Hope It Wasn't Your 4WD!

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Hope it wasn't your 4WD! Aug 22, 2006
Yesterday while trying despartely to find a car park at the MoE, I chanced upon a very tight park of which a porshe cayenne had half taken - along with their own.

Anyway after much driving in and out I managed to get in - leaving 10cm between my car and their drivers door - and still a bit of a squeeze for me to get out.

So as I 'm walking along this lady in an abaya in 4wd pulls over an tells me well done, thank you very much - i'm so glad you did that. Those people are so inconsiderate parking like that.

Anyway was that mean of me - or would you have done the same thing?

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Aug 22, 2006
Why did you leave so much room? 1 to 2 cm is the rule!

Well done.
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hmmm.. Aug 22, 2006
maybe subconsiously you wanted to teach that guy/girl whoever owned that Cayenne a lesson :P just kidding

If it were me, i'd drive around until I find a spot or park it away from everyone and walk a bit, big deal.

People with expensive cars do tend to be inconsiderate for doing that and taking up almost two parking spaces and careful because they don't want their car damaged or egotistic that no one will do anything about it even if they do take up two spaces..

Ah well.. life goes on.. but hey.. good Job! and no it was not mean of you :)
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Re: hmmm.. Aug 24, 2006
nosoup4u wrote:maybe subconsiously you wanted to teach that guy/girl whoever owned that Cayenne a lesson :P just kidding

If it were me, i'd drive around until I find a spot or park it away from everyone and walk a bit, big deal.

People with expensive cars do tend to be inconsiderate for doing that and taking up almost two parking spaces and careful because they don't want their car damaged or egotistic that no one will do anything about it even if they do take up two spaces..

Ah well.. life goes on.. but hey.. good Job! and no it was not mean of you :)

Did you check for scratches and dents when you came back?
sage & onion
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Aug 24, 2006
I was parked in Mall of the Emirates a while ago, and i was parked perfectly in my space. I came back and some twat in a new S class with 100% tint did the same to me.

I had to get in via my passenger side. When i was sat comfy in my drivers seat, i decided to thow open my drivers door to check that it was closed ok. :wink:

The bigggg dent on his new car was the result. :D
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Aug 24, 2006
mm. .......if that cayenne owner would have been a national he would have scratched the car and then big mess. big risk. 2 bads is always bad
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Aug 24, 2006
arniegang wrote:I was parked in Mall of the Emirates a while ago, and i was parked perfectly in my space. I came back and some twat in a new S class with 100% tint did the same to me.

I had to get in via my passenger side. When i was sat comfy in my drivers seat, i decided to thow open my drivers door to check that it was closed ok. :wink:

The bigggg dent on his new car was the result. :D

See, I dont get this. Why? Why always an eye for an eye? Just 'cuz the guy was a feather to park that way, didn't mean you had to be a feather back. But then again, we do live in a world where "revenge" is well.. wide spread

bah! :roll:
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Aug 24, 2006
He was selfish and inconvienienced me, i inconvienienced him, simple really.
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Aug 24, 2006
Arnie - i have also been parked in and had to crawl through the passenger seat and it's a real pain the a$s.

Yes I was worried about the car, but willing to take the risk and utilise security cameras if necessary.

Bad and inconsiderate drivers in this country need to be taught lessons - preferably driving again.
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Aug 24, 2006
Just take down the license plate number before you leave and if there is damage when you come back you can still make a police report.
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Aug 24, 2006
arniegang wrote:He was selfish and inconvienienced me, i inconvienienced him, simple really.

he inconvenienced you okay, agreed, but he didn't give you a damage bill like you did, now did he?

if bad and inconsiderate drivers need to be taught a lesson, do it in other ways.. for example, taxi drivers.. they love joining without notice.. so I dont give them a chance, EVER. :P

If a guy has parked next to you in a bad way, well, angle your car a bit so he can't or is inconvenienced to get out..

thikn people think! :twisted:
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Aug 24, 2006
I like to leave a nice BIG note on the windscreen letting everyone know how inconsiderate the person has been. If I actually see the person I will tell them.
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Aug 24, 2006
People that are incredably ignorant and have the manners of a pig generally need actions that teach them a lesson.
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Aug 24, 2006
arniegang wrote:People that are incredably ignorant and have the manners of a pig generally need actions that teach them a lesson.

To be honest Arnie, as much as you may have got a great deal of pleasure out of your action, this could have got you in an incredible amount of trouble in this Country, in future leaving a note on his windscreen whilst maybe not as satisfying may help to keep you out of harms way.
sage & onion
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Re: hmmm.. Aug 24, 2006
sage & onion wrote:Did you check for scratches and dents when you came back?

Yeah...were there any dents in your car when you came back ??

I'd never have parked like that because i would be worried about them damaging my car when they come to get theirs.
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Re: hmmm.. Aug 24, 2006
KeithL wrote:
sage & onion wrote:Did you check for scratches and dents when you came back?

Yeah...were there any dents in your car when you came back ??

I'd never have parked like that because i would be worried about them damaging my car when they come to get theirs.

Nice one Keith - My case rests

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Aug 24, 2006
sage & onion wrote:
arniegang wrote:People that are incredably ignorant and have the manners of a pig generally need actions that teach them a lesson.

To be honest Arnie, as much as you may have got a great deal of pleasure out of your action, this could have got you in an incredible amount of trouble in this Country, in future leaving a note on his windscreen whilst maybe not as satisfying may help to keep you out of harms way.

dissagree SGO

It was / would have been a pure accident, a cheap repair job paid by cash.


Car off the road 1 or 2 days and time involved - Priceless

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Hope it wasn't your 4WD! Aug 24, 2006
scarlet wrote:Yesterday while trying despartely to find a car park at the MoE, I chanced upon a very tight park of which a porshe cayenne had half taken - along with their own.

Anyway after much driving in and out I managed to get in - leaving 10cm between my car and their drivers door - and still a bit of a squeeze for me to get out.

So as I 'm walking along this lady in an abaya in 4wd pulls over an tells me well done, thank you very much - i'm so glad you did that. Those people are so inconsiderate parking like that.

Anyway was that mean of me - or would you have done the same thing?

last year some one did the same thing and i had to get in through the passenger side, after taking out my car i spilt a whole can of pepsi on that car.
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Aug 24, 2006
arniegang wrote:People that are incredably ignorant and have the manners of a pig generally need actions that teach them a lesson.

Its thinking like this that start wars. Likesage said, this isn't the UK or the US. You can get into some serious shit for doing something like that.
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Aug 24, 2006
nosoup4u wrote:
arniegang wrote:People that are incredably ignorant and have the manners of a pig generally need actions that teach them a lesson.

Its thinking like this that start wars. Likesage said, this isn't the UK or the US. You can get into some serious shit for doing something like that.

Actually, you can get away with such things here more easily than in UK or USA.
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Aug 25, 2006
nosoup4u wrote:
arniegang wrote:People that are incredably ignorant and have the manners of a pig generally need actions that teach them a lesson.

Its thinking like this that start wars. Likesage said, this isn't the UK or the US. You can get into some serious shit for doing something like that.

and its total inconsideration and pure ignorance in the first instance

does this face look worried ?

:D :D :D :D
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Aug 25, 2006
arniegang wrote:
nosoup4u wrote:
arniegang wrote:People that are incredably ignorant and have the manners of a pig generally need actions that teach them a lesson.

Its thinking like this that start wars. Likesage said, this isn't the UK or the US. You can get into some serious shit for doing something like that.

and its total inconsideration and pure ignorance in the first instance

does this face look worried ?

:D :D :D :D

hahaha, the face doesn't look worried.. but when the circumstance will arise (lets hope it never does), we'll see then. Its just words you're typing now lil' man :P
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Aug 25, 2006
Money talks esp in the case of a dent in a car.

This face definately is not worried now or if the situation arose again.

:D :D :D
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Aug 25, 2006
arniegang wrote:Money talks esp in the case of a dent in a car.

This face definately is not worried now or if the situation arose again.

:D :D :D

Do you really believe that Arnie?

In this Country you come up against the wrong person and money will be very silent.

You should consider carefully such actions in the future because it may seriously damage your future.
sage & onion
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Aug 25, 2006
We are talking a a dent in a car not a crime punishable by death SGO, things need to be in perspective.

At the end of the day an accident is an accident, nothing more nothing less, its not a case for the CID

But thanks for you advice and concern

:roll: :roll:
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Aug 25, 2006
touchy touchy! :P

mr. "no worries and money bags" just turned into mr. "quit bugging me and leave me alone"

we're just concerned about ur thinking arnie boy. For some bizzare reason, people like u! ;)
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Aug 25, 2006
arniegang wrote:We are talking a a dent in a car not a crime punishable by death SGO, things need to be in perspective.

At the end of the day an accident is an accident, nothing more nothing less, its not a case for the CID

But thanks for you advice and concern

:roll: :roll:

I guess what everyone is saying is that some of these mfukas are extremely vengeful even over small incidents like this. They are deranged man. Its more like an arm for an eye in their case. Just be careful cuz you never know if they guy is a big shot or has some connections and comes after you or your family... I know its hard, but what can you do sometimes??! :evil:
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Aug 25, 2006
accusations are one thing,

lack of witnesses are another,

remembering which car was parked next to you is impossible.

proof without evidence is sweet

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Aug 25, 2006
arniegang wrote:accusations are one thing,

lack of witnesses are another,

remembering which car was parked next to you is impossible.

proof without evidence is sweet

8) 8) 8)

Thats the thing, even when you report an incident to the cop, you have a witness, but the local guy just denies everything. And without solid prood, its just heresay and the cop dismisses it.... I know what you are saying tho, asswipes deserve it.
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Aug 25, 2006
totally agree Jag

I just use reverse principles. It's what makes people like us smarter

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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