Solution To Conflict - Deport Foreingers

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solution to conflict - deport foreingers Aug 01, 2006
want support for the muslim/arab world? then the uae should deport anyone from any country that does not support lebanon or an immediate cease fire and payment for all the damage and lives (including those sympathizers with citizenship from non-supporting countries). they ain't got the ball to do it.

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Aug 01, 2006
I guess I'll have to pack my bags then - given I'm British. :)
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Aug 01, 2006
deport foreingers :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: solution to conflict - deport foreingers Aug 01, 2006
I-No-Jack wrote:want support for the muslim/arab world? then the uae should deport anyone from any country that does not support lebanon or an immediate cease fire and payment for all the damage and lives (including those sympathizers with citizenship from non-supporting countries). they ain't got the ball to do it.

...strange sense of humor
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Aug 01, 2006
shafique wrote:I guess I'll have to pack my bags then - given I'm British. :)

whatever it takes to support the cause other than yada, yada
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Re: solution to conflict - deport foreingers Aug 01, 2006
raidah wrote:
I-No-Jack wrote:want support for the muslim/arab world? then the uae should deport anyone from any country that does not support lebanon or an immediate cease fire and payment for all the damage and lives (including those sympathizers with citizenship from non-supporting countries). they ain't got the ball to do it.

...strange sense of humor

not meant to be funny but to see who really supports the cause
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Re: solution to conflict - deport foreingers Aug 01, 2006
I-No-Jack wrote:
raidah wrote:
I-No-Jack wrote:want support for the muslim/arab world? then the uae should deport anyone from any country that does not support lebanon or an immediate cease fire and payment for all the damage and lives (including those sympathizers with citizenship from non-supporting countries). they ain't got the ball to do it.

...strange sense of humor

not meant to be funny but to see who really supports the cause

would u care to elaborate? maybe its cos im tired, but im not following u...if this was not some joke, that what was it? because the fact that lebanon needs help, does not mean u or anybody has the right to decide for the other who he should support. and in ur opinion what would the support of expats consist in?
or how would deportation of anybody would solve anything?
payment for can u pay for a life that has become death? those ppl r dead

...i must be misunderstanding u, cos if im not, u make no sense
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Re: solution to conflict - deport foreingers Aug 01, 2006
raidah wrote:
I-No-Jack wrote:
raidah wrote:
I-No-Jack wrote:want support for the muslim/arab world? then the uae should deport anyone from any country that does not support lebanon or an immediate cease fire and payment for all the damage and lives (including those sympathizers with citizenship from non-supporting countries). they ain't got the ball to do it.

...strange sense of humor

not meant to be funny but to see who really supports the cause

would u care to elaborate? maybe its cos im tired, but im not following u...if this was not some joke, that what was it? because the fact that lebanon needs help, does not mean u or anybody has the right to decide for the other who he should support. and in ur opinion what would the support of expats consist in?
or how would deportation of anybody would solve anything?
payment for can u pay for a life that has become death? those ppl r dead

...i must be misunderstanding u, cos if im not, u make no sense

the uae goverment if it support the lebanese/arab cause could say 'we will only allow citizens of those countries that support the lebanese/arabs" otherwise do business somewhere else. this would cause nationals of other countries (who would be deported) to put pressure on their goverments. price for lives (not like a new idea - in the uae a life is worth 200k dirhams - blood money!!!).
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Aug 01, 2006
Actually, the thing the Arab states could do is what Sheikh Zayed instigated in 1973 - restrict oil supplies.
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Re: solution to conflict - deport foreingers Aug 01, 2006
I-No-Jack wrote:want support for the muslim/arab world? then the uae should deport anyone from any country that does not support lebanon or an immediate cease fire and payment for all the damage and lives (including those sympathizers with citizenship from non-supporting countries). they ain't got the ball to do it.

Deport the Choco or atleast slaughter a goat infront of her house :P
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Aug 01, 2006
solution in hidden words by Mel Gibson

During his arrest, Mel Gibson asked the arresting deputy whether he was a Jew and said, "F---ing Jews. The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," according to a sheriff's report obtained by the entertainment Web site (CNN )
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Aug 02, 2006
HP i am positive Noam Chomsky, Norman Finklestien, and all the guys in Neturei Karta would disagree with you and mr. gibson.
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Re: solution to conflict - deport foreingers Aug 02, 2006
I-No-Jack wrote:want support for the muslim/arab world? then the uae should deport anyone from any country that does not support lebanon or an immediate cease fire and payment for all the damage and lives (including those sympathizers with citizenship from non-supporting countries). they ain't got the ball to do it.

dude thats dumb, i am sorry. Alot of us are citizens of countries that condone the war, yet we are against it, why get punished for a stupid monkey in office ? I would be deported too !!

If you want to do something of meaning, why not recall the US ambasaddor and kick him out ? (at the very least)
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Re: solution to conflict - deport foreingers Aug 02, 2006
I-No-Jack wrote:want support for the muslim/arab world? then the uae should deport anyone from any country that does not support lebanon or an immediate cease fire and payment for all the damage and lives (including those sympathizers with citizenship from non-supporting countries). they ain't got the ball to do it.

Yeah great idea and at the same time why not expell all the non-nationals in Britain the US, canada, Australia etc etc ..... would be a great way to undo all the cultural integration that the world has gone through. And there is the problem of what happens if a national opposes your opinion technically they should get deported too but seeing as no one will accept them perhaps we could send them to colonise the moon!! What a load of bollocks!
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Aug 02, 2006
How about organizing a demonstration? The American embassy is in the Trade Center. What's the rule in Dubai regarding political demonstrations
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Aug 02, 2006
I think that restricting the oil supply and expelling embassadors is a great idea. Don't deport citizens from other countries though, because that isn't fair. I support Lebanon, yet my government supports the US's policy towards Israel - so why should I suffer for that?
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Aug 02, 2006
mraph33 wrote:How about organizing a demonstration? The American embassy is in the Trade Center. What's the rule in Dubai regarding political demonstrations

you need a permit me thinks.
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Aug 02, 2006
I think Oil embargo against Isreal and two countries that are against cease-fire is enough.
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