Now if we are talking about internet, then people will know the person first before what he/she looks like. Will build friendship or more than that but what happens if this person see the physical traits of the other.
Two things, they can continue the friendship or the other one will get ditch.
It happened to me several time, I met some friends on the net, talked to them on the phone, had the grandest chatting moments and actually develop a deep feeling with one of them but after seeing me & my picture then everything change. He just stopped. I feel such a loser. That was two years ago and I told myself not to get involve in internet dating but just recently it happened again. No deep feelings but being dumped and rejected is terrible.
I’m not that bad looking, but are all these guys that I met are just too perfectionist?
And what’s in store for us not that good looking people? Aren’t we all deserved to love and be love in return? If all beautiful people wants good looking people and ugly people wants beautiful people as well, then where would the other ugly people go, in Antarctic Ocean with all the penguins.
I just need your opinions. I can’t share this thought to my friends actually. At least here you don’t know me...
Hope somebody will reply on this novel that I wrote