isabela wrote:FeiPo wrote:isabela wrote:
FEIPO i think the solution here is for me to get self confidence...
but how should I start???
make up ...need to learn how to apply it...clothes...i'm quite good in dressing up i think...
actually I'm a bit chubby as well...( gosh..too much revealing myself now) and anther problem is ..I'm an emotional eater...
Well... makeup you can learn by experience, buy some magazine to get some idea, look in the mirror and practise a few times. TIPS: natural is the best, put natural color eye shadows and lipsticks and fondation that match your skin tone.
Chubby? Does it bother you? do you think this is the reason why you are not confidence with yourself? (coz it always mine) if it does, no one can help you with that, you can only help yourself to lost weight.
Chubby? yup bothers me a lot...since childhood i have been i experienced being called up with different names...ugly names...and have cried out myself with that...
BUt how can you loose weight here in Dubai...
you go home tired...and eat ...
now I think i need another topic...
HOw to loose 10 lbs in 2 weeks or a month? and how to keep it...
i think that u sould follow choco's advice and forget about silly she saied the key is to be balanced and yet not to deprive urself from taking a bite of what u like. and exercise is good( there r also some pretty good anticelulite body lotions)----if u got time---who knows what a babe u can meet when u go jogging or simply for a walk

good luck!