Please Tell Me, Is This Romance????? Who’s Fault Is It??????

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Please tell me, is this romance????? who’s fault is it?????? Sep 02, 2006
I came to know this story this morning,
I will try to be brief
A guy meets this woman who lives somewhere in North Africa through the net, they fall in love (or so he told her).
Any way, this lady asked if she could get a job in Dubai and get some help, he tells her not to worry, and come to visit him,
He picked her up from the airport, took her to his apartment, and she spent the most wonderful 2 weeks in Dubai, they fall in love, made love all the time.
he begged her to marry him, he even cried as he explained to her how he couldn’t live life without her, he also told her that he could convert to Islam if she wants him to, they planed how they going to get married and how many kids and all,

She went back to her country to arrange her final migration to Dubai, as he also had to go somewhere in the Far East for a couple of weeks,
And here is the sad bit, :(
The lady had to quit her job, sale what she could from her belongings, fight with her family specially her father as he disagreed with her marriage plans. Prepared her luggage and phoned him to find him busy with another woman that he falls in (similar) love with her.

After a couple of calls to him, she was accused of being crazy and obsessed,
She managed to contact his new lady to try to explain to her what happened and it turned out that the new lady knows more less what kind of person he is but she doesn’t mind a couple of weeks/month of fun relation, and also accused he of being crazy.

Ok, I tried to cut it as short as I can, but its little long, anyway,

We all know that many guys have different ways to get a woman to bed, but don’t you think that this one was a little rough way of doing it?
Was he really in love but when he met another one he realized that this is the right one?
How far can you lie to get a woman to sleep with you?
Is she so stupid for believing him? Was she so naïve?
Please tell me what you think.

69 B 11 J
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Sep 02, 2006
It sounds to me like she was stupid to sleep with him. She was using him to get into the country perhaps. I have no idea what was going on with the guy. Maybe he thought he was in love? There are plenty of women around Dubai to sleep with, so I doubt he imported her just for some quick fun only to dump her and send her back to her country.

Each person was being stupid. When people go so quickly to bed with each other and make each other false promises, they reap what they sow.

You can't fall in love with someone in a week or upon first meeting - that is called lust, not love.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 02, 2006
A lot of guys will do anything to sleep with a girl. They'll tell you they love you and how great you are buyt they don't give a damn.

Never listen to the words of a man. It's the Actions you need to look for!!
Princess Banana Hammock
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Sep 02, 2006
Well, a good rule of thumb is to not sleep with people so soon. If a guy truly loves you - he'll tell you after he's known you for a minimum of six months and you have been dating regularly. Any claims of love coming in the first couple of weeks and you can be sure he just wants to sleep with you.

If people want only s.e.x partners then go ahead and sleep with people after a date or two, but don't whine after if the relationship soon falls apart after. I mean, it wasn't like it was based on friendship or love - it was based on lust. Wake up people!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 02, 2006
kanelli wrote:It sounds to me like she was stupid to sleep with him. She was using him to get into the country perhaps. I have no idea what was going on with the guy. Maybe he thought he was in love? There are plenty of women around Dubai to sleep with, so I doubt he imported her just for some quick fun only to dump her and send her back to her country.

Each person was being stupid. When people go so quickly to bed with each other and make each other false promises, they reap what they sow.

You can't fall in love with someone in a week or upon first meeting - that is called lust, not love.

I totally agree that you can't really love someone in 2 weeks,
But why would he promise her the world, and get her to change her whole life for nothing?
Why would he go to the extreme and plan a marriage with her? And get her to plan leaving her old life and plan a new one.
I find that very rough? Too much if you ask me
I know that you can find many women in Dubai to have fun with,
but I think some guys likes it the hard way may be?
69 B 11 J
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Sep 02, 2006
Princess Banana Hammock wrote:A lot of guys will do anything to sleep with a girl. They'll tell you they love you and how great you are buyt they don't give a damn.

Never listen to the words of a man. It's the Actions you need to look for!!

Not all of us :(
True love exist :wink:

True love is based on honesty and respect, and I agree that if a guy really loves a woman he wouldnt ask for s.e.x for the 1st few months.
69 B 11 J
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Sep 02, 2006
Trues love does not exist after being together for 2 weeks.

If he and she got together on the basis of "no commitment" then that is what it should be = no commitment.

I also think this thread should be locked and/or deleted.
Dubai forums GURU
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Sep 02, 2006
yorky500 wrote:Trues love does not exist after being together for 2 weeks.

If he and she got together on the basis of "no commitment" then that is what it should be = no commitment.

I also think this thread should be locked and/or deleted.

sorry mate, :shock:

But why do you think this thread should be locked and/or deleted??? :shock: :shock:
69 B 11 J
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Sep 02, 2006
"why" : Thats not for me to say but this is history and people have moved on.

Stop trying to stir shit up when it is from the past.
Dubai forums GURU
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Sep 02, 2006
Well, unfortunately there are people who play games with each other to have a little spice in their life. They fall into bed too easily with any old person, and even go for married women. If some guys want s.e.x they will find the women with low self-esteem and go for it. The women with low self-esteem are perfect targets... Something to learn from ladies!

I'd be careful about this 69 person who tries to make himself look like a good guy - making claims about other forum members hunting women. In reality he is also doing that himself, and the fact that he tries to expose people on here means he cannot be trusted. Mr. Manipulation. Watch out ladies.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 02, 2006
69, there are people who know who you are talking about. Thanks for trying to treat us like nitwits anyway. It is clear who the real nitwit is.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Please tell me, is this romance????? who’s fault is it?? Sep 02, 2006
69 B 11 J wrote:I came to know this story this morning,
I will try to be brief
A guy meets this woman who lives somewhere in North Africa through the net, they fall in love (or so he told her).
Any way, this lady asked if she could get a job in Dubai and get some help, he tells her not to worry, and come to visit him,
He picked her up from the airport, took her to his apartment, and she spent the most wonderful 2 weeks in Dubai, they fall in love, made love all the time.
he begged her to marry him, he even cried as he explained to her how he couldn’t live life without her, he also told her that he could convert to Islam if she wants him to, they planed how they going to get married and how many kids and all,

She went back to her country to arrange her final migration to Dubai, as he also had to go somewhere in the Far East for a couple of weeks,
And here is the sad bit, :(
The lady had to quit her job, sale what she could from her belongings, fight with her family specially her father as he disagreed with her marriage plans. Prepared her luggage and phoned him to find him busy with another woman that he falls in (similar) love with her.

After a couple of calls to him, she was accused of being crazy and obsessed,
She managed to contact his new lady to try to explain to her what happened and it turned out that the new lady knows more less what kind of person he is but she doesn’t mind a couple of weeks/month of fun relation, and also accused he of being crazy.

Ok, I tried to cut it as short as I can, but its little long, anyway,

We all know that many guys have different ways to get a woman to bed, but don’t you think that this one was a little rough way of doing it?
Was he really in love but when he met another one he realized that this is the right one?
How far can you lie to get a woman to sleep with you?
Is she so stupid for believing him? Was she so naïve?
Please tell me what you think.

Why do I get the feeling that "The Guy" is you?

hehe just kidding
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Sep 02, 2006
kanelli wrote:Well, unfortunately there are people who play games with each other to have a little spice in their life. They fall into bed too easily with any old person, and even go for married women. If some guys want s.e.x they will find the women with low self-esteem and go for it. The women with low self-esteem are perfect targets... Something to learn from ladies!

I'd be careful about this 69 person who tries to make himself look like a good guy - making claims about other forum members hunting women. In reality he is also doing that himself, and the fact that he tries to expose people on here means he cannot be trusted. Mr. Manipulation. Watch out ladies.

Why I can not be trusted?? :shock:

What are your problem guys? I was told this story by a friend this morning,
I honestly don't know who is involved in it at all; I just thought to see what people would think about it,
And what's with that I am trying to look like I am a good guy? :shock: :shock:
Watch out ladies :D :shock: :shock:
69 B 11 J
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Sep 02, 2006
im not too big a fan of boys right now. and since i am leaving for the states in januare :cry: ....i plan on having as as possible....lolim soo tired of being the good and nice loving girlfriend...i want to give the other role a try...well not completely, but enough to enjoy myself in my last months here :twisted:
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Sep 02, 2006
bushra21 wrote:im not too big a fan of boys right now. and since i am leaving for the states in januare :cry: ....i plan on having as as possible....lolim soo tired of being the good and nice loving girlfriend...i want to give the other role a try...well not completely, but enough to enjoy myself in my last months here :twisted:

your pm box will be on overload after that post!! :lol: :lol: good luck!
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Re: Please tell me, is this romance????? who’s fault is it?? Sep 02, 2006
nosoup4u wrote:
69 B 11 J wrote:I came to know this story this morning,
I will try to be brief
A guy meets this woman who lives somewhere in North Africa through the net, they fall in love (or so he told her).
Any way, this lady asked if she could get a job in Dubai and get some help, he tells her not to worry, and come to visit him,
He picked her up from the airport, took her to his apartment, and she spent the most wonderful 2 weeks in Dubai, they fall in love, made love all the time.
he begged her to marry him, he even cried as he explained to her how he couldn’t live life without her, he also told her that he could convert to Islam if she wants him to, they planed how they going to get married and how many kids and all,

She went back to her country to arrange her final migration to Dubai, as he also had to go somewhere in the Far East for a couple of weeks,
And here is the sad bit, :(
The lady had to quit her job, sale what she could from her belongings, fight with her family specially her father as he disagreed with her marriage plans. Prepared her luggage and phoned him to find him busy with another woman that he falls in (similar) love with her.

After a couple of calls to him, she was accused of being crazy and obsessed,
She managed to contact his new lady to try to explain to her what happened and it turned out that the new lady knows more less what kind of person he is but she doesn’t mind a couple of weeks/month of fun relation, and also accused he of being crazy.

Ok, I tried to cut it as short as I can, but its little long, anyway,

We all know that many guys have different ways to get a woman to bed, but don’t you think that this one was a little rough way of doing it?
Was he really in love but when he met another one he realized that this is the right one?
How far can you lie to get a woman to sleep with you?
Is she so stupid for believing him? Was she so naïve?
Please tell me what you think.

Why do I get the feeling that "The Guy" is you?

hehe just kidding

I wouldnt do that nosoup4u
69 B 11 J
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Sep 02, 2006
69 B 11 J wrote:
kanelli wrote:Well, unfortunately there are people who play games with each other to have a little spice in their life. They fall into bed too easily with any old person, and even go for married women. If some guys want s.e.x they will find the women with low self-esteem and go for it. The women with low self-esteem are perfect targets... Something to learn from ladies!

I'd be careful about this 69 person who tries to make himself look like a good guy - making claims about other forum members hunting women. In reality he is also doing that himself, and the fact that he tries to expose people on here means he cannot be trusted. Mr. Manipulation. Watch out ladies.

Why I can not be trusted?? :shock:

What are your problem guys? I was told this story by a friend this morning,
I honestly don't know who is involved in it at all; I just thought to see what people would think about it,
And what's with that I am trying to look like I am a good guy? :shock: :shock:
Watch out ladies :D :shock: :shock:

You really are being a nitwit.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 02, 2006
kanelli wrote:
69 B 11 J wrote:
kanelli wrote:Well, unfortunately there are people who play games with each other to have a little spice in their life. They fall into bed too easily with any old person, and even go for married women. If some guys want s.e.x they will find the women with low self-esteem and go for it. The women with low self-esteem are perfect targets... Something to learn from ladies!

I'd be careful about this 69 person who tries to make himself look like a good guy - making claims about other forum members hunting women. In reality he is also doing that himself, and the fact that he tries to expose people on here means he cannot be trusted. Mr. Manipulation. Watch out ladies.

Why I can not be trusted?? :shock:

What are your problem guys? I was told this story by a friend this morning,
I honestly don't know who is involved in it at all; I just thought to see what people would think about it,
And what's with that I am trying to look like I am a good guy? :shock: :shock:
Watch out ladies :D :shock: :shock:

You really are being a nitwit.

yehhh??? and why is that boy??

tell me, what the hell is wrong with you?
69 B 11 J
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Sep 02, 2006 really think that no one read those first posts you put up....stop trying to act all innocent, its a waste of time.
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Sep 02, 2006
bushra21 wrote:im not too big a fan of boys right now. and since i am leaving for the states in januare :cry: ....i plan on having as as possible....lolim soo tired of being the good and nice loving girlfriend...i want to give the other role a try...well not completely, but enough to enjoy myself in my last months here :twisted:


why do you try to have as much f.u.n as you can before you go to the states, is there no fun over there? you could have some when you get there :roll:
69 B 11 J
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Sep 02, 2006
ajb wrote:
bushra21 wrote:im not too big a fan of boys right now. and since i am leaving for the states in januare :cry: ....i plan on having as as possible....lolim soo tired of being the good and nice loving girlfriend...i want to give the other role a try...well not completely, but enough to enjoy myself in my last months here :twisted:

your pm box will be on overload after that post!! :lol: :lol: good luck!

like ajb said.. a storm is coming.. a storm of pm messages..

nothing wrong in being the bad girl once in a while and just lettin' go.. just not in a place like this.. be careful B, its a jungle out there.. :)
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Sep 02, 2006
69 B 11 J wrote:
kanelli wrote:
69 B 11 J wrote:
kanelli wrote:Well, unfortunately there are people who play games with each other to have a little spice in their life. They fall into bed too easily with any old person, and even go for married women. If some guys want s.e.x they will find the women with low self-esteem and go for it. The women with low self-esteem are perfect targets... Something to learn from ladies!

I'd be careful about this 69 person who tries to make himself look like a good guy - making claims about other forum members hunting women. In reality he is also doing that himself, and the fact that he tries to expose people on here means he cannot be trusted. Mr. Manipulation. Watch out ladies.

Why I can not be trusted?? :shock:

What are your problem guys? I was told this story by a friend this morning,
I honestly don't know who is involved in it at all; I just thought to see what people would think about it,
And what's with that I am trying to look like I am a good guy? :shock: :shock:
Watch out ladies :D :shock: :shock:

You really are being a nitwit.

yehhh??? and why is that boy??

tell me, what the hell is wrong with you?

boy? :lol: :lol:

K. getting called boy, Corc getting called dude, some ppl here are really clueless...
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Sep 02, 2006
i dont get you people,
is that that you are all involved in this story exept me?

what is it you all know that i dont?
I was Never innocent :wink: but I really don’t know who is really involved in the story, and I am not talking about anyone I know.
69 B 11 J
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Sep 02, 2006
Let me guess 69... Either you are not a man, but the scorned North African girl trying to get revenge. Or, you are the ex-boyfriend of the woman who is dating the person you are talking about, and you are jealous as hell.

Either way, you look like an ass. Why don't you just talk to the person or people involved and spare this forum your manipulation and childish behaviour. Why do we care about your jealous feelings? Deal with it yourself.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Sep 02, 2006
69 B 11 J wrote:
bushra21 wrote:im not too big a fan of boys right now. and since i am leaving for the states in januare :cry: ....i plan on having as as possible....lolim soo tired of being the good and nice loving girlfriend...i want to give the other role a try...well not completely, but enough to enjoy myself in my last months here :twisted:


why do you try to have as much f.u.n as you can before you go to the states, is there no fun over there? you could have some when you get there :roll:

when i wrote fun, i meant it to be just that...enjoy myself and hangout with whome i want, go to clubs with friends, do whatever i want without having to worry if i end up hurting my boyfriend or not....i intend on having fun when i reach the states as well...but dubai is my home, and i feel more comfortable here, and my lovely arab boys are here, so i prefer to enjoy myself here....and i dont mean i want to have s e x you loser, if i wanted to say that i would have just written out the word....and dont roll your eyes at me you pathetic excuse for a man...just because you cant have me doesnt mean you have to be upset about it, im sure you can find some hooker here to meet your needs and pass of as your girlfriend for the right price.
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Sep 02, 2006
bushra21 wrote:
69 B 11 J wrote:
bushra21 wrote:im not too big a fan of boys right now. and since i am leaving for the states in januare :cry: ....i plan on having as as possible....lolim soo tired of being the good and nice loving girlfriend...i want to give the other role a try...well not completely, but enough to enjoy myself in my last months here :twisted:


why do you try to have as much f.u.n as you can before you go to the states, is there no fun over there? you could have some when you get there :roll:

when i wrote fun, i meant it to be just that...enjoy myself and hangout with whome i want, go to clubs with friends, do whatever i want without having to worry if i end up hurting my boyfriend or not....i intend on having fun when i reach the states as well...but dubai is my home, and i feel more comfortable here, and my lovely arab boys are here, so i prefer to enjoy myself here....and i dont mean i want to have s e x you loser, if i wanted to say that i would have just written out the word....and dont roll your eyes at me you pathetic excuse for a man...just because you cant have me doesnt mean you have to be upset about it, im sure you can find some hooker here to meet your needs and pass of as your girlfriend for the right price.

oops sorry my mistake probably .... the word $ex is censored to fun on this site ..... see sex sex sex
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Sep 02, 2006
kanelli wrote:Let me guess 69... Either you are not a man, but the scorned North African girl trying to get revenge. Or, you are the ex-boyfriend of the woman who is dating the person you are talking about, and you are jealous as hell.

Either way, you look like an a#s. Why don't you just talk to the person or people involved and spare this forum your manipulation and childish behaviour. Why do we care about your jealous feelings? Deal with it yourself.

:D thats funny,

to start with, I really dont know any of the involved people,
and I really dont want to answer you regarding the a$$ bit and start calling you names,
when i mentioned this story, as I said, I just felt bad for what happen, I am not sure if its correct, I dont know who is involved, and I really dont want to know
69 B 11 J
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Sep 02, 2006
lol....what are you sorry about?
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Sep 02, 2006
69 B 11 J wrote:
kanelli wrote:Let me guess 69... Either you are not a man, but the scorned North African girl trying to get revenge. Or, you are the ex-boyfriend of the woman who is dating the person you are talking about, and you are jealous as hell.

Either way, you look like an a#s. Why don't you just talk to the person or people involved and spare this forum your manipulation and childish behaviour. Why do we care about your jealous feelings? Deal with it yourself.

:D thats funny,

to start with, I really dont know any of the involved people,
and I really dont want to answer you regarding the a$$ bit and start calling you names,
when i mentioned this story, as I said, I just felt bad for what happen, I am not sure if its correct, I dont know who is involved, and I really dont want to know

Did I mention that I think "the guy" in 69's story is him? :twisted:
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Sep 02, 2006
Oh man, this just gets better. You talk about people on this forum, then tell a story in this thread about someone some of us know - but claim that you are innocent and don't know anything about anyone's business here. Nitwit!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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