No it Isn'treal

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
yshimy wrote:Is-real?
No it Isn'treal
yshimy wrote:Corcov,
UN is helpless organization, they couldn't even issue an official statment to "blame" Israel on bombing their own force...!!!!!
It is not the first time.
When they wanted to attack Iraq for claiming it possess WMD despite that the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA report didn't prove that , and UN decided not to attack, the USA said... wel... I'm doing it with my follower the UK.... and Attacked Iraq with security council approval..
UN is helpless, and it just a tool that sometimes work for the good of the US and sometimes it is just not working at all..
USA talks about democracy and hide like a coward behind the VETO.
le-serpent-rouge wrote:UN is helpless organization,
well they are better than anything u have got so stop whinging you boaring beestards
le-serpent-rouge wrote:UN is helpless organization,
well they are better than anything u have got so stop whinging you boaring beestards
le-serpent-rouge wrote:very funny you Fudgepacking Muzzie
kanelli wrote:Just because they are not using equal firepower does not mean they are not equally responsible for the conflict itself. To make it seem that Hezbollah have been little angels for decades is ludicrous.
kanelli wrote:I've given up this debate. The people pointing out the hypocrisy of the weapons and tactics used by BOTH sides, and wanting EACH side to be accountable for their actions - will not be listened to. Some people posting in this thread only want Israeli blood.
arniegang wrote:FREZA
This is your first and final warning - tone it down or i will delete your posts.
freza wrote:Oh you, the one that pulled a George Bush .
yshimy wrote:Israel didn't exist before 1948 (yes and UAE too)
mraph33 wrote:yshimy wrote:Israel didn't exist before 1948 (yes and UAE too)
The fact that the state didn't exist doesn't mean there were no Jews there.
And if you go back 2000 years there were Jews there and not Muslims, does that mean anything today?
You can try all you want to deligitimize Israel, but it exists. So as I said to Friza: you can be part of the problem or part of the solution.
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