Alas, the time has come for me to move on. My intention is to tender my resignation tomorrow and depending on how it is received (by the powers that be), I may or either have to work out my notice period, or the most likely scenario will be immediately shown the door – in which case I will no longer be able to post regularly on the forum.
I will be moving four hours south of Dubai, and obviously won’t be able to make any real meaningful contributions to the “Expat Help Forum”, but if circumstances allow will still add my 2 Fils worth to the Forum Chat when I can.
I particularly regret not having been able to make the personal acquaintance of any of the members on the Forum, as between all the bickering and banter you all seem to be pretty upright guys (and lest I forget gals

So, of the 1,262,304,000 (to date) odd seconds on this mortal coil – thanks for having shared some of your time with me.