Is It Really Over?

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Is it really over? Aug 15, 2006
I just heard on the radio (I think it was a BBC station) today that Israel intends to continue hunting down Hezbolla. Also that they do not feel their actions were wrong to open fire in Lebanon. So what does this mean exactly, is it over or not?

Dubai Forums Zealot
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Aug 15, 2006
You're kidding me right! Now they say sorry for all the bombing, well tell that to all the people that died! Unbelievable!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 15, 2006
ooops, i meant that they dont feel their actions were wrong...darn typos
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Aug 15, 2006
I suspect it means that openly they'll behave themselve and stop mass bombing etc. But they'll still use intelligence and underground forces to and round up Hezbollah members that they feel threatened by. Sad really.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 15, 2006
I think it means, that open was is over, but the special forces missions will go on.
Dubai Forums Talker
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Aug 15, 2006
I understood both sides had reservations about the ceasefire.

Hizbullah said they'd keep attacking while Israeli soldiers were on Lebanese territory.
Israel said they'd keep attacking until UN and Lebanese troops were in place in Southern Lebanon.

I think it was worded a bit differently but that's how it sounded to me. I'd be happy to be wrong about that. Things do seem a bit calmer today.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Aug 15, 2006
What I like the most is that all Lebanese refugees started to go back home right after the ceasefire was in place. This would put extra pressure to actually hold on to this ceasefire.
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Aug 15, 2006
Let's hope it does MS. Israel didn't seem to have a much of a problem targeting civilians the first time around. :evil:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Aug 15, 2006
with the International community wanting a ceasefire, I don't think targeting civilians can be afforded now. Or at least I hope this is the case.
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Aug 16, 2006
Bushra Israel is back to the same situation it was in before this brutal 33 day offensive. What a waste of human life, infrastructure and financial loss that this stupid Israeli goverment has caused.

I highly doubt there will be anymore air strikes. Border fighting might continue but this was the case before July 12th.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Aug 16, 2006
Isreal's only gain:
found flaws in military and tactical command and equipment and redress the situation to face syria and iran(if they ever will)

Hizbullah's gain:
-sympathy from most of the Arab world even from Al Qaeda who once quoted saying "Shias are worse than Jews!"
- popularity of Nasarallah- he proved what he claimed- unlike most of middle east leaders.
-still retained their lucky dices - the 2 captured soldiers.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Aug 16, 2006
sniper420 wrote:Isreal's only gain:
found flaws in military and tactical command and equipment and redress the situation to face syria and iran(if they ever will)

Hizbullah's gain:
-sympathy from most of the Arab world even from Al Qaeda who once quoted saying "Shias are worse than Jews!"
- popularity of Nasarallah- he proved what he claimed- unlike most of middle east leaders.
-still retained their lucky dices - the 2 captured soldiers.

And the Losers were;

All the innocent civilians
sage & onion
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Aug 16, 2006
sage & onion wrote:
sniper420 wrote:Isreal's only gain:
found flaws in military and tactical command and equipment and redress the situation to face syria and iran(if they ever will)

Hizbullah's gain:
-sympathy from most of the Arab world even from Al Qaeda who once quoted saying "Shias are worse than Jews!"
- popularity of Nasarallah- he proved what he claimed- unlike most of middle east leaders.
-still retained their lucky dices - the 2 captured soldiers.

And the Losers were;

All the innocent civilians

losers were:
-UN and G8: they watched still when Isreal and Hezbollah were exchanging fire. worst the G8 countries thinking Isreal has the capacity to disarm Hezbollah . They forgot they had to retreat back 25 yrs ago and only way to disarm hizbollah was to carpet bomb the place killing all supporters (doesnt mean i support this notion).

- ppl of both sides who tought they would destroy each other.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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