A recent article from the Toronto Star, "the ICE idea", is catching on and
it is a very simple, yet important method of contact for you or a loved one
in case of an emergency. As cell phones are carried by the majority of the
Population, all you need to do is program the number of a contact person orpersons and store the name as "ICE".
The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when they went to the scenes of accidents, there were always mobile phones with patients, but they didn't know which numbers to call. He therefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognized name to file "next of kin"
Following a disaster in London the East Anglican Ambulance Service has
launched a national "In case of Emergency (ICE)" campaign. The idea is that you store the word "ICE” in your mobile phone address book and with it enter the number of the person you would want to be contacted "In Case of Emergency ". In an emergency situation, Emergency Services personnel and hospital staff would then be able to quickly contact your next of kin, by simply dialling the number programmed under "ICE".
Please forward this. It won't take too many "forwards" before everybody will know about this. It really could save your life, or put a loved one's mind at rest. For more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2, and ICE3 etc.
A great idea that will make a difference!