Can You Have A Friendship Without A Romance?

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Can you have a friendship without a romance? Aug 29, 2006
Well basically my question is can two people, male and female have very god friendship i.e have a lot in common, they talk to each others about everything, they have very close friendship and both singles. Is it possible to be pure friendship without turning into romance??

I think you can have friendship with the other gender without romance if at least one is not single but my experience in life showed me that how this close friendship always turn to romance, so I don ot think you can be just friends.

what do you think?

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Aug 29, 2006
Its all upto the individuals if they know where to draw the line. As seen in cost cases it ends up in romance. The reason is that they know too much of each other to hold on...
Personally I wouldnt do that because friendship is forever unlike in a relationship.

Some people have found out a middle path- Relation without a commitment. Most people wont agree to this but its prevalent.
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Aug 29, 2006
dale wrote:Its all upto the individuals if they know where to draw the line. As seen in cost cases it ends up in romance. The reason is that they know too much of each other to hold on...
Personally I wouldnt do that because friendship is forever unlike in a relationship.

Some people have found out a middle path- Relation without a commitment. Most people wont agree to this but its prevalent.

we've got the same percetion dale. i agree with you. my best friend is a guy and our relationship is purely platonic.

also, i would rather not chose to be romantically involve with a friend coz if he remains a friend, then the friendship/relationship may bound to stay longer or forever. IMHO.

on the contrary, friendship is a good foundation of a relationship.
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Aug 29, 2006
i want to friends first then i might go on to the next step of getting into a relationship...
thats how i would want to get involved :wink:
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Aug 29, 2006
What I mean that, when you get along so nicely with someone it is easy to turn around to romance. Yes you can have friendship with the other gender, go out do things and still no romance. I am talking about the close friendship, You start to look at each other and wonder why you are not together? (If you are in troubled relationship), you start wondering why your bf isn't understanding like this person, why does he not listen to you, like your friend does.
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Aug 29, 2006
exactly thats when there are chances you might cross the line. but why not if it makes both of you happy. after all we humans need love, compassion, companionship, sense of belonging blah blah....

the bottom line is 'be happy' no matter what it takes :D
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Aug 29, 2006
dale wrote:exactly thats when there are chances you might cross the line. but why not if it makes both of you happy. after all we humans need love, compassion, companionship, sense of belonging blah blah....

the bottom line is 'be happy' no matter what it takes :D

i do agree that friendship is very nice platform for a relationship. iam not disagreeing with you, it is nice.

First of all it is not personal, secondly it is just a topic because alot of people argue that you can have a friendship without romance so, I just want to hear people thoughts on the issue.
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Aug 29, 2006
No it doesnt have to. I have an amazing friend who is a female and we got along so well, spent alot of time with each other .. and just had a great time. Then this guy we both knew wanted to date her and for some reason came over to me and asked if it was cool with me .. i was very happy for them and they actually got married this month !!! :D ... so thats a story of a strictly platonic friendship between a male and female.
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Aug 29, 2006
i have quite a few female friends and we're all very close. like buddies. known them for 5, 6, 7,8 years or so..
cant think or dont wanan think of having a relationship with them.
think its come to a point where i consider them 1 of the guys...
...which is a big no no for dating!
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Aug 29, 2006
70 % of my friends are males...friendship is friendship and romance is romance...
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Aug 29, 2006
shanya wrote:70 % of my friends are males...friendship is friendship and romance is romance...

true but I bet a buncha your male friends look at you differently at times.. unless they're gay then you have whats called "a shopping partner and a true friend" :P
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Aug 29, 2006
nosoup4u wrote:
shanya wrote:70 % of my friends are males...friendship is friendship and romance is romance...

true but I bet a buncha your male friends look at you differently at times.. unless they're gay then you have whats called "a shopping partner and a true friend" :P

lol i agree, is not how you look at them, it is how they look at you too.
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Aug 29, 2006
Their is no problem having friends of the opposite sex, however it always depends on the individual persons involved.
You must always have respect for ones fellow human beings.
sage & onion
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Aug 29, 2006
quite true..... its all upto the individuals.

thats a nice signature u have there sages :thumbright:
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Aug 29, 2006
MaaaD wrote:No it doesnt have to. I have an amazing friend who is a female and we got along so well, spent alot of time with each other .. and just had a great time. Then this guy we both knew wanted to date her and for some reason came over to me and asked if it was cool with me .. i was very happy for them and they actually got married this month !!! :D ... so thats a story of a strictly platonic friendship between a male and female.

Dayum! You got jipped!
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Aug 29, 2006
dale wrote:quite true..... its all upto the individuals.

thats a nice signature u have there sages :thumbright:

Its the simple truth M8
sage & onion
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Re: Can you have a friendship without a romance? Aug 30, 2006
sara_uk wrote:Well basically my question is can two people, male and female have very god friendship i.e have a lot in common, they talk to each others about everything, they have very close friendship and both singles. Is it possible to be pure friendship without turning into romance??

I think you can have friendship with the other gender without romance if at least one is not single but my experience in life showed me that how this close friendship always turn to romance, so I don ot think you can be just friends.

what do you think?

I think it is of course possible to be "just friends" , anything is. :wink:
I treasure good friends so shouldnt date them if I were you. I mean if things turned out well then its nice. But if your relationship doesnt work, then you'll lose a lover..and a friend. :(
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Aug 31, 2006
well it has to be possible otherwise you would be romantically involved with all of your close friends of the opp $ex!
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Aug 31, 2006
all of my friends except for like three are guys, and two of those girls are my cousins so i dont know if that counts or extremely close with one of them we talk all the time and we always hang out but its never crossed my mind to be romantically involved with him or anything...i mean some of my guy friends i think about it just because they are so unbelievably gorgeous but i never i agree with those who said you just have to be able to draw a line for yourself...friendship is more important for me though, i mean if i want to hook up with someone id rather do it with someone im dating or no one, but thats just me
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Aug 31, 2006
I think the friendship can happen but it depends on the man and woman if they can do that. What i can say that it is very unlikely to happen but it is possible
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Aug 31, 2006
ofcourse best friends are guys and there is no romance what so ever ... who said that when a guy and a girl meet then it has to be about romance?? :shock:
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Adam n Eve?? Aug 31, 2006
Ofcourse we all have friends. and having female friends wouldnt mean that u have a romantic relationship with all of 'em . but then again if u share too many personal things to someone really understanding n caring for u.. its natural to feel for him/ may b thats the line that some where talkin abt here. another thought,

how many believe that its only with romance that a physical rltnship would happen?
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Re: Adam n Eve?? Aug 31, 2006
St.Lucifer wrote:Ofcourse we all have friends. and having female friends wouldnt mean that u have a romantic relationship with all of 'em . but then again if u share too many personal things to someone really understanding n caring for u.. its natural to feel for him/ may b thats the line that some where talkin abt here. another thought,

how many believe that its only with romance that a physical rltnship would happen?

this is acually a pretty hard question

this might make me look like a bad person but yes, alot of cases are like that. Very rare that youll find romance without physical relationship
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Re: Can you have a friendship without a romance? Sep 01, 2006
sara_uk wrote:Well basically my question is can two people, male and female have very god friendship i.e have a lot in common, they talk to each others about everything, they have very close friendship and both singles. Is it possible to be pure friendship without turning into romance??

I think you can have friendship with the other gender without romance if at least one is not single but my experience in life showed me that how this close friendship always turn to romance, so I don ot think you can be just friends.

what do you think?

you can, but one cannot stop his feeling for the other... sh*t happens
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Sep 02, 2006
I've had plenty of male friends who have stayed just that. Its really a question of chemistry. There are some guys with whom I have no chemistry and/or vice versa so naturally we remain friends. With others, if there is chemistry, have either explored it or buried it.
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Sep 02, 2006
My best friend in the UK is a guy. Been my best friend for 5 years. We did everything together, go out for dinner, meet each others parents, go on holidays, go out for a night... everything. I even saw him naked (it wasn't a sexual thing) and it didn't bother either of us. All my other friends thought we were dating, but nothing ever happened. Sometimes I questioned why not as he is such a great guy and treats me so well but then I cringe and think ewwwwwwwww!!!

I love being good friends with boys and the way that even though you're single, you're still made to feel loved through affection like cuddles and arm stroking because if one of my girlfriends hugged me like one of my male buddies or stroked my arm in such a way, I'd be freaked out! Actually, why is that?
Princess Banana Hammock
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Sep 02, 2006
Princess Banana Hammock wrote:My best friend in the UK is a guy. Been my best friend for 5 years. We did everything together, go out for dinner, meet each others parents, go on holidays, go out for a night... everything. I even saw him naked (it wasn't a fun thing) and it didn't bother either of us. All my other friends thought we were dating, but nothing ever happened. Sometimes I questioned why not as he is such a great guy and treats me so well but then I cringe and think ewwwwwwwww!!!

I love being good friends with boys and the way that even though you're single, you're still made to feel loved through affection like cuddles and arm stroking because if one of my girlfriends hugged me like one of my male buddies or stroked my arm in such a way, I'd be freaked out! Actually, why is that?

Now I can understand if a guy and guy cuddle or hug eachother often.. well you have whats called "gay men" or really weird and ewwwww..

When girls cuddle and hug.. I dunno.. guys.. correct me if i'm wrong but isn't that a beautoful thing? :P heheh

ok ok.. just kidding..

most girls are comfortable talking to a guy friend rather than their girl friend.. thats probably because a guy can listen and be less opinionated that a girl.. but then again.. like I said before.. a girl and guy just can't be friends.. at some point he has pictured her naked.. or had ideas.. or vice versa.. unless he's gay in which case you have a true friend and a shopping partner.
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Sep 02, 2006
nosoup4u wrote:
Princess Banana Hammock wrote:My best friend in the UK is a guy. Been my best friend for 5 years. We did everything together, go out for dinner, meet each others parents, go on holidays, go out for a night... everything. I even saw him naked (it wasn't a fun thing) and it didn't bother either of us. All my other friends thought we were dating, but nothing ever happened. Sometimes I questioned why not as he is such a great guy and treats me so well but then I cringe and think ewwwwwwwww!!!

I love being good friends with boys and the way that even though you're single, you're still made to feel loved through affection like cuddles and arm stroking because if one of my girlfriends hugged me like one of my male buddies or stroked my arm in such a way, I'd be freaked out! Actually, why is that?

Now I can understand if a guy and guy cuddle or hug eachother often.. well you have whats called "gay men" or really weird and ewwwww..

When girls cuddle and hug.. I dunno.. guys.. correct me if i'm wrong but isn't that a beautoful thing? :P heheh

ok ok.. just kidding..

most girls are comfortable talking to a guy friend rather than their girl friend.. thats probably because a guy can listen and be less opinionated that a girl.. but then again.. like I said before.. a girl and guy just can't be friends.. at some point he has pictured her naked.. or had ideas.. or vice versa.. unless he's gay in which case you have a true friend and a shopping partner.

You dont have to be gay to like shopping, im a guy and i love shopping :lol:
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Sep 03, 2006
some of my best best friends are males. We used to go shopping, coffee or even staying in the same bed to watch movies. I think you can have very good friends of your opposite gender.
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Sep 03, 2006
I agree, it is definitey possible to be friends with guys without romance.
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