Warning: Travelling To Or Through UK Airports

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Warning: Travelling to or through UK Airports Aug 10, 2006

Acting on instruction from the UK Government, the Department for Transport has advised of security measures applicable at all UK airports . The following measures are to take place with immediate effect for passengers starting their journey from UK airports and to those transferring between flights through a UK airport:

Airlines would like to advise passengers travelling today to check in as normal but to expect delays. We apologise to passengers for any inconvenience caused.

No hand/cabin baggage allowed

Passengers will not be allowed to take hand/cabin luggage onboard the aircraft. The following exceptions below apply:
Note - Passengers may take through the airport security search point, in a single (ideally transparent) plastic carrier bag, only the following items. Nothing may be carried in pockets:
Pocket size wallets and pocket size purses plus contents (for example money, credit cards, identity cards etc (not handbags));
Travel documents essential for the journey (for example passports and travel tickets);
Prescription medicines and medical items sufficient and essential for the flight (eg, diabetic kit), except in liquid form unless verified as authentic.
Spectacles and sunglasses, without cases, contact lens holders, without bottles of solution.
For those travelling with an infant: baby food, milk (the contents of each bottle must be tasted by the accompanying passenger) and sanitary items sufficient and essential for the flight (nappies, wipes, creams and nappy disposal bags).
Female sanitary items sufficient and essential for the flight, if unboxed (eg tampons, pads, towels and wipes).
Tissues (unboxed) and/or handkerchiefs
Keys (but no electrical key fobs)

For US inbound flights
In addition to the above, all passengers boarding flights to the USA and all the items they are carrying, including those acquired after the central screening point, must be subjected to secondary search at the boarding gate. Any liquids discovered must be removed from the passenger

All passengers will be hand searched, and their footwear and all the items they are carrying will be x-ray screened.
Pushchairs and walking aids will be x-ray screened, and only airport-provided wheelchairs will pass through the screening point

General Note
Airlines advises its customers to ensure that only items complying with the Department for Transport requirements are carried on board aircraft. All other items must be placed in checked baggage or left behind.
We have been advised that customers in possession of non-compliant items will be stopped at the security check point and re-directed back to the check in hall. With the additional security measures applied at the security check point and the departure gates, passengers are advised to make their way quickly through security and arrive as early as possible at the departure gate.

Will keep you informed in case of any further changes.


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Aug 10, 2006
I am back , so no worries , thanks for your concern mate :lol:
Dubai Forums Knight
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Aug 10, 2006
Oh shit, so with all these precautions they still didn't catch you.....

So still it is not safe to travel
:lol: j/k

Back from where man?

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Aug 10, 2006
We'll have to ask Fayz how he made out trying to get back. :shock:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Aug 10, 2006

Fayz has arrived...and he is fine 8)
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Aug 10, 2006
Good to hear - WB.
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Aug 10, 2006
I'm due to leave the states on Sunday 8/13. Think I will change arrangements from BA to Emirates and fly out of JFK. What do you all think? Or maybe, I'll stay home for another week or two!
dubai girl
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Aug 11, 2006
dubai girl wrote:I'm due to leave the states on Sunday 8/13. Think I will change arrangements from BA to Emirates and fly out of JFK. What do you all think? Or maybe, I'll stay home for another week or two!

Emirates must always be the best option from US.

They were not saying much about the security in US, however it must be at the same level I would think. Obviously local news will be giving all information I suppose.

Good luck with your travel anyways.
sage & onion
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Aug 11, 2006
dubai girl wrote:I'm due to leave the states on Sunday 8/13. Think I will change arrangements from BA to Emirates and fly out of JFK. What do you all think? Or maybe, I'll stay home for another week or two!

It would probably be safer to travel sooner as security will be more enhanced [better to be safe and inconvenienced than comfortable and not so safe!]. Although an extra weekn in NYC should be nice (if they got power and it isn't 110 degrees)
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Aug 11, 2006
Concord, you make me laugh on that one!!! hee hee ha ha ha!!! Seriously, I think the Tulsa to New York flight then Emirates is the way to go! My husband is routing me out of the UK area (maybe he is trying to kill me in New York) to the Emirates 14 hour flight is the way to go. Meanwhile I have got a stress fracture (left foot) with booty on, flying ECONOMY (no less) to Dubai. HELL, I'll take it!!!! The things you do for love, huh??? I'm thinking that is the way to go!
dubai girl
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Aug 11, 2006
Good luck Dubai Girl. You should try to get an upgrade for more leg room - just show them your foot cast!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Aug 11, 2006
kanelli wrote:Good luck Dubai Girl. You should try to get an upgrade for more leg room - just show them your foot cast!

Kanelli is right, if you have a cast on and they have room, they will normally upgrade you.
Good luck
sage & onion
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Aug 11, 2006
No cast. just a boot thing!!! Would amputate toes if I stepped on them, and I'm not huge, or big at all!!! But, that is what I'm hoping for, an upgrade!!!!!
Thanks for the advise!!! I like it very much.....
dubai girl
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Aug 11, 2006
dubai girl wrote:No cast. just a boot thing!!! Would amputate toes if I stepped on them, and I'm not huge, or big at all!!! But, that is what I'm hoping for, an upgrade!!!!!
Thanks for the advise!!! I like it very much.....

All the best, let us know how you got on.
sage & onion
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Aug 11, 2006
kanelli wrote:Good luck Dubai Girl. You should try to get an upgrade for more leg room - just show them your foot cast!

Won't work I try the 'cast and/or booty thing" each flight! Just kidding - but a thought!
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Aug 11, 2006
dubai girl wrote:Concord, you make me laugh on that one!!! hee hee ha ha ha!!! Seriously, I think the Tulsa to New York flight then Emirates is the way to go! My husband is routing me out of the UK area (maybe he is trying to kill me in New York) to the Emirates 14 hour flight is the way to go. Meanwhile I have got a stress fracture (left foot) with booty on, flying ECONOMY (no less) to Dubai. HELL, I'll take it!!!! The things you do for love, huh??? I'm thinking that is the way to go!


I think you will need a visa to get into NYC coming from there!
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Aug 11, 2006
Concord wrote:
dubai girl wrote:Concord, you make me laugh on that one!!! hee hee ha ha ha!!! Seriously, I think the Tulsa to New York flight then Emirates is the way to go! My husband is routing me out of the UK area (maybe he is trying to kill me in New York) to the Emirates 14 hour flight is the way to go. Meanwhile I have got a stress fracture (left foot) with booty on, flying ECONOMY (no less) to Dubai. HELL, I'll take it!!!! The things you do for love, huh??? I'm thinking that is the way to go!


I think you will need a visa to get into NYC coming from there!

I don't think you are far wrong :lol:
sage & onion
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Aug 11, 2006
dubai girl wrote:No cast. just a boot thing!!! Would amputate toes if I stepped on them, and I'm not huge, or big at all!!! But, that is what I'm hoping for, an upgrade!!!!!
Thanks for the advise!!! I like it very much.....

Dubai Gurl..

Well, i think upgrade will be hard.

so your best bet is to take the Emergency Exit Seats... they got hell alot of leg room that cannot be filled even with kanelli's long legs :) "no offense j/k, and long legs are signs of beauty"

So give them a call, try with them, they will tell you "no mam, we can't, you have to get them in the airport" tell them "ok, but just leave a note that i want them"

Go to the airport early,and tell them that you need the emergency exist and that you tried to reserve by phone and they told you that you have to get it from the airport and that they should have left a note.

But don't tell them you foot story or they will not give you the emergency exit seat. just tell them its a long flight.

Hope it works with you

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Aug 11, 2006
yshimy wrote:
dubai girl wrote:No cast. just a boot thing!!! Would amputate toes if I stepped on them, and I'm not huge, or big at all!!! But, that is what I'm hoping for, an upgrade!!!!!
Thanks for the advise!!! I like it very much.....

Dubai Gurl..

Well, i think upgrade will be hard.

so your best bet is to take the Emergency Exit Seats... they got hell alot of leg room that cannot be filled even with kanelli's long legs :) "no offense j/k, and long legs are signs of beauty"

So give them a call, try with them, they will tell you "no mam, we can't, you have to get them in the airport" tell them "ok, but just leave a note that i want them"

Go to the airport early,and tell them that you need the emergency exist and that you tried to reserve by phone and they told you that you have to get it from the airport and that they should have left a note.

But don't tell them you foot story or they will not give you the emergency exit seat. just tell them its a long flight.

Hope it works with you

yeah right :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Aug 13, 2006
kanelli wrote:We'll have to ask Fayz how he made out trying to get back. :shock:

I missed the major delays by a few hours so was lucky, when I was going through they were making everyone turn on their laptops and phones and they had to be scanned separately from the rest of the luggage.

Also if you can, always check in online, it saved me at least an hour wait in one of the queues.
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Aug 14, 2006
fayz wrote:
kanelli wrote:We'll have to ask Fayz how he made out trying to get back. :shock:

I missed the major delays by a few hours so was lucky, when I was going through they were making everyone turn on their laptops and phones and they had to be scanned separately from the rest of the luggage.

Also if you can, always check in online, it saved me at least an hour wait in one of the queues.

Good advice Fayz, thanks.
sage & onion
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Aug 14, 2006
Great advise Fayz. Thank you. Am shedding the boot for the broken foot, and got an upgrade anyway!!! Looking forward to all of the crazy people!
dubai girl
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Aug 14, 2006
Great advise Fayz. Thank you. Am shedding the boot for the broken foot, and got an upgrade anyway!!! Looking forward to all of the crazy people!
dubai girl
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