Is It Safe For An Expat To Work In Iran?

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Is it safe for an expat to work in Iran? Aug 06, 2006
Let me hear what you think... :idea:

Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Aug 06, 2006
Anything to do with the US is prohibited by sanctions.
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Aug 06, 2006
Plus Iran is hardly a fun country either. Everything non-iranian or islamic fun wise is pretty much banned.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 07, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Plus Iran is hardly a fun country either. Everything non-iranian or islamic fun wise is pretty much banned.

Have you been Iran to witness this or are just buying into whatever propoganda the media feeds you???
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Aug 07, 2006
Lionheart wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Plus Iran is hardly a fun country either. Everything non-iranian or islamic fun wise is pretty much banned.

Have you been Iran to witness this or are just buying into whatever propoganda the media feeds you???

For a moment I think your an Iranian...please can you tell me what you think 'bout the expats working in Iran. :idea:
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Aug 07, 2006
I have many Iranian friends LH. Of course there are many underground parties and booze and the like are available if you know where to get it. But last time my Iranian friend went home, the police at the airport told her, her sun glasses were too sexy and her long coat wasn't long enough. Enough said.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 07, 2006
I have a friend who just came back from Iran doing one of Dubai's well known "Visa runs." He also said - never again.
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Aug 07, 2006
mraph33 wrote:I have a friend who just came back from Iran doing one of Dubai's well known "Visa runs." He also said - never again.

Dude...Kish is a different story..My husband is offered a job in Tehran.. :idea:
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Aug 14, 2006
even though i never been to iran, but my friends tell me iran is not how they make seem in media propoganda, some cities are fun where college girls and boy are seen hanging hands in hands without intervention by law or parents or community....

i can refer to Tahran, Esfahan, Shiraz, Yazd and Kish !
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Aug 14, 2006
zam wrote:
Lionheart wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Plus Iran is hardly a fun country either. Everything non-iranian or islamic fun wise is pretty much banned.

Have you been Iran to witness this or are just buying into whatever propoganda the media feeds you???

For a moment I think your an Iranian...please can you tell me what you think 'bout the expats working in Iran. :idea:

I'm not Iranian, and I have never been to Iran. So I really can't tell you much about how it feels to work in Iran. At the same time I don't believe whatever the media tells me about certain place like Chocolate. For instance media betrays the whole Africa as poor backward continent, but if you have visited Africa you know very well that perception is mostly lie, again the media gives us the perception that Germans equal to Neo Nazi, but If you have meet Germans and conversed with them you would know that they are some some of the nicest Europeans. I don't think Iran is less or more oppressive than the so-called democracy in Isreal or soon United States.
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Aug 14, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:I have many Iranian friends LH. Of course there are many underground parties and booze and the like are available if you know where to get it. But last time my Iranian friend went home, the police at the airport told her, her sun glasses were too fun and her long coat wasn't long enough. Enough said.

There are millions of Iranians that would have the opposite opinion about there country than your friends. But anyway if you want oppression than all you need to look at it are the countries in the Gulf of Arabia, or the Arab government United States supports. Its sad that the only real representative voice/democratically politicians in Middle East Hamas, and Ahmedjad are labelled terrorist by the so-called Champions of democracy(US/UK), at the same time the so-called Champions of democracy support the most oppressive regimes in Jordan, Egypt, and Saud Arabia... :roll:
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Aug 14, 2006
I didn't realise that this thread was about the US and UK governments. I thought it was about living in Iran?

If Chocs has friends from Iran and gets info on what life is like there from them, why can't she post it? Maybe you can get those Iranian people's phone numbers off of Chocs so you can call and ask them what propaganda they have been fed. Better yet, you could post here about what you know of life in Iran so that you can help Zam.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Aug 15, 2006
Eheeem....thank you again DF peeps for sharing your I will have my turn.... :lol:

Tehran Is a verrrrrrrrry beautiful place! Buildings all around are shouting of history and culture. Mountain view is spectacular! The trees are alive... (as in!) 8)

Iranians are verrrrrrrrry warm! Yes they are bad drivers, same as people in Dubai so whats new? No one is smelly, lalala! (No offense to anyone). And weather condition is so much better than the dry Dubai...I guess its called Love at First Visit? :lol:

And as per my question if its safe for an expat to work in Iran? Yep I think it is.... 8)
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Aug 15, 2006
Yes according to some expats I know who live and work there.
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Aug 15, 2006
Working in foreign locations is firstly about respecting the local people and their customs, once you maintain this, you can get on well in most places. This is my personal experience.
If you go to a foreign location with a totally negative attitude it will never improve.
When you go to a foreign location you should try not to constantly compare with where you came from etc.
sage & onion
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Aug 16, 2006
I didnt have any expectation when I went to Tehran, but I cant avoid to compare it with Dubai. Its too much better! 8)
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Aug 16, 2006
I have a few friends that travel for work regularly to Iran, both men and women and they all like it. If you end up living there it won't be long until you are introduced to the underground scene. Also I find Iranians some of the nicest warmest people around, the government imho just screwed up the country.
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Aug 17, 2006
if i say yes will you bring me a hamburger back with you...they make the best burgers there
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Aug 17, 2006
hmm fayz the goverment was put with a hugely popular resistance, and Iran - next to lebanon- has the most democratic system in the middle east. So it has to be what the majority of iranians want. It doesnt have to be a western style goverment to be right.

I havent been to Iran too, i really want to though. But i heard its beautiful and the people are sooo hospitable and nice. A Palestinian man i know said he was there for a month and everyone brought him food, groceries bread, ect.. and would not take a penny from him since he is from the holy land !!!
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Aug 17, 2006
MaaaD wrote:hmm fayz the goverment was put with a hugely popular resistance, and Iran - next to lebanon- has the most democratic system in the middle east. So it has to be what the majority of iranians want.

:shock: :!:

What was the number of candidates prevented from running in the last election? About 3000? I would rate that as much less democratic than Palestine, Kuwait, Israel, Lebanon, Egypt.

That's more like Syrian "democracy".

MaaaD wrote:I havent been to Iran too, i really want to though. But i heard its beautiful and the people are sooo hospitable and nice.

Yes, I've been there. Definitely worth a visit while living here - so close and easy to get to.
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Aug 19, 2006
MaaaD wrote:. It doesnt have to be a western style goverment to be right.

Totally agree, I've met a few Irans and they've all said that they dislike the government but maybe the ones I met are the minority.

Oh and you only want to go for the free stuff :P :P
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Aug 19, 2006
sharewadi wrote:What was the number of candidates prevented from running in the last election? About 3000? I would rate that as much less democratic than Palestine, Kuwait, Israel, Lebanon, Egypt.

2300 were disqualified by the Guardian Council in the 2004 elections according to the BBC.

The Council of Guardians has announced a list of more than 5,400 candidates who have been approved to stand for election around the country.

The total is lower than in the last election because more than 2,300 candidates - four times as many as last time - have been disqualified.

These included many of the best-known figures in the reform movement, among them Mohammad Reza Khatami, the president's brother, who heads the biggest reform faction and was deputy speaker of the outgoing parliament.
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Aug 20, 2006
bushra21 wrote:if i say yes will you bring me a hamburger back with you...they make the best burgers there

Bushra you have a peculiar taste buds ever :lol: Iran's kebab is fantastic but the hamburger and the pizza OMG :!:
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Aug 20, 2006
sharewadi i am not gonna defend the goverment but this happens everywhere when was the last time you saw a US/European election with 3000 candidates running for office ? :D
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Aug 20, 2006
Ok, perhaps I should have worded that differently. About a third of the nominees were prevented from running by the Guardian Council - which is not a democratically appointed body - because they were too pro-reformist.
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Aug 22, 2006
Wrapping all things said about Iran..good and is my question

- Beautiful place :D
- People are not rude :D
- Food is great :D
- Higher monetary offer :lol:

- Government :evil:
- US Conflict :twisted:

If you would be in my position will you work in Tehran inspite of all the issues (with my whole family along, husband and kid)? :roll:
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Aug 23, 2006
zam wrote:
- Beautiful place :D
- People are not rude :D
- Food is great :D
- Higher monetary offer :lol:

If you would be in my position will you work in Tehran inspite of all the issues (with my whole family along, husband and kid)? :roll:

"kids!!! were moving again!!!"
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