How I wish all s.e.x ual offenders can be stoned to death. Or maybe a small but sharp bread knife would be better

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
KeithL wrote:I wonder if Karr is the right man ??
from what i've been reading, he seems to be infatuated with the girl and the case on the whole. The real culprit must be someone else
Concord wrote:I think they should prosecute him for making this false confession (which I believe it is) and make him pay for all the money spent getting this clown back to the USA (investigators, prosecutors, etc. etc.). But he should start paying after he gets out of the mental institution, and out of the prison which should follow the stay at the nuthouse.
Feel bad for his kids - he has three sons. Luckily the children's mother divorced him.
Other nuts will be coming out of the woodwork accusing him of molesting their children, etc. (some probably true many not) - enought tabloid stuff to fill thousands of hours of crap tv and newsprint.
G wrote: we may never see justice served now a result of the ineptitude of the US legal system
G wrote:Aha...well I'm suggesting they are inept because they should have taken measures to prevent details of the case getting into the public domain prior to the case going to a court of law.
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