mraph33 wrote:freza wrote:Oh you, the one that pulled a George Bush .
Hey a George Bush!!! Now you've added a noun to all the adjectives that you've been calling me.
Fortunately, my actions speak much louder than your words.
While I have met others like you in my travels and work for peace, fortunately there are still many who are looking for ways to make the world a better place. Tolerance, means amongst other things, tolerance for others' ideas - which you have absolutely none, which is approximately the level of your etiquette as well.
And once again, you have tried to catagorize my criticism of Hezbollah and support of Israel, which indeed it isn't. While you and Corc may see them as the defenders of Lebanon, they are view by others (primarily from the Christian community) in a much less favorable light.
There will be peace in the middle-east, because the only other option is that there will cease to be a middle east.
You can be one who actively promotes the process or you can continue to be one that verbally promotes violence. In my mind...THAT is shameful.
i once wanted peace ...and i thought israel is here and we dont need to have deplomatic relations with it , and altso no war and alot of people felt the same but when this happened in lebanon it showed to alot of peace believers that israel wants war and lives on killing shamefuly cold blooded and then pretend it was an honest mistake 1000 CIVILLIAN is an honest mistake