The most difficult task is to date a muslim girl. I only dated muslim girls (very few non-muslims). They usually switch off their mobile phones at home so no one can guess their boyfriends. You can either send text or wait for her brothers to go at sleep. Whenever they call , the first question they ask
"who is sitting close to you".
If u ever date them and by mistake kiss them , strange noises come from their throat and it makes u scare . When they are back to home , they send you text
" Please tell no body , i am not such kind of girl . I never met anyone else ". No matter she had met 10 others ,but she ll act like a virgin.
I always find different excuse to touch them. "nice fingure on your ring or nice ring in your fingure " "u got nice hair". This is way to check their alarm system. If it doesnt make noise u can make more progress. I tried it in Dubai with an girl , who was having abay. She was like " dont touch me , this is not europe" .
During kissing , they ll ask" are u married "? it means if u r sincere then they can give u more rights otherwise " access denied ".
They hardly know how to kiss , its same as 13 year old kid is doing his best to have s.e.x with a 12 years old virgin girl and doesnt know how the things work"
If they become appearoffline or hang their phones , it means their brothers or parents interrupted.