it never ends....
Aug 15, 2006
After reading all, well, a majority of the posts in this section Ive come to the realization that it never ends. I mean, one person is putting blame on Americans for being unsympathetic and ignorant, while another is blaming Israelies for being heartless, another placing all Muslims under a single title of being 'terrorists', and the list could go on. Some blame the media for brainwashing while other refuse to admit that it even plays a role in how someone views the world. It just seems to me that you all are, well some are, arguing over something (war, disputes, what may you) and not really doing anything about it yourselves. I read somewhere that someone posted about Arabs not doing anything for their other arab brothers except for complain about being called terrorists...well, what are you doing to change it? Perhaps you are not an arab, but what are you doing to better the world besides complain and moan about things you dont like. Honestly. Changing the way people view you, if it bothers you (which it seems to me it does bother most) is your job and your job alone, and sitting on your notebook or pc complaining about it isn't going to do you any good. I for one am sick of those who place blame on others because they cannot 'grow a pair'. I do not agree with the actions some muslims are taking (UK incident) however, i dont go and blame others for leading them to take those actions. You cannot place 100% blame on Americans for actions Israel is taking. You cannot place 100% blame on the UK for the actions that were to take place by the Pakistanis (i believe they were, if im wrong, forgive me). You cannot place 100% blame on Hezbolla either.
Grow up people; you cannot go around blaming others for things if you dont do anything to help change the way things work. If you dont do anything, just blame yourself.
Im sorry if I am being a bit harsh, but thats how it came out. I didnt mean to offend anyone, if I did, my apologies, just take what I wrote for what it is. Again, sorry to all those who may have been offended...
- bushra21
- Dubai Forums Zealot

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