Muslim Malaise - Haroon Siddiqui

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Muslim malaise - haroon Siddiqui Aug 24, 2006
I read an article by a reputed editor Haroon siddiqui on Toronto Star 2 weeks ago

The Muslim malaise
Aug. 20, 2006. 07:03 AM

He who wrongs a Jew or a Christian will have me as his accuser on the Day of Judgment.

— Prophet Muhammad

Contrary to the popular belief that the West is under siege from Muslim terrorists, it is Muslims who have become the biggest victims of the attacks of September 11, 2001, as inconceivable as that would have seemed in the aftermath of the murder of 2,900 Americans. Since then, between 34,000 and 100,000 Iraqis have been killed by the Americans or the insurgents. Nobody knows how many have been killed in Afghanistan. In the spots hit by terrorists — from London and Madrid to Amman, Istanbul, Riyadh and Jeddah, through Karachi to Bali and Jakarta — more Muslims have been killed and injured than non-Muslims.

None of this is to say that Muslims do not have problems that they must address. They do. But the problems are not quite what many in the West make them out to be.

One of the strangest aspects of the post-9/11 world is that, despite all the talk about Muslim terrorism, there is hardly any exploration of the complex causes of Muslim rage. Muslims are in a state of crisis, but their most daunting problems are not religious. They are geopolitical, economic and social — problems that have caused widespread Muslim despair and, in some cases, militancy, both of which are expressed in the religious terminology that Muslim masses relate to.

Most Muslims live in the developing world, much of it colonized by Western powers as recently as 50 years ago. Not all Muslim shortcomings emanate from colonialism and neo-imperialism, but several do.

More read below.......... ... 5937810425

Dubai Forums Zealot
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Aug 25, 2006
Is there a summary?
Dubai Forums Member
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Aug 26, 2006
there u go surprised few read the article.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Aug 26, 2006
If it is too long some people get scared off :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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