Hard Rock Cafe - Drunk Driving

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Hard Rock Cafe - Drunk driving Aug 16, 2006
This doesnt exactly fall into this black list category, but anyways......

So tell me this - After the recent articles in the paper about the police claiming to clamp down on drunk drivers, isnt it easier for the police to just stand outside places like Hard rock cafe and arrest each guy who starts swaggering out into their cars and then onto the roads?

On another note, on a recent visit there, there was this western expat woman, who was so very scantily dressed - and I do mean soooo scantily dressed. Everything was practically out. Now, we all know that several of restaurants and clubs in Dubai that kick out people based on the clothes or footwear they wear. So what's so special about western expats in micro-minis and what not that let them through....?

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Re: Hard Rock Cafe - Drunk driving Aug 16, 2006
arjun7ue wrote:This doesnt exactly fall into this black list category, but anyways......

So tell me this - After the recent articles in the paper about the police claiming to clamp down on drunk drivers, isnt it easier for the police to just stand outside places like Hard rock cafe and arrest each guy who starts swaggering out into their cars and then onto the roads?

On another note, on a recent visit there, there was this western expat woman, who was so very scantily dressed - and I do mean soooo scantily dressed. Everything was practically out. Now, we all know that several of restaurants and clubs in Dubai that kick out people based on the clothes or footwear they wear. So what's so special about western expats in micro-minis and what not that let them through....?

Your first idea is pretty good, even though cops cannot cover all clubs.

On your other thought...scanty-dress and ugly-dress are not the same thing apparently.
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Aug 16, 2006
Arj you really have a hate on for people :shock: I've read 3 of your posts and you def. aren't a happy camper.
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Aug 16, 2006
fayz wrote:Arj you really have a hate on for people :shock: I've read 3 of your posts and you def. aren't a happy camper.

Maybe he needs to join the Police Force, he might make a difference :wink:
sage & onion
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Aug 16, 2006

your not a people person are you
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Aug 17, 2006
dude no one touches my scantily dressed dubai hoes .. please...
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Aug 17, 2006
Its simple economics .... scantily dressed women attract men to the clubs ... they spend money buying more drinks for scantily dressed women in the hope of taking scantily dressed women home with them to remove said scant clothing!!
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Aug 17, 2006
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Aug 17, 2006
heh heh! well yeah, lets just say - this is after years of taking bull**** from people, I've decided to make my voice heard, thrash it out to the evil doers! :-)
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Aug 17, 2006
Just because a woman dresses in clothes that reaveal her assets doesn't necessarily mean she is a fairy. Just because men think indecent things when they look at her doesn't mean that she does indecent things with men. I'm surprised that I have to remind men of that. :evil: In any case, a considerate and smart woman knows that that kind of dress attracts the wrong kind of attention and is highly unsuitable in an Islamic country. Perhaps she just likes attention - no matter what kind of attention it is.
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Aug 17, 2006
kanelli wrote:Perhaps she just likes attention - no matter what kind of attention it is.

Perhaps she is just working?
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Aug 17, 2006
If the police I really interested to stop drinking and driving they can go every weekend and catch 90% of the people are drunk when they are driving.

But my experience shows me that the police never will do this against people who are coming from Europe USA and so on.
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Aug 17, 2006
I hardly see police around at all - I think there simply aren't enough of them. The only time I see them is when there is an accident and they have been called. I was under the impression that they only attend to incidents after-the-fact and didn't really do much preventative crime work :wink:
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Aug 20, 2006
^ian^ wrote:
kanelli wrote:Perhaps she just likes attention - no matter what kind of attention it is.

Perhaps she is just working?

where have I seen this post before? Oops..yeah ..umm yep..white dress something... now I will laugh hahaha :lol:
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Aug 20, 2006
kanelli wrote:I hardly see police around at all - I think there simply aren't enough of them. The only time I see them is when there is an accident and they have been called. I was under the impression that they only attend to incidents after-the-fact and didn't really do much preventative crime work :wink:

K .. the majority of the police force are undercover CID agents rather than uniformed policemen. Thats the model Dubai uses to police the city probably to keep its reputation as a safe city. However, i do like Abu Dhabi's model where they seperate the police into three forces .. traffic, rescue and crime investigation.
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hey Nov 07, 2006
drunk driving.....around 30-80 lashes punishment here in sharjah
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Nov 07, 2006
MaaaD wrote:
kanelli wrote:I hardly see police around at all - I think there simply aren't enough of them. The only time I see them is when there is an accident and they have been called. I was under the impression that they only attend to incidents after-the-fact and didn't really do much preventative crime work :wink:

K .. the majority of the police force are undercover CID agents rather than uniformed policemen. Thats the model Dubai uses to police the city probably to keep its reputation as a safe city. However, i do like Abu Dhabi's model where they seperate the police into three forces .. traffic, rescue and crime investigation.

Dubai has Rescue (read and white vehicles, and those yellow ambulances). The uniform cops seem mostly for traffic duty and handling out tickets, other than the odd case of theft. And the CID is busy catching dirty Bluetooth messages in shopping malls (according to Gulf News), among other less important tasks.
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