something about it we posted on dubaiforums thats it :P
when islam had started was there a divide amongst the muslims were there different states or countries like there are now. hmm there werent any divides maybe thats y islam spred so fast and so far and thats y it was so feard amongst the romans at that time... stop blaming america helping Isreal blame your self blame yourself that you dont have friends like America who you can rely on blame your islamic neighbours for not helping you when you were attack blame your islamic neighbours for thinking about them selves rather then thinking about you blame your self for creating divides amongst muslims..doing point fingers at others ask yourself what did your country do when iraq or afghanistan was attacked? oh yeh do blame yourself cos the politicans running our countries were elected by you and me only we can remove them

because of the future of their people, their country.... why can't you understand that.

me personally, i do what i can to help out. im a girl and i told my father that i wanted to go to palestine, to help fight for my country, my people. the only reason i am not there is because my parents told me if i did go they wouldn't be able to sleep at night. when the war happened in lebanon, i went -- i didnt tell anyone i went, i just left and tried to help out as much as i could. what have you done mate? your a man, so you should be able to fight without anyone objecting to it...tell me please.

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Sep 04, 2006
you and i shouldnt be fighting our governments should be fighting i know what you mean that our government care about their interest their ppl but they need to change their way of thinking to make the world a better place to live in it wont happen but only we can make it happen
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Sep 04, 2006
rudeboy wrote:you and i shouldnt be fighting our governments should be fighting i know what you mean that our government care about their interest their ppl but they need to change their way of thinking to make the world a better place to live in it wont happen but only we can make it happen

you lazy muslim....

what is the difference between the government and us. are we not, in your words, the ones who choose our government officials? are we not, the one who choose the government officials and entrust in them to protect as as they see fit?

if you have such a problem with how your government is dealing with these issues get off your butt, stop using the computer, going out, and doing all those other things that most people to do to waste time, and go and do something to help out your brothers and sisters.

i hate people who talk and complain and they themselves do jack sh it....
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Sep 04, 2006
i knew i would have gotten this sort of respone especially after hearing about me boycotting American products. its ok i understand :p bushra to you fighting may seem like the right thing thats your opinion, to me boycotting seems the right thing. i know you think it wont make any difference but i just wanna say that i heard about this boycotting american products from DubaiForums itself. how someone had started boycotting american products because they felt the same way about america. i guess its a movement already which is flowing. a small movement but atleast it has started :P and as we speak right now who knows someone else might lilke this idea.
you are free to give your opinion and i m free to give my opinion. am sorry that i dont feel that your way is the right way. i would have argued and argued y its not the right thing. but whats the point in me arguing with me especially me arguing with a muslim :P

you tried talking with them . you tried bombing them in reply they bomb you back.
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Sep 04, 2006
How about boycotting American companies that are run by Zionists?

Starbucks, I read, is headed up by a staunch supporter of Israel / is a zionist (and a Jew, of course) - but Starbucks seems to be doing a roaring business here. It is, of course, in a partnership with a local firm..

Perhaps some people should write to the Dubai partner of Starbucks complaining??

[Disclaimer - I haven't actually checked out the credentials of the owner of Starbucks in the States, but I have no reason to doubt his jewishness..and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong]

Mines a caramel machiato - Venti - :)
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Sep 04, 2006
shafique wrote:How about boycotting American companies that are run by Zionists?

Starbucks, I read, is headed up by a staunch supporter of Israel / is a zionist (and a Jew, of course) - but Starbucks seems to be doing a roaring business here. It is, of course, in a partnership with a local firm..

Late breaking news: they are not the only ones :wink:
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Sep 04, 2006
Concord - pray tell.

It's funny that lurpack was taken off the shelves because of cartoons, but making profits for jewish companies is ok.. [sigh]
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Sep 04, 2006
wots the point of writing to them? wouldnt it be better to not to go to starbucks. if you dont go and your friends see you doing what you are doing who knows they might join in. there are so many products pepsi, coke, marks & spencer :P just dont use them.
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Sep 04, 2006
Rudeboy - the point in writing to the UAE partners of starbucks etc may enlighten both yourself and them about the realities of capitalism vs the need to fight against Zionism/US/Evil West etc.

Coffee isn't good for you either...

But then again, it has been said that to really hit the US and protest against their foreign policy, the Arab world need only follow what happened in the 70's when Sheikh Zayed (I understand) successfully got the Arab states to reduce Oil supply to the West - sparking the Oil crisis of 74.

The problem is that no one really has the balls to stand up to the US - Saddam did and look what happened to him, Ahmedinejad is doing so at the moment, but is still selling oil (although if Iran starts selling oil in Euros like Saddam did, then I suspect things will escalate against Iran)


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Sep 05, 2006
shaf u r rite no one has the balls to stand up against usa. noone has the balls to stop the oil supply to usa knowing that if they stop oil usa economy will come to halt. our politicans are too buzy getting rich that they have 4gotten about their people, their countries and their religion. They all are puppets to USA.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Sep 05, 2006
I agree, many leaders in the oil rich Arab/Muslim countries are more concerned about making money from the oil than making any political statements. Sort of makes you wonder why everyone blames the US all the time... When will people in these Arab/Muslim countries start taking their own governments to task for inaction and for pandering to the US?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 05, 2006
kanelli - the fear of being toppled does scare many of the rulers. A friend who lives in Saudi believes that the oppressive rules there are more to control the population than to enforce religious edicts. They are are actually fearful of a strong women's voice in the country and hence the rules about women driving having any voting rights, needing permission from male family members etc.

Unfortunately, where the problem these nations have at the moment is that the US has a pretty big stick as well as supplying extremely extravagant huge carrots to the rulers. Arab rulers who dare to defy the US are brought to their knees until they repent - look at Libya, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan - not to mention Lebanon, where only part of the government doesn't bow down to the US!

Where I think things will come to a head is when China starts being the main trading partners of oil producing states and start giving military aid to protect these concerns. I think the US is positioning itself in the region to secure its control of future energy needs.

Afghanistan under the Taliban was a partner they could talk to, as long as they were open to negotiations about the gas pipeline - Iraq under Saddam was a fine partner and recipient of arms and aid when Saddam supported the US, but after it started restricting oil, making contracts with Russians and French etc - Saddam over-night became a monster in the US' eyes. (this occured before the first Gulf War).

Anyway - enough rambling - good post rudeboy, agree with you.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Sep 05, 2006
kanelli wrote:I agree, many leaders in the oil rich Arab/Muslim countries are more concerned about making money from the oil than making any political statements. Sort of makes you wonder why everyone blames the US all the time... When will people in these Arab/Muslim countries start taking their own governments to task for inaction and for pandering to the US?

Ha-Ha pigs will fly before any sand dewllers do any thing about their goverments for bowing down to the west, because they all know who the daddy is just look around where your are now if it was not for the "West" you would still be living in tents and ridding donkeys
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Sep 05, 2006
So in the end Shaf, we can conclude that it is wrong of the West to bully for oil and meddle in Middle East politics. However, the lack of real democracy and suppression of the wishes of the people is also a serious factor. Each contributes to the festering problem...
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 05, 2006
Fair summary kanelli - lack of democracy or doing what the Arab people want - is a problem; as is the 'West' meddling.

However, these aren't necessarily two different issues - they are interlinked, both historically and currently. It is not the most autocratic regimes that are opposed by the US, but it is the democracies and countries that are conducting foreign policy according the will of the people that are being attacked and vilified.

Ok - now we know the problem, how can it be fixed? Answers on a postcard please :)
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Sep 09, 2006
kanelli wrote: However, the lack of real democracy and suppression of the wishes of the people is also a serious factor. Each contributes to the festering problem...

Wasnt Iran the first democracy and MOSSADEQ the first democratically elected leader, in the Middle East?
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